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ListenTALK Product Overview 产品概述

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2 ListenTALK Product Overview 产品概述
Listen Technologies Confidential and Proprietary 以上保密信息归 Listen Technologies 公司所有

3 WHAT IS ListenTALK? (什么是 ListenTALK?)
Listen Technologies’ new tour group product Listen Technologies 公司最新的无线导览产品 Listen Technologies Confidential and Proprietary 以上保密信息归 Listen Technologies 公司所有

4 TOUR GROUPS (无线导览) Listen Technologies Confidential and Proprietary

5 USER INTERFACE (用户界面) One unit does it all (集所有功能于一身)
Simple to setup (设置简单) Easy to use (容易使用) Two-way communication(双向通信) 1.9 Ghz vs. 2.4 (crowded) Listen Technologies Confidential and Proprietary 以上保密信息归 Listen Technologies 公司所有

Simple pairing (配对简单) Outstanding Range (传输距离远) Encrypted (通话加密) Proprietary (独有的专利加密技术) Worldwide compliance (全球通用) Add animation for each bullet so they appear on click NOT Wifi

7 STATUS DISPLAY(状态显示) Battery Indicator(电量显示) Time Remaining (剩余工作时间指示)
Signal Strength(信号强度) USER/LEADER indication(听众/主讲模式显示) Group Name(导览团名称) Status is displayed for 3 seconds when power button is pressed 状态显示栏会在按下开关键后显示并在3秒钟以后消失 Listen Technologies Confidential and Proprietary 以上保密信息归 Listen Technologies 公司所有

Press Pair 按配对键 That’s it! 配对完成 Leader Unit 主讲机 Listen Technologies Confidential and Proprietary 以上保密信息归 Listen Technologies 公司所有

9 Optional alkaline pack (3 AAA)
BATTERY OPTIONS (电池选项) Standard Li-ion 标配锂电池选项 Optional alkaline pack (3 AAA) 普通电池选项(需要3颗7号碱性电池) Auto-detect battery—no charging for AAA 自动侦测电池电量 – 普通电池选项不提供充电功能 15 hour operation—either battery option 任何电池选项都可持续工作15小时 3 month standby—either battery option 任何电池选项都可以待机3个月

10 KEY FEATURES (主要功能) Single Interface: Unit can be set up to be leader or participant (一机两用,设备既可设置为主讲机也可以设置为听众机) Easy to Create Groups: Near Field Communication (NFC) or a single button press (建立导览团非常简单, 利用近距离通信技术(NFC)主讲机只需要和听众机接触就可以完成配对,也可以使用充电槽的配对按钮进行配对) Small and Flexible: Handheld, belt clip, or lanyard (小巧灵活,可以手持,挂腰或者挂脖子) Two way communication: Participants can ask questions of the leader. (双向通信,听众机可以向主讲机提问) Built in Microphone: Can by used by both leader and participant (内置话筒供主讲和听众双方使用) Listen Technologies Confidential and Proprietary 以上保密信息归 Listen Technologies 公司所有

11 Listen Technologies Confidential and Proprietary
THANK YOU. 谢谢 | | Listen Technologies Confidential and Proprietary

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