通信工程专业英语 Lesson 22 The Internet 第22课 因特网

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1 通信工程专业英语 Lesson 22 The Internet 第22课 因特网
邓 磊 (Some pictures are from the Internet) 东莞理工学院 电子工程与智能化学院 /07

2 Outline Technical Contents Technical Terms Structures and Sentences
Internet Overview Internet Access Technical Terms Structures and Sentences

3 Internet Overview

4 Internet Access: DSL DSL: Digital Subscriber Line 数字用户线

5 Internet Access: Dial-Up
Dial-Up Internet Access: 拨号上网

6 DSL v.s. Dual-Up

7 Internet Access: Cable
Cable Internet Access: 电缆上网

8 Internet Access: FTTH FTTH: Fiber to the Home 光纤到户

9 Internet Access: Wireless

10 Technique Terms connectivity n. 连接器 packet n. 数据包 host n. 主机
packet switch 分组交换 circuit switch 电路交换 host n. 主机 broadband adj. n. 宽带的,宽带 router n. 路由器 backbone n. 主干网,骨干网 peering n. 对等 protocol n. 协议 firewall n. 防火墙 intranet n. 内联网 collocation n. 主机托管

11 Technique Terms Internet Access 互联网接入 cable modem 电缆调制解调器
virtual machine 虚拟机 server farm 服务器场 ISP abbr. Internet Service Provider 互联网服务提供商 DSL abbr. Digital Subscriber Line 数字用户线 FTTH abbr. Fiber to the Home 光纤到户 POP abbr. Point of Presence 存点 IXP abbr. Internet eXchange Point 互联网交换点

12 Structures and Sentences
To joint the Internet, the computer is connected to an Internet Service Provider, or simply ISP, from who the user purchases Internet access or connectivity. 为了加入互联网,计算机要连接到一个互联网提供商(简称ISP)。互联网用户从ISP购买互联网接入/连接服务。

13 Structures and Sentences
One further point worth mentioning here is that what it means to be on the Internet is changing. 还有一个值得一提的点是:所谓“在互联网上”的内涵正在变化。

14 Structures and Sentences
Despite these difficulties, it makes sense to regard such machines as being on the Internet while they are connected to their ISPs. 尽管有这些困难,当这些机器连接到其ISP上时,将他们视为“在互联网上”是完全合理的。

15 HW2 Reminder 英文写作作业2 发送电子版到邮箱:denglei@dgut.edu.cn
题目:The evolution of mobile communication system: from 1G to 5G 字数限制: 个单词 截止日期: , 23:59 (第11周周三) 电子版格式: PDF 电子版文件名: HW2_姓名_学号.pdf 邮件主题:HW2_姓名_学号 邮件主题请务必按此格式,否则无法收到自动回复

16 Final Exam 期末考试时间 地点 2018年11月21日(12周周三)晚上19:00-21:00, 6E-306 (课头1)

17 Thank You!

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