The Moon and Stars on Christmas Eve

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1 The Moon and Stars on Christmas Eve
明月寒星 The Moon and Stars on Christmas Eve

2 一輪明月,數點寒星 映照羊身色如銀 數位牧人,和藹可親 圍坐草地敘寒溫
Moon and star case their silver beam On the hills and plains below While shepherds keep watching o’er the sheep Round a campfire’s friendly glow S126 明月寒星 1/6

3 奇光燦爛,歌聲悠揚 牧人俯伏奇且驚! 雲中天使,同聲報告 神子已生伯利恒
Wondrous light shone the heavens bright Angelic hosts bade them come Peace and good will be to all men Chris is born in Bethlehem S126 明月寒星 2/6

4 歌聲完畢,奇光漸斂 牧人躍起同欣然 拋棄羊群,向前飛奔 尋覓聖嬰去拜參
Come to Bethlehem and see Him whose birth the angels sing Leave your sheep and ramsGoats and gentle lambs Worship Him, our new born King S126 明月寒星 3/6

5 人聲鼎沸,佳報頻傳 滿城歡樂齊頌讚 農工良友,平民救星 今日降生人世間
From the east kings and magi came Bringing their gifts to this Child All the world this day rejoice God and sinners reconcile S126 明月寒星 4/6

6 旅店數椽,兀立古城 幾度滄桑廢與興! 今日何幸,聖母投宿 降生救主在其中
Quiet little Bethlehem town In a stable, one little Child Humble lowly shed in a manger bed Rests the King, a Babe so mild S126 明月寒星 5/6

7 東方學者,不遠千里 來獻禮物豐且隆 博愛救主,和平真神 今日降生伯利恒!
Come adore on bended knee Glory and grace to a dorn Lord of Lords and King of Kings God of all Creation born S126 明月寒星 6/6

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