How To Find &Use… Wiley電子書平台 文崗資訊股份有限公司

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1 How To Find &Use… Wiley電子書平台 文崗資訊股份有限公司
Welcome. In this session I will introduce Wiley Online Library, providing essential information to assist you in the move from Wiley InterScience and taking you on a live tour of the site. 文崗資訊股份有限公司

2 Wiley 簡介 75% 200年以上歷史的專業及學術型出版公司 合併Blackwell後,Wiley成為全世界第二大出版公司
參考書 科學 健康/護理 商業 科技 電腦科學 社會科學 教育 地理 心理 歷史 75% 總匯套餐主題多元,主要的五大主題佔75% 歷史悠久之專業大型出版公司 受到許多獎項肯定 PW:trial1234  「全球最受尊敬的40家公司」(財經媒體《金融時報》,1998) 「100名最佳雇主」 (財富: Fortune雜誌,2004,2005) 2011 Wiley Wins 17 PROSE Awards 2011 Wiley Australia wins -Tertiary Publisher of the Year 2

3 Wiley online Library.無限可能
提供由國際知名科學家、研究人員及獲獎作者所編著的圖書、系列叢書 超過一萬冊書籍,涵蓋科學、技術、醫學、社會科學及人文領域。為您的科研提供無限可能 可以按章節閲讀或下載, 無DRM限制 不限使用人次上線,可全天候使用 平台及內容優勢 Wiley Online Library 非常適合研究參考與教科書 飛資得系統科技

4 精選主題,諾貝爾名家匯集 Wiley的作者群集結許多有聲譽的學者及理論家,包含Nobel得獎者:Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Gerhard Ertl, and Robert Grubbs..etc. 主題領域,銷售Top 人文社科 工程科技 醫療科學 分析化學 化學工程 土木工程 通訊科技-網路 電腦科學 社會學.媒體.傳播.文化研究 文學 哲學 心理 心臟病與心血管醫學 細胞和分子生物學 臨床心理學 護理 Wiley作者群許多諾貝爾名家 主題中,銷售最好的主題,也最受研究人員及師生愛用 飛資得系統科技 4

5 台灣學術電子書聯盟 購入Wiley 人文社會、科學科技兩大主題 總計1393冊

6 How to Find the content you want…
The next nine slides provide an overview of the search and browse, and my profile features on Wiley Online Library.

7 Data Type 實驗操作手冊 17種 專業資料庫 11種 電子書 10,000 本以上 電子百科 100多種 期刊 1500種

8 瀏覽 依學科 依出版品 2. 檢索 全文 出版題名 Anyone can search and browse content on Wiley Online Library. However, if you are a registered user you can also save titles, articles, chapters and searches, set up roaming access and manage your alerts. If you were a registered Wiley InterScience user your login details have been transferred to Wiley Online Library. If you are not registered and would like to be, click on the Not Registered link. Registration is free. After you have submitted the registration form , you will receive an requesting authentication. Once this is done you are ready to login and make the most of being a registered user. Later in this tutorial I will show you the My Profile area, but right now we will find out more about finding and saving content.

9 從學科主題瀏覽 To browse by subject, hover the mouse over the main subject heading and a list of sub-categories is displayed. Click on a sub-category to browse further.

10 Subject Areas 學科主題分類 涵蓋既深且廣,跨學科線上資源。 主題分類包括17大類,125小類,類別如下:
Agriculture, Aquaculture & Food Science農業、漁業及食品科學 Architecture & Planning 建築及規畫 Art & Applied Arts 藝術及應用藝術 Business, Economics, Finance & Accounting 商業、金融及會計 Chemistry 化學 Computer Science and Information Technology 計算機科學及資訊技術 Earth & Environment 地球及環境科學 Humanities 人文 Law & Criminology 法律及犯罪學 Life Sciences 生命科學 Mathematics & Statistics 數學及統計學 Medicine 醫學 Nursing, Dentistry and Healthcare 護理、牙科及保健 Physical Sciences & Engineering 物理科學及工程 Psychology 心理學 Social & Behavioral Sciences 社會及行為科學 Veterinary Medicine 獸醫學

11 1.出版品推薦 學科瀏覽 2.次主題 出版品瀏覽 檢索 3.相關資訊 學科專頁 出版品再分類 提供詳細的檢索小技巧 增加欄位
Anyone can search and browse content on Wiley Online Library. However, if you are a registered user you can also save titles, articles, chapters and searches, set up roaming access and manage your alerts. If you were a registered Wiley InterScience user your login details have been transferred to Wiley Online Library. If you are not registered and would like to be, click on the Not Registered link. Registration is free. After you have submitted the registration form , you will receive an requesting authentication. Once this is done you are ready to login and make the most of being a registered user. Later in this tutorial I will show you the My Profile area, but right now we will find out more about finding and saving content.

12 How to Search the content you want…
The next nine slides provide an overview of the search and browse, and my profile features on Wiley Online Library.

13 Browsing 從出版品瀏覽(A to Z) By Publication By Subject 單位有使用權限
You can browse Wiley Online library by publication or by subject To browse by publication simply click on a letter on the home page or go to the Publications Tab When browsing a list of titles you can filter results, and if you are a registered user you can select one or more results to get alerts Access icons indicate if you have access to the full text By Publication By Subject

14 SEARCHING To find specific content, you can use the simple or advanced search features. The simple search allows you to search all content, or by publication title. For more refined searching use Advanced Search.

15 The Advanced search, features drop down boxes to select Boolean operators and specific fields. You can also add another row, and specify a date range. Read the Search Tips for further advice on how to make the most of the advanced search functionality


17 Chapter - PDF

18 Mobile Access

19 How to Use the content you find…
The next nine slides provide an overview of the search and browse, and my profile features on Wiley Online Library.

20 首先,先申請個人帳密,然後登入 On the search results page you can
Sort search results. Edit the search query, or save it to your profile Filter results by product type. And select one or more results to Save to your profile or export citations. To view an article or chapter, click the title or specific links below.

21 當你找到一本書時,你可以… 2.儲存 3.輸出 1.選擇 單位可以使用!
On the search results page you can Sort search results. Edit the search query, or save it to your profile Filter results by product type. And select one or more results to Save to your profile or export citations. To view an article or chapter, click the title or specific links below. 單位可以使用!

22 當你對某書的章節有興趣時,你可以點選進去…
儲存 輸出引文 取得全文 On the search results page you can Sort search results. Edit the search query, or save it to your profile Filter results by product type. And select one or more results to Save to your profile or export citations. To view an article or chapter, click the title or specific links below.

23 取得全文

24 個人資料夾

25 漫遊服務 You can also activate roaming access from here. Roaming access allows you to access your institutions subscribed content, from outside your institutions IP range – or network. To activate – or re-active - roaming access you must be in your institutions IP range. Activation lasts for 90 days and the expiry date is shown here. To re-activate click on the link again – remembering that you must be in your institutions IP range to re-activate roaming access. 25

26 Total Solution for Your Information Need!
資訊需求: 1.特定文獻的需求 2.欲了解某學科發展現況 進入Wiley電子書平台 1.瀏覽 2.檢索 找到需要的書或內容 1. 取得全文 2. 儲存 3. 輸出引文 4. mail分享

27 The next 12 slides provide an overview of the content in Wiley Online Library. 27

28 Thank You All 台北:(02)2658-9252 台中:(04)2233-2346 高雄:(07)310-6615

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