GenMont Biotech Incorporation

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1 GenMont Biotech Incorporation
生物科技 臺灣功能性益生菌第一領導品牌 The leading brand of functional probiotics in Taiwan GenMont Biotech Incorporation 王美玲 副總經理 Maggie Wang Vice President 景岳生物科技(股)公司 GenMont Biotech Incorporation

2 益生菌市場前景 Probiotics market outlook
全球市場快速發展 Global probiotics market is growing rapidly 中國益生菌市場份額占比擴大 The market share of probiotics are expanding in Mainland China 怎樣抓住市場機遇? How to seize the huge market of probiotics ?

3 全球益生菌市場快速發展 Global probiotics market is growing rapidly
全球市場分析報告表明,2017年益生菌原料、補充劑和食品的國際 市場約456億美元。預計2022年全球益生菌市場約為640億美元,其 年均複合增長率7%。 The probiotics market including Material, Dietary Supplements, Functional Food & Beverages is estimated to be valued at Billion in 2017, and is projected to reach a value of USD Billion by 2022, at a CAGR of 7.0% from 2017. 全球益生菌市場應用 Global probiotics market by product application *市場分布 MARKET SHARE 功能性食品Functional food 保健食品與藥品Health food and medicine 益生菌原料Probiotics raw material Market value in billion U.S. dollars 資料來源:

4 The market demand for probiotics in China
中國益生菌市場份額占比擴大 The market share of probiotics are expanding in Mainland China 據2018年7月國際益生菌協會(IPA)專家指出,中國大陸已成為全球益生菌市場重要參與者,其市場規模佔亞太地區的一半(約83億美元),且成長速度高於全球, 預期至2025年將可達150億美元。 中國益生菌市場需求結構 The market demand for probiotics in China According to the International Probiotics Association (IPA), China has cemented its status as one of the world’s most important global players, with data revealing that nearly half of all APAC sales come from the country (about US $ 8.3 billion ), and will continue to track higher with its market value likely to reach $15 billion by 2025. 過去中國消費者對益生菌認識不多,普遍認知還停留在益生菌酸奶,然而 隨著腸道微生物學的新知大放送,益生菌的研究其實早已成為橫跨微生物學、醫學、營養學、食品科學等領域,消費者漸漸對益生菌在保健食品的應用有所認識。 據中國媒體報導,2017年中國乳酸菌飲料呈現下滑趨勢,但益生菌粉則成長36%,業界分析,中國已開放二胎,老齡化人口也愈來愈多,家中老老小小對益生菌保健食品的需求自會提升,因此現階段的市場只是初升段的開始。 資料來源: China now one of ‘most important players’ in global probiotics market as sales top $8bn: IPA

5 How to seize the huge market of probiotics ?
怎樣抓住益生菌龐大市場? How to seize the huge market of probiotics ? 結合功能性原料研發能力和量產技術 Integrated the development of functional probiotics and the manufacturing technology 整合現有通路及開發新行銷通路 Integrated existing channel resources and developing new channel resources 抓住時機,利用一體化優勢 快速切分益生菌市場占有率 Seize the opportunity to quickly break down the market share of probiotics by using the advantages of integration CHERISH THE TIME

6 2018年度研究成果介紹 The Annual Research Presentation 2018

7 115項研發專利 115 Patents over the world

8 34篇文獻發表Published Papers

9 GM-BMD益生菌膠囊 第一支榮獲健康食品[骨質保健]功效認證專利益生菌產品 骨質疏鬆症可預防嗎?答案是肯定的!
“GM-BMD probiotic capsules” was approved as the first probiotic health food for bone health by TFDA. 骨質疏鬆症可預防嗎?答案是肯定的! Can osteoporosis be prevented? The answer is yes! 骨骼要從年輕就開始儲存骨本! 年輕時能多增加10%骨密度,就可延緩骨鬆發生達13年. 人在35~40歲的年紀時,因為腸胃道功能逐漸衰退,所以使得影響鈣質吸收的降鈣素、雌激素和副甲狀腺素等內分泌濃度下降,讓鈣質流失的速度增加。 Build Healthy Bones in your youth! If you can increase bone mass by about 10% in young years, you can delay the development of osteoporosis by 13 years ! At the age of 35 to 40 years old, the gastrointestinal function gradually declines, so the endocrine concentrations such as calcitonin, estrogen and parathyroid hormone, which affect the absorption of calcium, are decreased, and the rate of calcium loss is increased. 人在35~40歲的年紀時,因為腸胃道功能逐漸衰退,所以使得影響鈣質吸收的降鈣素、雌激素和副甲狀腺素等內分泌濃度下降,讓鈣質流失的速度增加,為了調控血鈣的平衡,破骨細胞就會從骨骼中釋出鈣質來補充,使骨頭內的孔隙變大變多,導致骨密度降低,造成骨質疏鬆的現象。 9

10 GMNL-6 改善膚質益生菌 護膚商品新創舉! New creations for skin care products!
添加科研乳酸菌,舒緩皮膚不適,增強肌膚防護。 Add scientific research lactic acid bacteria to soothe skin discomfort and enhance skin protection. GMNL-6益生菌乳液改善全臉膚質效果之臨床試驗 Clinical trial of GMNL-6 probiotic emulsion to improve the effect of full-face skin. 此臨床試驗已登錄至

11 財務狀況 Financial status ※母公司財報-景岳生技 Separate Financial Statements-GenMont 單位:千元 In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars 104年母公司財報 (Year 104 Single) 105年母公司財報 (Year 105 Single) 106年母公司財報 (Year 106 Single) 營業收入NET REVENUE 305,317 347,604 380,948 營業毛利GROSS PROFIT 204,935 238,584 264,195 營業費用OPERATING EXPENSES (131,845) (135,163) (149,879) 營業利益INCOME(LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS 73,090 103,421 114,316 營業外損益NON-OPERATING INCOME AND EXPENSES (156,020) (323,088) (82,914) 稅前淨利INCOME(LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAX (82,930) (219,667) 31,402 稅後淨利NET INCOME(LOSS) (98,028) (235,938) 45,600 而在企業經營績效上, 公司在[營業淨利]和[EPS每股盈餘]都有著不錯的表現, 且逐年持續增長,於2012年營業淨利達近八億新台幣,EPS也有8.84元之表現。

12 財務狀況 Financial status ※合併財報Consolidated Financial Statements 單位:千元
In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars 105年合併 (Year 105 Consolidated) 106年合併 (Year 106 Consolidated) 107年前三季合併 (Year 107Q3 Consolidated) 營業收入NET REVENUE 540,780 552,941 311,921 營業毛利GROSS PROFIT 310,084 321,671 212,321 營業費用OPERATING EXPENSES (328,192) (294,992) (118,558) 營業利益INCOME(LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS (18,108) 26,679 93,763 營業外損益NON-OPERATING INCOME AND EXPENSES (201,349) 4,552 (132) 稅前淨利INCOME(LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAX (219,457) 31,231 93,631 稅後淨利NET INCOME(LOSS) (235,938) 44,983 73,459 停業單位利益Income from Discountinued Operations 59,528 本期淨利NET INCOME(LOSS) 132,987 而在企業經營績效上, 公司在[營業淨利]和[EPS每股盈餘]都有著不錯的表現, 且逐年持續增長,於2012年營業淨利達近八億新台幣,EPS也有8.84元之表現。

13 風險評估 Risk Assessment 生技領域方面財務風險Financial risk in the biotech sector:
研發期間長 R & D period is long 獲利回收晚 Profit recovery late 可能因此導致資金不足 Which may result in insufficient funds 食品生技產業現況Current Situation of Food Biotechnology Industry 2018年7月,據國際益生菌協會(IPA)專家指出,全球益生菌市場規模約為425億美元,至2025年將以年複合成長率8.3%持續成長,亞太地區約占總份額的4成(175億美元)。 In July 2018, according to experts from the International Probiotics Association (IPA), the global probiotic market size is about US$ 42.5 billion, and will continue to grow at an compound annual growth rate of 8.3% by The Asia-Pacific region accounts for about 40% of the total. (US$17.5 billion). 資料來源: China now one of 'most important players' in global probiotics market as sales top $8bn: IPA

14 Thanks For Your Attention Q & A

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