前來敬拜 Come to worship.

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Presentation on theme: "前來敬拜 Come to worship."— Presentation transcript:

1 前來敬拜 Come to worship

2 Hallelujah, hallelujah 前來敬拜永遠的君王 Come to worship the everlasting God
哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Hallelujah, hallelujah 前來敬拜永遠的君王 Come to worship the everlasting God

3 Hallelujah, hallelujah 大聲宣告主榮耀降臨 King of glory, You are welcome here
前來敬拜Come to worship 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Hallelujah, hallelujah 大聲宣告主榮耀降臨 King of glory, You are welcome here

4 前來敬拜Come to worship 榮耀尊貴 能力權柄歸於祢 Honor and p’wer, glory all belong to You

5 You are my saving grace, worthy of praise
前來敬拜Come to worship 祢是我的救主 我的救贖 You are my saving grace, worthy of praise

6 前來敬拜Come to worship 榮耀尊貴 能力權柄歸於祢 Honor and p’wer, glory all belong to You

7 前來敬拜Come to worship 祢是配得 祢是配得 祢是配得 我的敬拜 You are worthy, You are worthy
You are worthy of all my praise

8 Glorious King, beautiful one 神的兒子 耶穌我的主
前來敬拜Come to worship 榮耀尊貴 美麗無比 Glorious King, beautiful one 神的兒子 耶穌我的主 Son of God, Jesus, Lord of all

9 Glorious King, beautiful one 神的兒子 耶穌我的主
前來敬拜Come to worship 榮耀尊貴 美麗無比 Glorious King, beautiful one 神的兒子 耶穌我的主 Son of God, Jesus, Lord of all

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