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初中英语课堂教学问题与对策 ----以阅读教学为例

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1 初中英语课堂教学问题与对策 ----以阅读教学为例
初中英语课堂教学问题与对策 以阅读教学为例 李 华 广东第二师范学院 2014年7月24日

2 主要内容 问题 问题与对策 对策

3 初中课堂教学中的问题 What When How to teach

4 1. 问题与思考(what) 英语教学仅仅是教教材吗? 怎么处理教材和教学进度的关系? 用教材来教什么?

5 英语课程目标 综合语言 运用能力 (课标中图1)课程目标结构 情感态度 文化知识 文化理解 资源策略 跨文化交际 交际策略 意识和能力
国际视野 祖国意识 合作精神 自信意志 动机兴趣 语言知识 话题 功能 语法 词汇 语音 语言技能 听说读写 学习策略 资源策略 交际策略 调控策略 认知策略 文化意识 文化知识 文化理解 跨文化交际 意识和能力 情感态度 (课标中图1)课程目标结构

6 过程与方法 新课程 情感 态度 价值观 知识与技能 转 变 课 程 的 功 能 传授知识

7 文本•语言技能•语言知识 文本 语音 词汇 语法 解读文本的行为 构成文本的材料

8 阅读目的(以阅读为例) Reading for comprehension Reading for information
Reading for language Reading for reading skills Reading for thinking Reading for fun

9 如何处理语言知识的学习和阅读技能的培养?
思考题 在阅读中,学生应该学什么? 如何处理语言知识的学习和阅读技能的培养? 阅读中,如何培养学生思维能力?

10 What to teach (教什么) 语音、词汇、语法 语言功能 文化

11 对策 what to teach What to teach 过程与方法 知识与技能 情感态度与价值观

12 2. 问题与思考(when) 什么时候教词汇、语法? 词汇和语法主要是老师教吗? 词汇学了容易遗忘,怎么办? 怎样能够使语法学了能运用?

13 语言输入(1) 听、读前: 热身、导入;(新颖、激趣、激发学生图式) 听、读中: 获取信息、处理信息、理解语言、语篇学习; 听、读后;

14 语言输入(2) 信息输入(内容) 语言输入(语音、语法、词汇、话题、功能) 篇章(分析、综合、提炼)

15 对策 when to teach when 词汇渗透在语境中教 语言知识与技能的相结合 语法渗透在语境中教

16 3. 问题与思考 1) 语言知识一定是教师传授或讲解吗? 2) 学生能有自己学习的能力吗? 3) 课时不够怎么办?

17 What do we understand before reading?
To understand What the students have already known; What they do not know; What they want to know;

18 Get students to start questions
Learning from questions levels of questions 1, Recall question 2. clarification 3. exploring (what else could you have done) 4. probing (How did you know…?)

19 建议: ●利用各种机会引发学生提问 ●鼓励提问,将提问表现纳入评价 ●课堂正确对待学生提问 ●允许不同层次的问题

20 理解文本的问题设计 展示型问题 参阅型问题 评估型问题
是“教师根据具体教学内容进行的提问。这类问题只要求学生对课文进行事实性的表层理解,并根据短时记忆或者查看课文找到答案。” (王蔷) 参阅型问题 是根据课文相关信息提问。“这类问题没有现成的答案,学生要结合个人的知识和课文所提供的信息进行综合分析。” (王蔷)。 评估型问题 是“要求学生在理解课文的基础上进行深层次的逻辑思维,运用所学语言是“知识就课文的某个事件或观点发表自己的看法。” (王蔷)

21 suggestions Right time and get the students to learn, ask, try first before you teach. To the point (explain difficult points in detail, simplified easy one and ignore what students have already known) Appropriate methods (describe, generalize, illustrate) ZPD Zero proximal development Good structure

22 词汇、语法学习 Bloom’s Taxonomy 识记 理解 应用 分析 综合 评价 Category
Example and Key Words Knowledge: Recall data or information. Examples: Recite a policy. Quote prices from memory to a customer. Knows the safety rules. Key Words: defines, describes, identifies, knows, labels, lists, matches, names, outlines, recalls, recognizes, reproduces, selects, states. Comprehension: Understand the meaning, translation, interpolation, and interpretation of instructions and problems. State a problem in one's own words. Examples: Rewrites the principles of test writing. Explain in one's own words the steps for performing a complex task. Translates an equation into a computer spreadsheet. Key Words: comprehends, converts, defends, distinguishes, estimates, explains, extends, generalizes, gives Examples, infers, interprets, paraphrases, predicts, rewrites, summarizes, translates. Application: Use a concept in a new situation or unprompted use of an abstraction. Applies what was learned in the classroom into novel situations in the work place. Examples: Use a manual to calculate an employee's vacation time. Apply laws of statistics to evaluate the reliability of a written test. Key Words: applies, changes, computes, constructs, demonstrates, discovers, manipulates, modifies, operates, predicts, prepares, produces, relates, shows, solves, uses. Analysis: Separates material or concepts into component parts so that its organizational structure may be understood. Distinguishes between facts and inferences. Examples: Troubleshoot a piece of equipment by using logical deduction. Recognize logical fallacies in reasoning. Gathers information from a department and selects the required tasks for training. Key Words: analyzes, breaks down, compares, contrasts, diagrams, deconstructs, differentiates, discriminates, distinguishes, identifies, illustrates, infers, outlines, relates, selects, separates. Synthesis: Builds a structure or pattern from diverse elements. Put parts together to form a whole, with emphasis on creating a new meaning or structure. Examples: Write a company operations or process manual. Design a machine to perform a specific task. Integrates training from several sources to solve a problem. Revises and process to improve the outcome. Key Words: categorizes, combines, compiles, composes, creates, devises, designs, explains, generates, modifies, organizes, plans, rearranges, reconstructs, relates, reorganizes, revises, rewrites, summarizes, tells, writes. Evaluation: Make judgments about the value of ideas or materials. Examples: Select the most effective solution. Hire the most qualified candidate. Explain and justify a new budget. Key Words: appraises, compares, concludes, contrasts, criticizes, critiques, defends, describes, discriminates, evaluates, explains, interprets, justifies, relates, summarizes, supports. Bloom’s Taxonomy

23 Learning in a context arouse students’ interest,
Context can arouse students’ interest, play the role of students’ vision; help students to start questions and develop their thinking;

24 suggestions ●情境运用要选择时机 ●情境尽量要直观,形象生动,说明问题 ●情境要经过处理、简洁明了,不要过于复杂

25 对策----3. how to teach 1)合理的教学目标 2)依据目标设计好每一个教学环节的活动,任务

26 4)提问的艺术是解决填鸭式、灌输式的 a) 激发学生兴趣让学生想说 b) 把握问题难度让学生敢说 c) 采用多种方式让学生乐说 d) 启发学生思维让学生争说 5)教学评价的作用与方法

27 对策-----3. How to teach Group work (various activities ) involvement
Participation Discussion

28 教学理念 What to teach? 教材处理 How to teach? 教与学的方法 Why to teach? 知识、技能与能力

29 教学行为 教学设计 课堂活动 学生的主体性

30 are appreciated! Thank you for your attention!
Your questions and discussion are appreciated!


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