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Literacy and Holistic Development 读写能力和整体发展

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1 Literacy and Holistic Development 读写能力和整体发展
William G. Huitt Valdosta State University Zhang Ruiming Guangzhou University

2 Brilliant Star Framework 启明星模式

3 Brilliant Star Framework 启明星模式
Core elements核心元素 Spirituality精神 Moral Character道德 Personal Style个人风格

4 Brilliant Star Framework 启明星模式
Intrapersonal domains内在方面 Physical/psychomotor生理/心理运动 Awareness/perceiving意识/知觉 Cognition/thinking认知/思维 Affect/emotion感觉/情感 Conation/volition意志/意愿

5 Brilliant Star Framework 启明星模式
Interpersonal domains人际间的关系 Family家庭 Friends朋友 Career职业 Finances财务 Sociocultural社会文化

6 Traditional Classroom Instruction 传统课堂教学
Focuses mainly on cognitive domain 主要关注认知目标 Reading/language arts阅读/语言艺术Mathematics数学 Social studies社会学习 Science科学

7 Traditional Classroom Instruction 传统课堂教学
Academic and intellectual competencies account for only about 1/3 of variance when attempting to explain adult success 虽然知识和学业能力很重要,但是研究数据表明其在解释成年人成功时仅仅占了三分之一的因素

8 Brilliant Star Integrative Reading Project 启明星整体阅读项目
Use reading/language arts activities Develop social capital 采用阅读/语言艺术活动 培养社会资本

9 Lesson Summary Development 教学概要开发
Book selection书籍的选择 integrative/reading/index.html Lesson summaries developed已经开发的 Connected to other academic areas关联到其它学习领域 Uniqueness is simultaneously addressing academic and holistic objectives独特性:同时实现学习和整体发展目标

10 Classroom Usage课堂使用 Materials easy to use
Increased use of children’s literature 材料易于使用 更多地使用儿童文学

11 Developing Social Capital 培养社会资本
Audio or video recording while reading book Used in classroom during reading time Middle school service learning activity 朗读时的音频或视频录音 在阅读时间在课堂使用 在中学的服务学习活动

12 Future Activities 将来的活动
Develop school-wide project leadership team培养学校项目领导团队 Select additional books and write more lesson summaries选择更多的书籍,撰写更多材料 Record students reading their own books 对学生的朗读录音 More systematic implementation更系统的施行

13 Summary and Conclusions 总结
Restrictions on classroom activities Linking reading/language arts to other content areas well established Extending to more holistic objectives 课堂活动的局限性 把阅读/语言艺术很好地和其它领域链接起来 扩展到更整体的目标

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