S348 認識主真快樂 Happiness Is The Lord 1/3

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1 S348 認識主真快樂 Happiness Is The Lord 1/3
認識救主 就得著快樂 Happiness is to know the Savior 在主愛裡 過甜美生活 Living a life within His favor 行為改變 遠離眾罪惡 Having a change in my behavior 認識主真快樂 Happiness is the Lord

2 Real joy is mine, no matter if tear-drops start 耶穌在我心, 我有真正快樂
我有快樂, 雖有眼淚仍快樂 Real joy is mine, no matter if tear-drops start 耶穌在我心, 我有真正快樂 I’ve found the secret-it’s Jesus in my heart 認識主真快樂 Happiness is the Lord

3 S348認識主真快樂 Happiness Is The Lord 2/3
2. 得新生命 才是真快樂 Happiness is a new creation, 耶穌與我 更親密諧和 “Jesus and me”in close relation 祂的救恩 今已賜給我 Having a part in His salvation 認識主真快樂 Happiness is the Lord

4 Real joy is mine, no matter if tear-drops start 耶穌在我心, 我有真正快樂
我有快樂, 雖有眼淚仍快樂 Real joy is mine, no matter if tear-drops start 耶穌在我心, 我有真正快樂 I’ve found the secret-it’s Jesus in my heart 認識主真快樂 Happiness is the Lord

5 S348認識主真快樂 Happiness Is The Lord 3/3
3. 罪蒙赦免 就得著快樂 Happiness is to be forgiven 過有價值 有意義生活 Living a life that’s worth the living 奔走窄路 往榮美天國 Taking a trip that leads to heaven 認識主真快樂 Happiness is the Lord

6 Real joy is mine, no matter if tear-drops start 耶穌在我心, 我有真正快樂
我有快樂, 雖有眼淚仍快樂 Real joy is mine, no matter if tear-drops start 耶穌在我心, 我有真正快樂 I’ve found the secret-it’s Jesus in my heart 認識主真快樂 Happiness is the Lord

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