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Feminism and Psychoanalysis p.227~ /04/

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1 Feminism and Psychoanalysis p.227~231 2009/04/

2 Feminism and Psychoanalysis
Essential feminist: 精神分析方法 Sandra Gilbert, Susan Gubar 檢視以下作家作品中的女性形象 Jane Austen(理性與感性), Mary Shelley (Frankenstein) Charlotte Brontë(簡愛), Emily Brontë(咆嘯山莊), George Eliot(Middlemarch) Mothering Living within enclosure Doubling of characters and aspects of the life Women’s disease and treatments Feminized landscapes

3 1980s, French feminism 女性作家常以筆下之文學作品角色比擬自己 identity
Monster/ mad woman figure counterpoised against an angel/heroine figure. Feminine utopia feminine authors yearn for Wholeness rather than otherness 1980s, French feminism Freud, Jung, Lacan, Julia Kristeva的理論 女性主義者認為以上的理論假設立基於生物性的女性特質 Readers found original and compelling new psychic models for feminine identity. flexibility

4 佛洛伊德一直在女性主義的敵人清單中 Freud’s contribution: 誤解女性,只對於男性心理學中的意義感興趣
練習對象: daughter Anna, Marie Bonaparte Hsterics 第一人稱主觀表述的幻想、恐懼、傷害、疾病 現今需要同時以精神以及藥物治療的: 產後憂鬱、意志消沉、長期疲累症狀;在佛洛伊德的時代,他說: 「female trouble」 療法: 切除子宮、孤立隔離、電擊 Freud’s contribution: medicalize women’s psychiatric obstacles textual nature Art : bring a repressed subtext to light. ←兩個芙烈達卡蘿

5 Jacques Lacan (Freudian revisonist)
Imaginary Pre-Oedipal statge 孩童還未將自己與母親分離,也還未習得由父親教導語言得來的象徵秩序(Symbolic Order) Imaginary 稍後將被父權所馴服 Oedipal Crisis 象徵孩童進入語言做為象徵秩序的分離世界 Conscious v.s. unconscious / Self v.s. other / Male v.s. female / Word v.s. feeling Phallogocentric (=phallo+logos) Men in control of the world French Feminists 實踐女性論述中的精神解放: 書寫者的性別不再重要

6 intersactions of language and the psyche
無意識有像語言般的結構。 語言的威力來自於意義的開放性與表演。 閱讀語言之時 發現無意識的蹤跡 Mixture of fixed meaning(conscious) and metaphor(in part unconscious). Feminine language (女性)無意識動搖原本父權建構的符號秩序 破壞論述的統一性及意指(父權論述的)沉靜消弭 Exploding rather than interpreting a sign. Hélène Cixous: Utopian place 遠古的女性空間,不被父權、性別角色、他者、符號秩序所干擾。 By Immeasurable source of Creativity 自我與母性連接—女性的表達 we can find the utopia

7 Luce Irigaray French feminists do not stray from the body
Blood & shame material nature in women’s bodies & driving force of male abstraction(outside the nature) Matter & maternity & matrix Matter What makes women women. 遠離男性權力及概念的自我經驗及認同。 與生俱來與男性不同的倫理價值(ethics) Male: 將自己自物質世界抽離而出,如同離開母親進入父權體制中一般。 Viloent and aggressive posture toward the world(object) 母親代表一個需要去征服的自然約束, 男人的文明成年儀式 Female: 不需要與原來的世界分離。

8 遇到倫理問題時 Men: think of rights Women: responsibilities to others
Jung: ”When one has slain the father , one can obtain possession of his wife, and when one has conquered the mother, one can free one’s self.” Frankenstein Victor 透過創造生命來切斷與物質家庭生活連結,但又被物質性所驅趕,欲創造女性的怪物。 Woman-object.

9 Julia Kristeva Mother-centered realm of the semiotic (opposed to symbolic) Echoing Lacanian theory Opposed Phallogocentrism From female corporeal experience. Like Marxist theory Embarce motherhood as the model for psychic health Mother-child relationship : the constituents of identity

10 Archetype figures: the grand mother
Myth criticism Archetype figures: the grand mother Goddesses, medusa, Cassandra, Arachne, Isis Radical others : Zeus, Apollo Jung: Privileging hegemonic Greco-Roman mythologies Downplaying the role of the feminine from pre-Greek past(diverse myths, motherhood) Apollo and his chariot Medusa Cassandra Arachne Isis

11 Feminism Discourse: maintain own root tradition
Personal , cultural , myth criticism , various ethnics groups , minorities interact with mythologies Medusa (modern women) Matriarchal societies to western patriarchal societies. Earth mothers Witches, seductresses, fools. Study the ancient transformation Venus of Willendorf Versace Cooking witches

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