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Heavenly Father, I appreciate you

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Presentation on theme: "Heavenly Father, I appreciate you"— Presentation transcript:

1 Heavenly Father, I appreciate you

2 Heavenly Father, I appreciate you.
I love you, adore you, bow down before you. 天上的父神, 我深深感谢你 我爱你敬拜你, 屈膝在你面前

3 Father, I adore you. Lay my life before you. How I love you. 天父我敬拜你, 我一生交托你, 何等爱你

4 Son of God, what a wonder You are.
You’ve cleansed my soul from sin, send the Holy Ghost within. 神爱子, 你是何等奇妙 你用圣洁的灵, 洗净我罪恶的心

5 Father, I adore you. Lay my life before you. How I love you. 天父我敬拜你, 我一生交托你, 何等爱你

6 Holy Ghost, what a comfort You are.
You lead us, You guide us, You live right inside us. 圣善灵, 你安慰扶持我 引导我, 教导我, 你活在我心里

7 Father, I adore you. Lay my life before you. How I love you. 天父我敬拜你, 我一生交托你, 何等爱你

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