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Japan Earthquake 羅亦婷 陳怡珊.

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Presentation on theme: "Japan Earthquake 羅亦婷 陳怡珊."— Presentation transcript:

1 Japan Earthquake 羅亦婷 陳怡珊

2 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
A magnitude 9.0 earthquake hit northern Japan on March 11, triggering tsunamis that caused widespread devastation and crippled a nuclear power plant. Last Sunday, police in Japan said 7,700 people died, an additional 11,651 people were missing and 2,612 were injured. Food is starting to arrive in Japan for earthquake victims. However, there are still many hardships for survivors to face. triggering引發 devastation 破壞 crippled嚴重損壞 injured受傷的 victim受災者 hardship苦難 survivor生還者

3 What does the word “earthquake” mean?
(A) A violent weather condition with strong wind, rain and lightning. (B) A violent tropical storm with a circular wind. (C) A sudden shaking of the earth’s surface.  (D) A sudden fall of rocks down a hill.


5 What does the word “tsunami” mean?
(A) A series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water, usually an ocean. (B) The rise and fall of sea levels caused by the combined effects of the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun and the rotation of the Earth.


7 What is nuclear power? (A) Using the power of the sun’s light and heat. (B) Using the power of wind. (C) Using the power of water. (D) Using the power that is produced when the nucleus of an atom is split or joined to another atom.


9 What can we do now? (A) Nothing. (B) Laugh at the Japanese.
(C) Play tricks on the Japanese. (D) Prepare a bag and put ID card, flashlight, a bottle of water, some candy and some cash in it.

10 Heal the World ~~~by Michael Jackson
There‘s a place in your heart  在你心中有個地方, And I know that it is love  我知道那裡充滿了愛。 And this place could be  這個地方會比明天更燦爛 Much brighter than tomorrow And if you really try  如果你真的努力過, You'll find there's no need to cry 你會發覺不必哭泣。 In this place you‘ll feel  在這個地方, There‘s no hurt or sorrow  你感覺不到傷痛或煩憂。 There are ways to get there  到那個地方的方法很多, If you care enough for the living  如果你真心關懷生者, Make a little space  營造一些空間。 Make a better place...  創造一個更美好的地方...

11 Heal the world  Make it a better place  For you and for me and the entire human race  There are people dying  If you care enough for the living  Make a better place for you and for me 拯救這世界, 讓它變得更好, 為你、為我,為了全人類。 不斷有人死去, 如果你真心關懷生者, 為你,為我,創造一個更美好的世界。

12 If you want to know why  如果你想知道緣由,
There‘s a love that cannot lie  因為愛不會說謊。 Love is strong  愛是堅強的, It only cares of joyful giving  愛就是心甘情願的奉獻。 If we try  若我們用心去嘗試, We shall see  我們就會明白, In this bliss  只要心裡有愛, We cannot feel fear or dread  我們就感受不到恐懼與憂慮 We stop existing  我們不再只是活著, And start living  而是真正開始生活。 Then it feels that always  那愛的感覺將持續下去。 Love‘s enough for us growing  愛讓我們不斷成長, So make a better world  去創造一個更美好的世界, Make a better world...  去創造一個更美好的世界...

13 Heal the world  Make it a better place  For you and for me and the entire human race  There are people dying  If you care enough for the living  Make a better place for you and for me 拯救這世界, 讓它變得更好, 為你、為我,為了全人類。 不斷有人死去, 如果你真心關懷生者, 為你,為我,創造一個更美好的世界。

14 And the dream we were conceived in 我們心中的夢想,
Will reveal a joyful face  讓我們露出笑臉。 And the world we once believed in  我們曾經信賴的世界, Will shine again in grace  會再次閃爍祥和的光芒。 Then why do we keep strangling life 那麼我們為何仍扼殺生命 Wound this earth  傷害地球, Crucify its soul  扼殺牠的靈魂? Though it‘s plain to see  雖然這很容易明白, This world is heavenly be God's glow 這世界天生就是上帝的榮光 We could fly so high  我們可以在高空飛翔 Let our spirits never die  讓我們的精神不滅 In my heart I feel you are all my brothers 在我心中你我都是兄弟 Create a world with no fear  共同創造一個沒有恐懼的世界 Together we’ll cry happy tears  我們一起流下喜悅的淚水 See the nations turn their swords into plowshares 看到許多國家把刀劍變成犁耙

15 Heal the world  Make it a better place  For you and for me and the entire human race  There are people dying  If you care enough for the living  Make a better place for you and for me 拯救這世界, 讓它變得更好, 為你、為我,為了全人類。 不斷有人死去, 如果你真心關懷生者, 為你,為我,創造一個更美好的世界。 (欣賞音樂噜~)

16 Write down some words to cheer up the Japanese
Pray for Japan Write down some words to cheer up the Japanese

17 Write a letter to show your concerns about Japan.

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