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Unit11 Vital Signs Cui Jin-Bo Department of Respiratory Medicine

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1 Unit11 Vital Signs Cui Jin-Bo Department of Respiratory Medicine
West China Hospital Sichuan University

2 Outline Vital Signs ——Body temperature ——Pulse ——Respiration
——Blood pressure Factors influence V/S

3 Objectives ★ Interpret the key terms of V/S
State the normal limits of V/S Identify factors influence V/S

4 Introduction Body temperature, pulse, respiration, and
Blood pressure are the vital signs. Vital adj.维持生命所必需的 Vit- =life 生命 Vitality n.生命力 Vitamin n.维生素

5 Body temperature Tools: glass thermometer electronic thermometer
(instruments) electronic thermometer disposable thermometer

6 Body temperature Places: the mouth , the rectum, the axilla
e.g. The patient's temperature should be obtained by rectum. axilla 复数— n. axillae axillary — adj. 腋窝的 There are palpable mobile axillary nodes.

7 Body temperature thermometer n.体温计 thermo- =heat 热 - meter =measure 测量
To take the temperature, we use a thermometer. thermometer n.体温计 thermo- =heat 热 - meter =measure 测量 thermodynamic adj.热动力学 thermonuclear adj.高热原子核反应的


9 Body temperature contraindicated v.治疗不当 contraindication n.禁忌症
The oral method is contraindicated for a small child. contraindicated v.治疗不当 This drug is contraindicated in patients with asthma. contraindication n.禁忌症

10 ℉ & ℃ ℉ = ℃ × 9/5 + 32 ℃ = 5/9 × (℉-32) Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
1686~1736 Anders Celsius,1701~1744

11 Have a try: What factors will affect the temperature?
Please read and translate the paragraph.

12 Pulse bradycardia n.心动过缓 brady- =slow 慢 tachycardia n.心动过速
Normally the pulse rate for an adult is between 60 to 100 times per minute. bradycardia n.心动过缓 brady- =slow 慢 tachycardia n.心动过速 tachy- =rapid 快 card- =heart,心脏,一致 electrocardiogram the quality and rhythm of the pulse

13 Pulse Measure the apical pulse with a stethoscope.
 :a medical instrument for listening to the sounds generated inside the body. apical pulse 心尖搏动 radial artery 桡动脉

14 Respiration CO2= carbon dioxide inhale vt. 吸入 吸气 exhale vt. 呼出 呼气
hal- = breathe 呼吸 CO2= carbon dioxide di- =two; double 两个;双 使…变成,分开,离开 dichromatic divorce divide

15 Respiration dyspnea n.呼吸困难 dys- = difficult 困难 -pnea = breathe 呼吸
The patient having difficulty in breathing is said to have dyspnea. dyspnea n.呼吸困难 dys- = difficult 困难 -pnea = breathe 呼吸 dysfunction n.功能紊乱 dysuria n. 排尿困难 apnea n.无呼吸 hyperpnea n. 呼吸过度

16 Blood pressure mmHg= millimeters of mercury 毫米汞柱 hypertension n.高血压
Both systolic and diastolic pressures are recorded. mmHg= millimeters of mercury 毫米汞柱 Blood pressure is written as 120/80 mmHg. hypertension n.高血压 hypotension n. 血压过低

17 Useful expressions 偏离正常值: 入院: 出院: 体格检查: 温度计: 血压计: 秒表: 血压120/80

18 Useful expressions 研究表明: 随年龄增加而降低 心动过缓是指: 心动过速是指: 被认为是: 被定义为:
Studies indicate… decreases as age incresese Bradycardia describes… Tachycardia refers to … be considered … be defined as …

19 Summary Vital Signs Factors influence V/S ——Body temperature ——Pulse
——Respiration ——Blood pressure Factors influence V/S

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