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Springer 为您的科研事业 插上腾飞的翅膀

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1 Springer 为您的科研事业 插上腾飞的翅膀
大连大学 2015年10月29日 郭洋

2 大纲 Springer公司介绍 Springer资源介绍 如何在SpringerLink平台上寻找文献

3 Founded: Breite Straße Today: Heidelberger Platz
Springer 历史沿革 Springer 于1842年始建于柏林,拥有170多年的历史…… Founded: Breite Straße Today: Heidelberger Platz

4 历史沿革 Springer 收购:Current Medicine Group, Humana Press, Bohn Stafleu van Loghum 和 BioMed Central. 施普林格与Kluwer合并成立 Springer Science + Business Media 2004 被Cinven 及Candover收购 2003 2003 被Cinven及Candover收购 被贝塔斯曼收购大部分股权 1999 1998 收购 Plenum及Chapman & Hall 成立香港及巴黎办事处 1986 在东京成立办事处 1983 收购日本的EBS 1978 1978 Kluwer Academic Publishers成立 伦敦办事处成立 1973 1970s 收购 Martinus Nijhoff 及D. Reidel 纽约办事处成立 1964 海德堡办公楼启用 1946 维也纳办事处成立 1924 A.E. Kluwer在荷兰成立出版社 1889 施普林格公司在柏林成立 1842

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6 追求卓越-Springer出版社与诺贝尔奖、费尔兹奖获得者
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10 Springer 电子期刊

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13 2012使用量1,807,153 Chemistry & Materials
Editors: S. Daunert; P. Garrigues; G. Gauglitz; K.G. Heumann; K. Jinno; C.K. Larive; A. Roda; A. Sanz-Medel; S.A. Wise ANALYTICAL & BIOANALYTICAL CHEMITRY ; ISSN: 2012使用量1,807,153 《分析化学和生物分析化学》 刊载分析化学方面的研究论文、文摘、简讯、书评以及会议与展览消息等。

14 5年影响因子 3.447 Physics and Astronomy
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics——微流体动力学与纳流体动力学 Explores all aspects of microfluidics, nanofluidics, and lab-on-a-chip science and technology Examines the current state of research and development and the latest applications Publishes original research reports, brief communications, and topical reviews

15 2013年被引用次数 59088 Physics and Astronomy
Journal of High Energy Physics ——A journal by scientists for scientists Matches the pace of research in high energy physics with rapid publication of high quality research across a range of relevant topics Offers high quality research in high energy physics and a range of related topics Covers general relativity and gravitation; supersymmetry; mathematical methods of physics and much more Presented in cooperation with the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA - Trieste, Italy)

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This journal is published at frequent intervals to bring out new contributions to mathematics. It is a policy of the journal to publish papers within four months of acceptance.

19 Springer电子图书

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