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Published byShonda Thompson Modified 6年之前
眾多人民都是同一個民族 第四代新青生活聖言 「祂要同他們住在一起;他們要作祂的人民, 祂親自要『與他們同在』。」 (默21:3) 5月
2016 車上坐著厄提約丕雅女王甘達刻的一個總管。他正在誦讀聖經,但不明白所誦讀的意思,斐理伯就上了車與他同坐。 然後總管聽斐理伯解釋聖經和講耶穌的故事,他就受了洗,並成為基督徒。上主真的是為了所有人民而來的。(宗8:26-38) 斐理伯宗徒,受到天主的啟示,從耶路撒冷下到迦薩,路上遇見一輛車子。 我與朋友們一同遊公園。我是第一個到達,就去坐鞦韆。 之後,來了一個我不認識的孩子,他要坐鞦韆。 於是我就把鞦韆讓給他坐。 ( 西班牙7歲的彼得)
Many countries, one people
«He will dwell with them; d o 4 Many countries, one people they will be his people and G » May 2016 i od himself will be with them (Rev 21:3) fe * read Acts 8:26-38 There was a man in the chariot who was an officer in the court of the queen of the Ethiopians. He was reading the He told him all about the Bible and also about the story of Jesus. The officer wanted to be a Christian and asked Philip, the apostle, was inspired by God to take the road from Jerusalem to Gaza and as he walked along, he saw a chariot. Bible but didn’t understand anything he read, so Philip got into the chariot to explain it to him. to be baptized right away. In fact, Jesus came on earth for people of all nations!* ©Movimento dei Focolari My friends and I decided to go and play in the park. A little boy I didn’t know came up and asked I got off and let him have a turn. I was the first to get there and got on one of the swings. if he could swing. (Pedro from Spain, 7 years old)
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