Doing Business In Japan

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1 Doing Business In Japan

2 An ancient culture which has evolved within the geographical boundaries of an island has produced a modern day society with unique values, traditions and customs. Doing business in Japan arguably poses the most potential for cross cultural misunderstandings.  一个古老的文化,它已演变产生了现代社会具有的独特的价值观念,传统和习俗。 在日本做生意无疑构成了最有潜力的跨文化的误解。

3 According to Hofestede’s cultural dimensions
Japan belongs to: High power distance High uncertainly avoidance Collectivism Masculinity Long-term orientation According to Trompenaars’ cultural dimensions theroy We can compare China Japan and US in following Dimensions:

4 relationship Japan United States China Individualism Communitarianism Specific relationship Diffuse relationship Universalism Particularism Neutral relationship Emotional relationship Achievment ascription

5 So we should follow following advices:
Group Orientation Altruism, team-work and group cohesiveness are all areas greatly stressed within Japanese society. Individual identity is defined by the social group. Consequently, when doing business, the Japanese stress compromise and self-discipline. 组定位 利他主义,团队合作和集体凝聚力在日本社会的所有领域内都被极大地强调。个人身份依照社会群体界定。 因此,当做生意,日本强调妥协和自律。 Hierarchy With its roots in Confucianism, hierarchical structures classify an individual's position within a group and in society. Status is determined by factors such as age, employment, company and family background. The hierarchical system dictates that due respect be afforded to those of higher status. When doing business in Japan be aware of hierarchy and adapt your behaviour accordingly. 层次 其根源在于儒学,等级结构把个人归类到一个群体和社会中。 地位由以下因素确定,如年龄,职业,公司和家庭背景。 在等级制度规定,给予那些更高地位的人充分的尊重。在日本开展业务时要意识到等级和相应地调整您的行为。

6 Respect In order to preserve harmony in society and to maintain the clarity of the hierarchical structure, showing respect to others acts as a crucial social lubricant. Respect is conveyed through language, behaviour, etiquette, body language and other subtle forms of non-verbal communication. 尊重 为了维护社会的和谐,并保持清晰的层次结构,尊重他人的行为是社会的一个关键润滑剂。 尊重通过语言,行为,礼仪,肢体语言及其他微妙形式的非言语交流来传递。 Building Relationships When doing business in Japan a successful relationship with a Japanese colleague or client is based on three factors: sincerity, compatibility and trustworthiness. Sincerity means that you are compromising, understanding and you want to conduct business on a personal level. Compatibility is established when you are seen to be concerned about the personal relationship, the well being of the company and not just focused on financial gain. Trustworthiness relates to the faith put in you to protect from loss face.

7 建立关系在日本开展业务时,与日本的同事或客户建立成功的伙伴关系基于以下三个因素:诚意,包容和可靠。 诚意意味着你妥协,谅解和在个人层面上开展业务。 当关心的个人关系,造福于公司而不是仅仅侧重于经济利益时包容才会存在。 诚信涉及到了你的信念,以保护面临损失。 其他: 始终保持一种敬业精神; 当在日本做生意澄清含义和深入了解更多信息,日本人是隐性传播者; 日本人非常注重细节; 沉默是一种美德 ; 日本愿意和安静,真诚的人做生意,外向型被视为傲慢自大 。


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