(1) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲

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1 (1) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲
As to God you yield your all. 要將一切獻於神 To be laid on the altar, the place of death, 將一切放在死的祭壇上面 Where fire will surely fall. 火才在這裡顯現 (1) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲

2 (C) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲
(Chorus 副歌) ‘Tis the way of the Cross, are you willing for this? 這是十架道路, 你願否走這個? What does bearing the Cross mean to you? 你曾否背十架為你主? You who’ve given yourself, your all to God, 你這奉獻一切給神的人 To God are you wholly true? 對神你是否全貞? (C) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲

3 (2) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲
As the voice of song and prayer we raise, 當我們唱詩禱告時候 How easy to say, We give all; 何等願說: 獻所有 Till some rougher cross lies just before, 但前面有更沉重的十字架 And sterner is duty’s call 有更艱難的生涯 (2) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲

4 (C) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲
(Chorus 副歌) ‘Tis the way of the Cross, are you willing for this? 這是十架道路, 你願否走這個? What does bearing the Cross mean to you? 你曾否背十架為你主? You who’ve given yourself, your all to God, 你這奉獻一切給神的人 To God are you wholly true? 對神你是否全貞? (C) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲

5 (3) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲
Do you falter then, or true to death, 你要變節或忠心到死 Just die on the cross in the way, 讓一切完全損失 Till the fullness of life from the Loving One 直等到永活主的豐盛生命 Is filling you day by day? 天天充滿在你靈 (3) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲

6 (C) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲
(Chorus 副歌) ‘Tis the way of the Cross, are you willing for this? 這是十架道路, 你願否走這個? What does bearing the Cross mean to you? 你曾否背十架為你主? You who’ve given yourself, your all to God, 你這奉獻一切給神的人 To God are you wholly true? 對神你是否全貞? (C) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲

7 (4) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲
‘Tis the plan of live, for you die to live, 神的救法是由死得生 One with Jesus crucified; 你與主合為一人 With the life alone to be lived through you, 在十架,你因信已與祂同釘 Of the Risen, the Glorified. 從你身活出祂命 (4) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲

8 (C) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲
(Chorus 副歌) ‘Tis the way of the Cross, are you willing for this? 這是十架道路, 你願否走這個? What does bearing the Cross mean to you? 你曾否背十架為你主? You who’ve given yourself, your all to God, 你這奉獻一切給神的人 To God are you wholly true? 對神你是否全貞? (C) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲

9 (5) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲
Look not at your gains or at your loss 我們的得失並不要緊 But take heed to the will of God. 神的旨意當留心 Let us look upon all things as worthless dross, 我們若將萬事都看如糞土 The steps of the Lord to follow. 主才不會受攔阻 (5) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲

10 (C) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲
(Chorus 副歌) ‘Tis the way of the Cross, are you willing for this? 這是十架道路, 你願否走這個? What does bearing the Cross mean to you? 你曾否背十架為你主? You who’ve given yourself, your all to God, 你這奉獻一切給神的人 To God are you wholly true? 對神你是否全貞? (C) The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice 十字架的道路要犧牲

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