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Chapter 1 全球行銷導論 Global Marketing Warren J. Keegan Mark C. Green.

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1 Chapter 1 全球行銷導論 Global Marketing Warren J. Keegan Mark C. Green

2 簡介 何謂全球行銷? 和我們所指的「一般」行銷有什麼差別?

3 簡介(續) 行銷 全球行銷 企劃並執行產品與服務的構思發想、定價、促銷及配銷的過程,以達成個人或公司的目標

4 行銷概要 行銷是企業的功能性活動之一,與財務、生產作業有所區別 產品、價格、地點和促銷成為當前行銷人員主要的工具
行銷是構成企業價值鏈的活動之一 許多公司從一開始就讓行銷人員參與和價值相關的決策,這項作法被稱為無疆界行銷 The authors of the text expect that the student has had a principles of marketing class and is familiar with the basic concepts of marketing. In this slide we are providing a rough overview of the discipline of marketing. The value chain will be expanded in the next few slides.

5 無疆界行銷 目的是為了消除行銷活動與其他功能領域之間的溝通障礙 若適當地執行,無疆界行銷可確保公司內的所有價值創造活動都能以行銷為導向
This shift in marketing has created organizations that are more customer focused than in past decades. This new focus could do away with a conflict that happens in corporations today which is highlighted in the picture. One department thinks it has a great idea but the marketing department knows it is a bad idea. Because the marketing department was not involved with the decision the company has invested a great deal of resources pursuing an idea that cannot be implemented.

6 行銷的本質 為顧客創造比競爭者更高的知覺價值 價值方程式便是此任務的指導方針: 價值=利益/代價(金錢、時間、努力等)
Companies use the marketing mix to create value for customers. As a general rule, value, as perceived by the customer, can be increased in two basic ways. Markets can offer customers an improved bundle of benefits or lower prices (or both!). Marketers may strive to improve the product itself, to design new channels of distribution, to create better communications strategies, or a combination of all three. Marketers may also seek to increase value by finding ways to cut costs and prices. Non-monetary costs are also a factor, and marketers may be able to decrease the time and effort that customers must expend to learn about or seek out the product. If a company is able to offer a combination of superior product, distribution, or promotion benefits and lower prices than the competition, it enjoys an extremely advantageous position. The next slide illustrates the value chain.

7 價值鏈與無疆界行銷 This slide illustrates how all employees, at all levels, and in all departments have the opportunity to be involved in marketing.

8 競爭優勢 當企業較競爭者更能為顧客創造價值時,表示該公司在產業中享有競爭優勢

9 全球化 全球化是市場、民族國家及科技的整合;整合的程度前所未見也難以抵擋;個人、公司及國家藉此將比以往更快、更遠、更深入且更便宜地接觸全世界;相對地,這個世界也能比以前更快、更遠、更深入且更便宜地觸及個人、公司及國家 湯瑪斯‧佛里曼

10 競爭優勢、全球化與全球產業 焦點 核心事業或產能
 「雀巢的焦點是:我們是食品和飲料製造商,不是賣自行車的商店。即使在食品產業中,我們也不是什麼都做,某些領域我們是不碰的。目前我們並沒有在歐洲和美國賣餅乾及人造奶油,因為競爭太激烈。我們也不製造軟性飲料,因為我說過,要不就買下可口可樂,要不就別碰這一塊。這就是焦點」 -赫姆特‧茂赫 Achieving competitive advantage in a global industry requires executives and managers to maintain a well-defined strategic focus.

11 全球行銷 在單一市場中,策略發展強調兩個基本議題: 目標市場 行銷組合
The discipline of marketing is universal. It is natural, however, that marketing practices will vary from country to country, for the simple reason that the countries and peoples of the world are different. These differences mean that a marketing approach that has proven successful in one country will not necessarily succeed in another country. Customer preferences, competitors, channels of distribution, and communication media may differ. An important task in global marketing is learning to recognize the extent to which marketing plans and programs can be extended worldwide, as well as the extent to which they must be adapted.

12 全球行銷(續) This slide highlights the differences between marketing in a single-country and global marketing. The table and notes are from the text. Global market participation is the extent to which a company has operations in major world markets. Standardization versus adaptation is the extent to which each marketing mix element can be standardized (i.e., executed the same way) or adapted (i.e., executed in different ways) in various country markets. GMS has three additional dimensions that pertain to marketing management. First, concentration of marketing activities is the extent to which activities related to the marketing mix (e.g., promotional campaigns or pricing decisions) are performed in one or a few country locations. Coordination of marketing activities refers to the extent to which marketing activities related to the marketing mix are planned and executed interdependently around the globe. Finally, integration of competitive moves is the extent to which a firm’s competitive marketing tactics in different parts of the world are interdependent. The GMS should be designed to enhance the firm’s performance on a worldwide basis.

13 全球行銷(續) 進軍世界的公司未必要跨足全球所有的市場 全球行銷的確意味著拓展企業版圖至全世界,找尋機會或是風險

14 商品標準化與調適化 全球化(商品標準化) 行銷組合的每個元素可以在各個不同國家的市場中標準化 全球當地化(調適化) 思考全球化,行動當地化

15 商品標準化與調適化(續) Coca-Cola’s example of global branding. 可口可樂在世界各地不同的標誌

16 管理導向 Ethnocentrism is sometimes associated with attitudes of national arrogance or assumptions of national superiority. Company personnel with an ethnocentric orientation see only similarities in markets, and assume that products and practices that succeed in the home country will be successful anywhere. The term polycentric describes management’s belief or assumption that each country in which a company does business is unique. This assumption lays the groundwork for each subsidiary to develop its own unique business and marketing strategies in order to succeed; the term multinational company is often used to describe such a structure. In a company with a regiocentric orientation, a region becomes the relevant geographic unit; management’s goal is to develop an integrated regional strategy. A company with a geocentric orientation views the entire world as a potential market and strives to develop integrated world market strategies.

17 影響全球整合及行銷的力量 驅動力 抑制力 區域經濟協定 結合市場需求與資訊革命 運輸與通訊改善 產品開發成本 品質 全球經濟趨勢
槓桿運用能力 抑制力 管理者短視與企業文化 國家控制 反對全球化 The next slide will show the interplay between the driving and restraining forces. This slide outlines what these forces include. Regional economic agreements, converging market needs and wants, technology advances, pressure to cut costs, pressure to improve quality, improvements in communication and transportation technology, global economic growth, and opportunities for leverage all represent important driving forces; any industry subject to these forces is a candidate for globalization. Despite the impact of the driving forces identified previously, several restraining forces may slow a company’s efforts to engage in global marketing. In addition to the market differences discussed earlier, important restraining forces include management myopia, organizational culture, national controls, and opposition to globalization. As

18 影響全球整合及行銷的力量(續) 全球整合 全球行銷 驅動力 抑制力

19 本書大綱 第壹篇說明全球行銷之概要及基本理論 第貳篇針對全球行銷之環境加以深入分析 第參篇致力於全球策略的探討
第肆篇介紹全球行銷所應採行之行銷組合 第伍篇探討如何整合與管理全球行銷的工作

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