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POWE 3D Ad Launching in Shanghai (Photo Album)

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Presentation on theme: "POWE 3D Ad Launching in Shanghai (Photo Album)"— Presentation transcript:

1 POWE 3D Ad Launching in Shanghai (Photo Album)
CHO CCM May 27, 2010

2 Share On-site Photo with You
Summary Event: POWE 3D Advertisng Launching Date: May 24, 2010, 18:00 Location: AIA Tower 19 F Share On-site Photo with You

3 Opening

4 VIP Speech

5 Charity Auction

6 现场筹集善款:21,900元 Charity Auction 物品 获得人 拍卖价格 1 工艺品“金克鼎” 孙海峰 1100 2
虎年生肖银币 丁之莹 2600 3 画卷“长城雄风” 余超林 1250 4 Burberry 围巾 贺晓峰 2150 5 锡器 陈贞妙 500 6 赛季曼联签名正版球衣 张希凡 4000 7 亚运吉祥物祝福纪念章 陈其生 2800 8 玉盘 陈菲 2900 9 Mont Blanc 签字笔 Wang Yang 4600

7 Group Photo

8 3D AD Launching

9 3D AD Launching

10 3D AD Launching

11 Celebrating

12 Thank you. 11

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