科學教育常用電子期刊介紹 2014.7.

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1 科學教育常用電子期刊介紹 2014.7

2 科學教育學刊 教育科學研究期刊 JRST(Journal of Research in Science Teaching)
科學教育學會出版 數學及科學教育研究 教育科學研究期刊 舊刊名:師大學報(科學教育類) 國立臺灣師範大學出版 教育領域(教學、學習與評量之原理;教育行政與政策;課程與史哲;科學與技術教育) JRST(Journal of Research in Science Teaching) National Association for Research in Science Teaching reports for science education researchers and practitioners on issues of science teaching and learning and science education policy. Wiley電子期刊 SE(Science Education) science curriculum, instruction, learning, policy and preparation of science teachers with the aim to advance our knowledge of science education theory and practice IJSE (International Journal of Science Education) Special emphasis is placed on applicable research relevant to educational practice, guided by educational realities in systems, schools, colleges and universities. Taylor & Francis電子期刊 IJSME (International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education) Founded by the National Science Council, Taiwan science and mathematics education Springer電子期刊

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