(1) Hope of the World 世人的盼望

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1 (1) Hope of the World 世人的盼望
Hope of the world, help to the helpless; a humble Servant, Savior, Friend; God’s only Son, sent to redeem us; hosannas ring praise without end. 祂是世人的盼望,無助者的幫助 謙卑的僕人,救主,朋友 神的獨生子被差來拯救我們 和散那讚美聲不絕 (1) Hope of the World 世人的盼望

2 (2) Hope of the World 世人的盼望
Amazing love! How great a Savior! Christ comes to set the captive free. A love beyond all comprehension, the grace of God for all to see. Amazing love for you and me! 奇妙的愛! 偉大的救主! 基督降世使被擄的得釋放 這愛遠超世人所能瞭解 神的恩典彰顯在人前 奇妙的愛臨到你和我 (2) Hope of the World 世人的盼望

3 (3) Hope of the World 世人的盼望
Jesus walked this lonesome valley, He had to walk it by Himself; O, nobody else could walk it for Him; He had to walk it by Himself. 耶穌獨自行過悽涼山谷 無人同行,祂孤單地走過 (3) Hope of the World 世人的盼望

4 (4) Hope of the World 世人的盼望
Jesus walked this lonesome valley, Despised, rejected and alone. And along; He carried our sorrows, griefs and burdens. He had to bear them all alone. Jesus bore them all alone. 耶穌獨自行過悽涼山谷 祂被藐視,被人棄絕,無人同行 祂一路背負我們的憂傷痛苦與重擔 祂獨自為我們擔負一切 (4) Hope of the World 世人的盼望

5 (5) Hope of the World 世人的盼望
Amazing love! How great a Savior! Christ comes to set the captive free. A love beyond all comprehension, the grace of God for all to see. Amazing love for you and me! 奇妙的愛! 偉大的救主! 基督降世使被擄的得釋放 這愛遠超世人所能瞭解 神的恩典彰顯在人前 奇妙的愛臨到你和我 (5) Hope of the World 世人的盼望

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