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1 Chime

2 Install “MDL chimeSP6.exe” Download “chime.html” & “1BL8.pdb”
(1BL8.pdb: potassium channel )

3 Chime MDL發展的Chime軟體,可以外掛(plug-in)在網頁(web page)上,直接顯示出2D和3D的分子模型。
在Netscape和Microsoft的瀏覽器(browsers)上,該分子的化學結構,能被轉動(rotated)、重新格式化(reformatted)、或儲存成其他檔案格式,使用於模型(modeling)或資料庫(database)軟體。 可製作出互動式的網頁(interactive web page) 。 Chime 是免費軟體(free software),該軟體可以在Windows95/NT或Macintosh上使用,甚至Windows3.1、Macintosh PowerPC and 68K或SGI IRIX亦有對應版本可供使用。 MDL® Chime Chime支援的硬體、軟體條件如下: 1.支援的WEB瀏覽器(Chime supports the following web browsers):   * Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 and 5.0     * Netscape Navigator 3.04     * Netscape Communicator 4.05 and later. 4.5 and later

4 Protein Story

5 flowchart Edit “chime.html” Check. Upload to webserver
Reference: Account: nthu Passwd: life2003

6 Edit chime.html <embed type="application/x-spt" src="1bl8.pdb"
height=100% width=100% startspin=no name="chime_peek" script=" define 1-74 helix1 define loop define helix2 restrict none; set ambient 10 select all color chain; cartoon; select 75-84; color white; select hetero; color cpk; spacefill; "> chime_peek

MIME Type(MIME類型) Description(描述) Suffixes(延伸檔名) chemical/x-gaussian-cube Gaussian Cube cub,cube chemical/x-mdl-tgf MDL Sketch tgf,skc application/x-rasmol RASMol Script scr chemical/x-jcamp-dx JCAMP-DX jdx,dx chemical/x-csml CSML csm,csml application/x-spt spt chemical/x-mopac-input MOPAC Input mop chemical/x-gaussian-input Gaussian Input gau chemical/x-xyz XMol XYZ xyz chemical/x-pdb Brookhaven PDB pdb,emb,embl chemical/x-mdl-rxnfile MDL RXN rxn chemical/x-mdl-molfile MDL MOL mol

8 <embed type="application/x-spt" width=12 height=12
button=push target="chime_peek" script="restrict none"> </embed> <embed type="application/x-spt" width=12 height=12 button=push target="chime_peek" script=" restrict none; reset; set ambient 10; slab off; rotate z 172; rotate y -21; rotate x -87; translate x 5; translate y -6; zoom 130; select :a color chain; cartoon select 75-84; color white; select hetero; color cpk; spacefill; "> </embed> chime_peek

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