Thinking critically about ethics

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Presentation on theme: "Thinking critically about ethics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thinking critically about ethics
曾思嘉 胡琪

2 Introduction Many fast-food restaurant are opening earlier and closing later. As restaurants stay open longer, employee deaths have increased.

3 Some existence issue What are employees really need when working in late night? Security  the problem we are going to discuss Others: Health problem…

4 Fatal Late shift The 45-year-old former Burger King manager and mother of three had experience two fatal robberies while working alone after midnight. 圖片:

5 Fatal Late shift She lost hearing in her right ear because of being pistol-whipped in 2006. Nine months later, while working alone in the 4 a.m. darkness. A former employee stabbed her 21 times before strangling her with her bow tie. 資料來源: USATODAY,2007

6 Late shift proves deadly to more fast-food workers
Customer demand and the lure of extra sales Fast-food stores have stretched their days with later closings and earlier openings. The extra nighttime hours, however, bring extra risk for crime.

7 Late shift proves deadly to more fast-food workers
Questions now are being raised about whether the industry, with 4 million U.S. workers, is adequately beefing up protection for those hours.

8 Fast-food security moves
McDonald's USA Chief Operating Officer Jan Fields says A "majority" of units open past midnight offer only drive-through service Most McDonald's have cameras. Employee security is "top of mind for us."

9 Fast-food security moves
Burger King. Day and night security Wendy's. “Extensive" security procedures Taco Bell. “Stepped up security training, including updating crime-prevention videos," KFC. “Heighten" security at units open late.


11 Our reflections 我覺得速食店員工工作到深夜,雖然很多人可能覺 得乍看之下不合理,或者沒有必要,但是這其實是 因為有這個市場,現在的年輕人夜貓族越來越多, 所以我覺得可以把夜班都盡量排男生,畢竟男店員 如果遇到狀況的反擊能力應該較強,並且店內應該 要加設一些安全性的裝置,或者乾脆大夜班的直接 改成打電話到店裡,就直接幫你外送,這樣就可以 先把店關好,只留下廚房,這樣應該可以減少被搶 劫的危機。還有夜班應該要盡量選年輕人,因為年 輕人平常就晚睡,比較不會因為作息不同,而精神 不好或者影響健康。 胡琪

12 Our reflections 速食店將營業時間延伸到全天,雖然可以創造更多 利潤,但卻讓晚班的員工承擔不小的安全危險。
現在的速食店幾乎都加裝了攝影機,或是在晚間只 開放車道窗口點餐(可以減少顧客與員工接觸的面積, 對雙方都有保障),有些店家甚至使用防彈玻璃窗口, 提高安全性。 晚班也可以多選擇體力較好的年輕人,並加強他們 的安全訓練(防身術,或是遇到警急狀況的應對方法)。 由許多案例可知,在賺取更多利潤的同時,速食店 有必要去正視員工的安全問題。 曾思嘉

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