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安靜默禱,預備崇拜 Quiet meditation Prepare for worship January 22, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "安靜默禱,預備崇拜 Quiet meditation Prepare for worship January 22, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 安靜默禱,預備崇拜 Quiet meditation Prepare for worship January 22, 2016

2 詩篇 13:3-6 Psalm 3耶和華 ─ 我的神啊,求你看顧我,應 允我!使我眼目光明,免得我沉睡至死;4免得我的仇敵說:我勝了他;免得我 的敵人在我搖動的時候喜樂。 3 Look on me and answer, O Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death; 4 my enemy will say, "I have overcome him," and my foes will rejoice when I fall.

3 5 但我倚靠你的慈愛;我的心因你的 救恩快樂。6我要向耶和華歌唱因他 用厚恩待我。
5 But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. 6 I will sing to the Lord , for he has been good to me.

4 Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee
快樂崇拜 Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee

5 快樂,快樂,我們崇拜, 榮耀慈愛大主宰; 心靈開啟在主面前, 如同花朵向日開。
Joyful joyful we adore Thee God of glory Lord of love Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee Opening to the sun above

6 愁霧疑雲,罪惡憂驚, 懇求救主盡除清, 萬福之源,永樂之主, 求賜光明滿我靈。
Melt the clouds of sin and sadness Drive the dark of doubt away Giver of immortal gladness Fill us with the light of day

7 環繞主座萬物同歡, 天地反映主榮光; 天使,星宿繞主歌唱, 不住崇拜永頌揚;
All Thy works with joy surround Thee Earth and heaven reflect Thy rays Stars and angels sing around Thee Center of unbroken praise 環繞主座萬物同歡, 天地反映主榮光; 天使,星宿繞主歌唱, 不住崇拜永頌揚;

8 Field and forest vale and mountain Flowery meadow flashing sea Chanting bird and flowing fountain Call us to rejoice in Thee 四野森林,低谷高山, 青翠草原及海洋, 清歌小鳥,輕注流泉, 喚醒我們同歡唱。

9 主願給與,主喜赦罪, 永受祝頌永施恩; 主是生活喜樂源頭, 賜人安息海般深;
Thou art giving and forgiving Ever blessing ever blest Wellspring of the joy of living Ocean depth of happy rest

10 神是父親,基督是兄, 愛中生活皆主民; 求教我們相愛相親, 同享人生大歡欣。
Thou our Father Christ our Brother All who live in love are Thine Teach us how to love each other Lift us to the joy divine

11 你是我的一切 You Are My All in All

12 你是我依靠的力量, 你是我尋求的寶藏, 你是我的一切。 你好比贵重的珠宝, 我怎能放弃你不要,
You are my strength when I am weak, You are the treasure that I seek You are my all in all , Seeking You as a precious jewel Lord, to give up I'd be a fool , You are my all in all

13 耶稣神羔羊, 配得大赞美, 配得大赞美。 Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is Your name Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is Your name

14 你是我依靠的力量, 你是我尋求的寶藏, 你是我的一切。 你好比贵重的珠宝, 我怎能放弃你不要,
You are my strength when I am weak, You are the treasure that I seek You are my all in all , Seeking You as a precious jewel Lord, to give up I'd be a fool , You are my all in all 你是我依靠的力量, 你是我尋求的寶藏, 你是我的一切。 你好比贵重的珠宝, 我怎能放弃你不要,

15 Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is Your name Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is Your name
耶稣神羔羊, 配得大赞美, 配得大赞美。

16 担当我罪债和羞辱, 死里复活我蒙救赎, 你是我的一切。 當我跌倒,你扶持我, 當我乾渴,你充滿我
Taking my sin, my cross, my shame; Rising up again I bless Your name You are my all in all , When I fall down You pick me up When I am dry You fill my cup , You are my all in all

17 耶稣神羔羊, 配得大赞美, 配得大赞美。 Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is Your name Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is Your name

18 牧 禱 Pastoral Prayer 周修强牧師 Pastor Raymond

19 You Are the King of Glory
献 詩 Anthem 你是榮耀君王 You Are the King of Glory 詩 班 Choir

20 You are the King of Glory, You are the Prince of Peace
你是榮耀的君王, 你是和平之主, 你是天地萬有主宰, 惟有你聖潔公義; 天使都向你跪拜, 敬拜尊崇你; 因為在你有永生之道,你是主耶穌基督 You are the King of Glory, You are the Prince of Peace You are the Lord of heav'n and earth, You're the Son of righteousness. Angels bow down before You worship and adore, For You have the words of eternal life. You are Jesus Christ the Lord.

21 和散那歸於大衛的子孫! 和散那歸於萬王之王! 願榮耀歸於至高神, 耶穌是彌賽亞! Hosanna to the Son of David Hosanna to the King of kings Glory in the highest heaven For Jesus the Messiah reigns

22 You are the King of Glory, You are the Prince of Peace
你是榮耀的君王, 你是和平之主, 你是天地萬有主宰, 惟有你聖潔公義; 天使都向你跪拜, 敬拜尊崇你; 因為在你有永生之道,你是主耶穌基督 You are the King of Glory, You are the Prince of Peace You are the Lord of heav'n and earth, You're the Son of righteousness. Angels bow down before You worship and adore, For You have the words of eternal life. You are Jesus Christ the Lord.

23 和散那歸於大衛的子孫! 和散那歸於萬王之王! 願榮耀歸於至高神, 耶穌是彌賽亞! Hosanna to the Son of David Hosanna to the King of kings Glory in the highest heaven For Jesus the Messiah reigns

24 讀 經 Scripture Reading 唐申生弟兄 Samson Tong

25 箴言 29:18 沒 有 異 象 ,民 就 放 肆 ;惟 遵 守 律 法 的 ,便 為 有 福 。 Proverb 29:18 Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law.

26 Message 教會的異象 Church Vision 程俊生弟兄 Jensen Cheng

27 Where there is no vision, the people perish (KJV)
Church Vision 教會的異象 Where there is no vision, the people perish (KJV) 沒 有 異 象 、 民 就 放 肆 Proverb 29:18 箴 言

28 在過去20多年來,為什麼大多數北美教會不但增 長得非常有限,反而下降?
In the Past 20+ years, why most churches in Northern America are experiencing very limited growth or even declining? 在過去20多年來,為什麼大多數北美教會不但增 長得非常有限,反而下降? The lack of clear vision, purpose, and direction to unify and inspire the energy and resources of the congregation; 教會缺乏明確的異象,目的和方向來鼓勵和 激勵會眾合一的力量和資源 A maintenance mentality, prioritizing the sustaining of church programs and facilities; 教會維持現狀,優先維持現有事工,活動和 設施

29 教會對牧師的依賴 , 限制了會員事奉的機會 Pastoral dependency, limiting lay members’
participation 教會對牧師的依賴 , 限制了會員事奉的機會 Apathy and Complacency about the lost in the community around the church. 教會對傳福音的事工處於冷淡和自滿

30 Reasons Church Declining
教會增長下降的原因 Church has become culturally irrelevant/even distant from knowing God, growing in Him, & worshiping Him (U.S. Census Bureau Records) 教會已成為文化上不相關, 甚至遠離, 不 去認識神, 在神裡面成長,並敬拜他 (美國人 口普查局記錄) Nearly 50% of Americans have no church home (Barna Research Group) 幾乎50%的美國人沒有一個屬靈的家 (巴納研究所)

31 4,000+/year churches close, only 1,000 planted
每年約4,000多個教會關閉 ,只有約 1,000教會成立 2.7 million/year leaving church due to hurting/abuse/disconnect/neglect; 每年約270萬人因傷害/虐待/缺接觸/忽 視而離開教會

32 5. During 1900s, 27 churches per 10,000 people in America
在1900年代,美國每一萬人有27個教會 6. During 2000s, 11 churches per 10,000 people in America 在2000年代,美國每一萬人只有11個教 會

33 People who are not professing Christians in the world
世界上不信耶穌最多人的國家 (Institute of church leadership Development) China 中國 India 印度 U. S. A. 美國 Why churches in America are gradually declining? 為什麼美國教會會逐漸下降? Church Lack of Vision; 教會缺乏異象 Church Leadership Skill; 教會領導的能力 Church Evangelism Effort; 教會傳福音的參與 Church Poor Communication; 教會的溝通能力欠佳 Church Youth Program; 教會青少年活動項目的問題 Church Child Care. 教會育兒的護理問題

34 What is Church Vision. 什麼是教會屬靈的異 象. 1
What is Church Vision? 什麼是教會屬靈的異 象? 1. A sense of where you are, where you’re going, and how you’re going to get there (George Barna) 屬靈的異象是讓我們知道現在我們在哪 裡,將要去哪裡,及將如何達到目的地 2. Vision is a clear and challenge picture of the future 屬靈的異象是教會未來明確的而具有挑 戰性的 描述圖畫 3. Vision is a bridge between the present and future 屬靈的異象是一個現在和未來之間的橋 樑

35 4. A divine vision must match biblical core value and teaching
屬靈的異象必須符合聖經的核心價值及 教導 5. A clear mental image of preferable future & it is imparted by God to His children (David Jeremiah) 屬靈的異象是一個清晰優越未來的心理 形象,它是 由神傳給他兒女的 Vision is the fuel that leaders to run on. It is the energy that creates action. It is the fire that ignites the passion of followers (Hybels, 2002, p. 31) 屬靈的異象是領導人的燃料, 是行動的 能量, 是增強 信徒事奉的熱心

36 The Importance of Church Vision
教會異象的重要性 Vision Encourages Unity – Come together and work together (1 Cor. 12:20-22) 屬靈的異象鼓勵合一 ; 共同攜手合作 (林前 12:20-22) Vision focuses on an awareness of Direction and Purpose of the church 屬靈的異象集中提高對教會的方向和目的的 共識 3. Vision enhances Leadership 屬靈的異象提高領袖領導的精神

37 4. Vision avoids fighting, division, critical, and uncaring
屬靈的異象避免爭吵,分裂,批評和不 關懷的 態度 5. Success in ministry is a result of vision, not a prerequisite for vision 教會事工的成功是有異象的結果,但成 功不是異 象的先決條件 Vision sets budget – Vision-based budgeting, money spent according to God’s will, connect givers to the church vision, is our church budget resource- dependent or God-dependent 異象決定教會預算

38 Where does vision come from?
教會屬靈的異象是如何形成的 1. Know your flock of sheep (Proverb 27:23) 清楚地知道明白你羊群的情況 (箴言 27:23) God gives vision, we must ask for it. God expects us to ask. “You have not, because you ask not” (James 4:2) 屬靈的異象是神給的、我們必須要求、 神期望我 們求. ”你們得不著、是因為你 們不求 (雅 4:2)”

39 One who has burden to know God’s will, to become whatever God wants us to become (Matt. 5:6)
從有負擔想要知道神旨意的人,想要成 為神要我們 成為的任何的教會或事工 God Calls Leaders – Moses, Samuel, Nehemiah, Paul, Philip, Peter, and many others – God appoints certain person to take the lead for a vision, and that person is given a descriptive picture of the vision. 神給予或呼招屬靈的領袖 – 摩西,撒母 耳,尼希米 及保羅, 等等

40 5. Dissatisfied with current ministry, they begin to ask for vision that the current ministry needs to be changed (Phil. 3:12-13) 會員在事工上不滿意時, 就會要求有異象 對當前的事工 所改變改進(腓 3 : 12-13) 6. We Learn From the World of Business 從商 業的世界中學習 Bill Hybels – It has largely been a revival of visionary leadership in the business environment that has brought the church back to its use (Hybels, 2002, p.13) 商業市場上的競爭使教會回到使用商業 環境中 有異象的領導方法去複興教會

41 6.a. Exodus 18 – Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law suggested officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens (v21)…if God so commands (v23)… 出 18 - 摩西的岳父葉忒羅建議…千夫長 , 百夫長, 五十夫 長 , 十夫長管理百姓 (21節)… 神也這樣吩咐你 (23節) b. Luke 16:8 – “…For people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light.” “…因為今世之子, 在世事之上, 較比光明 之子更加聰明.” (路 16:8) c. Watermelon innovation 一個西瓜創新 異象的故事




45 回應詩歌 Response Hymn 主是我萬有 Be Thou My Vision

46 求我心中王,成為我異象, 我別無愛慕,唯主我景仰; 充滿我思想,我心響往, 睡著或睡醒,慈容是我光。
求我心中王,成為我異象, 我別無愛慕,唯主我景仰; 充滿我思想,我心響往, 睡著或睡醒,慈容是我光。 Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart Naught be all else to me, Save that Thou art Thou my best thought, By day or by night Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light

47 我願常跟隨,你在我身邊; 你是我聖父,我是你子,
Be Thou my wisdom, Be Thou my true Word I ever with Thee, And Thou with me Lord Thou my great Father, I Thy true son Thou in me dwelling, And I with Thee one 成為我智慧,成為我箴言, 我願常跟隨,你在我身邊; 你是我聖父,我是你子, 你常居我心,我與你合一。

48 我不求虛名,也不求富有, 你是我基業,從今到永久; 惟你在我心,永遠居首, 天上大君王,你是我萬有。
我不求虛名,也不求富有, 你是我基業,從今到永久; 惟你在我心,永遠居首, 天上大君王,你是我萬有。 Riches I heed not, Nor man's empty praise Thou mine inheritance, Now and always Thou and Thou only, Be first in my heart High King of heaven, My treasure Thou art

49 奉 献 Tithes & Offerings

50 歡 迎 及 報 告 Welcome and Announcements

51 三一頌 Doxology

52 讚美真神萬福之根, 世上萬民讚美主恩 天使天軍讚美主名, 讚美聖父聖子聖靈 阿門 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below, Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Amen

53 Quiet Meditation & Dismissal
默禱散會 Quiet Meditation & Dismissal

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