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Equipment Operation Instruction

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1 Equipment Operation Instruction
多媒体教室使用说明 Equipment Operation Instruction

2 第一步 Step one 将射频卡放在中控感应器上,等OK指示灯变成绿色。 Put your card on the access control until the OK light turns green.

3 第二步 Step tow 请在十秒内拉开讲台正下方的门,若超时,感应器上的OK灯会熄灭,POWER等重新闪烁,此时需要重新刷卡。 Please open the door within 10 seconds, if time out, the OK light will turn off, power light will twinkle again, you need to put the card on the access control again.

4 第三步 Step three 电脑开机后,请您在中英文操作系统中进行选择 After the computer turned on, please select the language of the operating system, Chinese & Englist Version

5 第四步 Step four 您课根据个人需要,调节教室音量(使用麦克风音量调节)及幕布升降 You could adjust the volume as you need (MIC Volume) and screen as while

6 第五步 Step Five 下课时,请您手动关闭电脑,并关上讲台的门 After the class, the teacher is expected to turn off the computer and closed the door.

7 注意事项 NOTES 请确认您的射频号码正确 Please make sure your card number is correct(Classroom No.) 开门的时候,请先推一下再拉开 Please push the door first and the pull it back when you open the door.

8 当门打开后可以打开下面的门,看到里面的机箱
当门打开后可以打开下面的门,看到里面的机箱 When the door opened, you can open the door under this door.

9 如果打开门后幕布放下,投影仪开始工作,电脑无反应,请手动开启电脑
如果打开门后幕布放下,投影仪开始工作,电脑无反应,请手动开启电脑 If the overhead projector works well after you open the door, but the computer is still dead, please turn it on. 请在进入系统之后使用U盘等设备,否则会导致工作异常 Please use flash drive or other transmission equipment after entering the system, otherwise it will make the computer operate anomaly

10 如果需要调节麦克风音量,请使用1号调节按钮调节音量
如果需要调节麦克风音量,请使用1号调节按钮调节音量 If you use mic, you can use button 1 to up (turn right) or down(turn left) the voice. 如果需要调节电脑播放声音,请使用2号调节按钮调节音量 You can use button 2 to up or down the speaker voice.

11 如需要连接笔记本,需要使用VGA线先将笔记本与5号接口连接后,请按3号按钮。 If you want to use the laptop, you need a VGA line, connect the laptop to interface 5, and press the button 3 如果笔记本需要连接网络,需要先用网线将笔记本与4号接口用网线连接。 You can insert the network line to interface 4 to access to the internet

12 下课时请确保计算机关闭后再关上讲台的门 Please make sure the computer shut down completely before you close the door.

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