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Producer: Zhang Shaolin

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1 Producer: Zhang Shaolin
A Fast Memorization of New Words And Expressions Producer: Zhang Shaolin

2 an exuberant community a proud-bursting boy
New words and expressions in phrase contexts U10_1.1, B3 lousy poems a Hollywood tycoon an exuberant community a proud-bursting boy to stammer out one’s regrets the glow of happiness to write sth in fine flourish coloured crayons exquisite suspense an exquisite sunset 糟糕的诗 好莱坞大亨 喜悦充溢的社区 满心自豪的男孩 结结巴巴讲出某人的懊悔 幸福的喜悦 用精美的花体写 彩色蜡笔/粉笔 紧张的悬念 美妙的夕阳

3 to call down terrible oaths on sb a teeming studio a blank moron
New words and expressions in phrase contexts U10_1.2, B3 苏格兰冰威士忌 立誓, 宣誓 对某人破口大骂 人员丰富的制片厂 十足的笨蛋 大声责骂… 部分有罪裁决 用话语抚慰某人 白话诗人 在法律术语中 a Scotch highball make an oath to call down terrible oaths on sb a teeming studio a blank moron to rant against … a partial verdict to say soothing things to sb a vernacular poet in the legal vernacular

4 to stagger to one’s room the end of the anecdote to dawn on sb
New words and expressions in phrase contexts U10_1.3, B3 一场号哭 对某人吆喝 踉踉跄跄地回屋 一段轶事的结束 渐渐被某人理解 向奥尼尔提过建议 凯旋而归 压制…的傲气 系帐篷的桩 鸡冠 在事业的顶点 a good bawl to bawl at sb. to stagger to one’s room the end of the anecdote to dawn on sb to counsel O’neill a triumphant return to take sb down a peg a tent peg the crest of a rooster at the crest of one’s career

5 the wind that buffeted the tent to navigate one’s little craft
New words and expressions in phrase contexts U10_1.4, B3 猛击帐篷的风 驾驶自己的小船 掀翻独木舟 the wind that buffeted the tent to navigate one’s little craft to capsize the canoe

6 to buttress this analysis
New words and expressions in phrase contexts U10_2.1, B3 张开大口的深壑 忍住呵欠 不可思议的力量 仓鼠笼 钢丝锯锯成的图案 拼板玩具 巧克力饮料(奶昔) 平息怒气 熟悉的浅顶软呢帽 支持这种分析 a yawning gulf to suppress a yawn uncanny powers a hamster cage a jigsaw pattern jigsaw puzzle chocolate shake to defuse the anger the familiar fedora to buttress this analysis

7 be paramount to all others a prime mover intellectual projects
Collocations of old words U10_1.5, B3 派拉蒙电影制作公司 高于其它一切 主要推广者 文化项目 有写作的天赋 勾勒精致的边框 公平对待某事 在有利的角度 心神不定地等待着 Paramount Studio be paramount to all others a prime mover intellectual projects to have talent for writing to draw an elaborate border to do justice to sth at an advantageous angle to wait in suspense 

8 to cry out against the sad fates to walk off the set to glare at
Collocations of old words U10_1.6, B3 匆匆进门 暴跳如雷 抱怨自己命运不济 离开拍戏场地 盯着 令人紧张的沉寂 充满焦虑的幻想 愤怒的乌云 本不需要很多时间做 to burst in in a thunderous mood to cry out against the sad fates to walk off the set to glare at suspenseful silence be full of anxious daydreams the angry clouds it could not have taken very long to do

9 a primitive short story to criticize sb without crushing him
Collocations of old words U10_1.7, B3 坚持自己的意见 把东西撕碎 尖刻的评价 鼓起勇气 原生态小说 批评而不把某人压趴下 接受尖锐苛刻的批评 互相冲突又互为补充的声音 to hold one’s ground to tear apart the stuff sb’s harsh judgment to work up the courage a primitive short story to criticize sb without crushing him to absorb a sharp critical blow those conflicting but complementary voices

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