聖誕佳音 The First Noel 中譯:教會聖詩

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1 聖誕佳音 The First Noel 中譯:教會聖詩
(1)The first noel the angel did say Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay – In fields where they lay keeping their sheep, On a cold winter’s night that was so deep. Noel, noel! (x2) Born is the King of Israel! (1)天使初報聖誕佳音, 先向田間貧苦牧人; 牧人正當看守羊群, 嚴冬方冷長夜已深. 歡欣,歡欣! (x2) 天國君王今日降生!

2 遠在東方燦爛晶明; 發出奇光照耀塵世, 不分晝夜光彩永恆. 歡欣,歡欣! (x2) 天國君王今日降生!
(2)They looked up and saw a star Shining in the east, beyond them far; And to the earth it gave great light, And so it continued both day and night. Noel, noel! (x2) Born is the King of Israel! (2)牧人抬頭見一景星, 遠在東方燦爛晶明; 發出奇光照耀塵世, 不分晝夜光彩永恆. 歡欣,歡欣! (x2) 天國君王今日降生!

3 遠道而來拋棄家鄉, 專心一意尋求君王, 追隨景星不問路長. 歡欣,歡欣! 天國君王今日降生!
(3)And by the light of that same star, Three wise men came from country far; To seek for a king was their intent, And to follow the star wherever it went. Noel, noel! (x2) Born is the King of Israel! (3)博士三人因見星光, 遠道而來拋棄家鄉, 專心一意尋求君王, 追隨景星不問路長. 歡欣,歡欣! 天國君王今日降生!

4 到伯利恆停留其上; 景星射照馬棚光芒, 嬰孩耶穌馬槽為床. 歡欣,歡欣! (x2) 天國君王今日降生!
(4)This star drew nigh to the northwest, Over Bethlehem it took its rest; And there it did both stop and stay, Right over the place where Jesus lay. Noel, noel! (x2) Born is the King of Israel! (4)景星導引渡漠越荒, 到伯利恆停留其上; 景星射照馬棚光芒, 嬰孩耶穌馬槽為床. 歡欣,歡欣! (x2) 天國君王今日降生!

5 屈膝跪拜救主君王; 謹將貢物恭敬獻上 – 珍貴黃金沒葯乳香. 歡欣,歡欣 (x2)! 天國君王今日降生!
(5)Then entered in those wise men three, Full reverently upon their knee, And offered there, in His presence, Their gold and myrrh and frank-in-cense. Noel, noel (x2)! Born is the King of Israel! (5)博士尋見欣喜同往, 屈膝跪拜救主君王; 謹將貢物恭敬獻上 – 珍貴黃金沒葯乳香. 歡欣,歡欣 (x2)! 天國君王今日降生!

6 (6)Then let us all with one accord
Sing praises to our heavenly Lord, That hath made heaven and earth of naught, And with His blood mankind hath bought. Noel, noel (x2)! Born is the King of Israel! (6)信徒都當高聲歡呼, 同心歌頌萬有之主; 天地蒙主創自虛無, 藉主寶血罪人得贖. 歡欣,歡欣 (x2)! 天國君王今日降生!

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