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Real-Time System Development

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1 Real-Time System Development
即時系統開發 SOA Service-Oriented Architecture 薛智文 95 Fall

2 Preface 变“亚太营运中心”为“全球运筹中心 經濟現況與展望, 930618, 何美玥
台灣經濟的願景與出路, ,何美玥,凱達格蘭學校女性公共事務領導班 Enterprise Middleware SOA "Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." -- Albert Einstein Simple is not easy! 19:38 /33

3 19:38 /33

4 參、經濟施政之重點 19:38 /33

5 一、致力創意及速度的產業政策 知識經濟時代知識成為競爭的核心 面臨的環境 19:38 /33

6 1.傳統產業高值化 計畫名稱 96年預定目標值 93年預定目標 高科技紡織 1.產業結構: 衣著:傢飾:產業用 60:20:20
2.產值:2400億元。 1.93年高科技紡織產值預計達1500億元。 2.93年預計產業結構(比率) 衣著:傢飾:產業用=70:15:15。 保健機能性食品及保養品產業 1.保健機能性食品產  業產值290億元。 2.保養品產業產值400 億元。 1.93年保健機能性食品產值預計達250億元。 2.93年保養品產業產值預計達240億元。 高級材料工業 產值達5500億元。 預計93年產值3600億。 光電電子用化學品產業 產值達500億元。 預計帶動廠商增加投資5千萬元,總產值預計330億元。 輕金屬產業發展計畫 產業產值800億元。 促進投資2.2億元,總產值620億元。 輕型高效率電動車輛 產業產值200億元 。 預計93年產值240億元。 運動休閒產業 提高產值至2,500億元 產值預計1,600億元,民間投資8億元 19:38 /33

7 95年產值: 半導體達1兆5,912億元、 影像顯示1兆3,700億元、 數位內容 3,700億元及 生物技術 1,897億元。 推動成效
數位內容 ,700億元及 生物技術 ,897億元。 推動成效 業別 創造產值(億元) 促進投資(億元) 91 92 93 94 95 半導體 6,529 8,188 10,783 12,939 15,912 2,238 2,268 2,720 影像顯示 3,006 4,162 6,620 9,500 13,700 1,015 1,199 1,591 數位內容 1,537 1,892 2,900 3,700 78 87 108 生物技術 1,109 1,250 1,377 1,585 1,897 203 215 250 總計 12,181 15,492 21,048 26,924 35,209 3,534 3,769 4,669 備註:93年以後之數據為預估值。 19:38 /33

8 3.以 服務業 帶動就業並提升生活品質 本部為流通運輸、觀光及運動休閒、文化創意、設計、資訊、研發等服務業的主辦機關。 產業輔導
3.以 服務業 帶動就業並提升生活品質 產業輔導 目標及重點 ⊙金融服務 ⊙流通運輸服務 ⊙通訊媒體服務 ⊙醫療保健及照顧 ⊙人才培訓、人力派遣及物業管理 ⊙觀光及運動休閒 ⊙文化創意 ⊙設計服務 ⊙資訊服務 ⊙研發服務 ⊙環保服務 ⊙工程顧問服務 ⊙服務業每年成長6.1%。 ⊙知識密集服務業每年成長8.0%。 發展策略 ⊙法令鬆綁 ⊙基礎環境 ⊙發展範疇 ⊙產業政策 ⊙投資誘因 ⊙釋出公有資源 ⊙人才培育 ⊙激發民間活力 ⊙擴張需求 ⊙創新研發機制 本部為流通運輸、觀光及運動休閒、文化創意、設計、資訊、研發等服務業的主辦機關。 19:38 /33

9 3.產業電子化,台灣接單、全球生產及配送 製造 採購 配送 收付款 營運總部-產業全球運籌電子化 數位台灣-e化商務 ◎ 全球運籌電子化深化
設計 採購 配送 收付款 數位台灣-e化商務 ◎產業協同設計 電子化 營運總部-產業全球運籌電子化 ◎ 全球運籌電子化深化 ◎ 全球運籌電子化擴散 ◎ 全球商業鏈整合及物流運籌 E 計畫 (90.8~93.6) AB計畫 (89.1~90.12) D 計畫 (90.8~92.12) C 計畫 中心廠 供應商 國際客戶 銀 行 物流業者 產品預測 需求規格 多地整合 設計變更 資料共享 模組設計 庫存管理 國際倉儲 貨況追蹤 倉儲管理 運輸通關 收付帳款 資金調度 帳戶整合 多行融資 跨行融資 融資商品 採購預測 電子訂單 接單管理 物料管理 存貨管理 挑戰2008 19:38 /33

10 4.產業ABCDE計畫,健全供應鏈地位 AB計畫 國際採購商 國內系統廠商 國內零組件供應商 宏碁 神達 華碩 大同 英業達 ….等 15家
自動詢報價 訂購交貨 驗收付款 品質管理 供應商關係管理 宏碁 神達 華碩 大同 英業達 ….等 15家 威盛 鴻海 光寶 國碁 國巨 世平 ….等 1,800家 IBM HP Compaq 3家 自動詢報價 訂購交貨 驗收付款 B計畫 A計畫 宏碁體系:240家 神達體系:212家 華碩體系:979家 合 計:3955家次 IBM 體系:20家 Compaq 體系:10家 HP 體系:12家 合 計:42家次 總產出: - 策略性促成國際大廠擴大對台採購(每年向國內採購資訊產品超過180億美元) - 擴增國內中小企業接單能力(1800餘家業者導入電子化連線作業發揮整體競爭力) - 提昇國際形象與知名度(成功導入國際資訊交換標準並進而制訂國際標準深獲讚揚) - 帶動國內相關產業之電子化成長(扶植國內資訊服務並傳承電子化成功經驗) 具體成效:(以神達為例) 訂單達交率: 95%98.4% ,庫存:22億元4.3億元,訂單回覆: 3.5天1.5天 19:38 /33

11 CDE計畫 E計畫 C計畫 物流服務業 客戶及策略合作夥伴 金融機構 D 計 物 Delivery 畫 流
鴻霖、中菲行、寶靈頓、長榮、陽明... 威盛 台積電 日月光 建準 瑞軒 ….. 客戶及策略合作夥伴 世華 富邦 中銀 ….. 金融機構 貨況追蹤 庫存管理 全球運輸規劃 通關文件管理 D Delivery 協同設計 Engineering Collaboration 金流 Cash E計畫 C計畫 宏碁、神達、 華碩、大同… 產業需求/規格分析 問題追蹤管理 設計資料共享管理 全球收付款、融資 全球資金調度管理 資訊電子 製造體系 鼎新、仲訊、偉盟、關貿、 汎宇、太一信通、怡康、訊豐…. CDE計畫成效: -融資金額:92年底達120億,93年第1季達230億,93年底預估可達600億 -物流資訊透通:導入12個主要國家之出到貨及組裝據點,連結國內外物  流平台及主要客戶Hub計16個。 -導入六個體系計有19家國際客戶及164家供應商一起參與建構各具特  色的研發價值網路之虛擬社群。 19:38 /33

12 伍、願景-高值台灣、運籌全球 運籌全球 高值台灣 新十大建設 效益 挑戰目標 綠色矽島 挑戰2008國家發展重點計畫 1.促進經濟成長。
效益 挑戰目標 1.世界第一的產品或技術至少15項。 2.來台旅客超過目前2倍以上。 3.R&D投資達到GDP的3%。 4.失業率降到4%以下。 5.經濟成長率超過5%。 6.寬頻用戶超過6百萬戶。 7.創造70萬個新工作機會。 1.促進經濟成長。 2.創造就業機會。 3提升生活品質。 運籌全球 高值台灣 19:38 /33

13 Focus on Enterprise Middleware
Why? Who? What? When? Where? How? 19:38 /33

14 Introduction to SOA Service-Oriented Architecture
a Standard fOr Architecture description Society Of Actuary Society Of Ancients 19:38 /33

15 What is an Architecture?
"The architecture of an IT system is the structure or structures of the system, which comprise software and hardware components, the externally visible properties of those components, and the relationships among them." (Adapted from Bass et al.1) 19:38 /33

16 What is a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)?
SOA is an architectural style whose goal is to achieve loose coupling among interacting software agents. A service is a unit of work done by a service provider to achieve desired end results for a service consumer. Both provider and consumer are roles played by software agents on behalf of their owners. 19:38 /33

17 Service-Oriented Architecture (1)
An accepted industry model for representing applications on the network as reusable services. Various interface standards exist for these services. range from DCE/RPC and CORBA, DCE source code is now available under an Open Source license (LGPL). through stored procedures to Web Services. An architectural style whose goal is to achieve loose coupling among interacting software agents. 19:38 /33

18 Service-Oriented Architecture (2)
In all cases, requests are made of the services by a calling application that expects some form of reply; often referred to as request/reply. A fundamental element of Service-Oriented Architectures is the separation of interface from implementation. This enables a more loose coupling between the service consumer and the service provider. The separation is enabled by means of a metadata layer that makes the interface definition available at design time. 19:38 /33

19 How does SOA achieve loose coupling?
Employing two architectural constraints: A small set of simple and ubiquitous interfaces to all participating software agents. Only generic semantics are encoded at the interfaces. The interfaces should be universally available for all providers and consumers. Descriptive messages constrained by an extensible schema delivered through the interfaces. No, or only minimal, system behavior is prescribed by messages. A schema limits the vocabulary and structure of messages. An extensible schema allows new versions of services to be introduced without breaking existing services. 19:38 /33

20 Additional Constraints
There are a number of additional constraints one can apply on SOA in order to improve its scalability, performance and, reliability. Stateless Service Stateful Service Idempotent Request 19:38 /33

21 Deriving Web Services from SOA
A web service is a SOA with at least the following additional constraints: Interfaces must be based on Internet protocols such as HTTP, FTP, and SMTP. Except for binary data attachment, messages must be in XML There are two main styles of Web services: SOAP web services and REST web services. 19:38 /33

22 SOAP Web services Except for binary data attachment, messages must be carried by SOAP. The description of a service must be in WSDL. A SOAP RPC web service breaks the second constraint required by an SOA. 19:38 /33

23 REST Web Services Interfaces are limited to HTTP. The following semantics are defined: HTTP GET is used for obtaining a representation of a resource. A consumer uses it to retrieve a representation from a URI. Services provided through this interface must not incur any obligation from consumers. HTTP DELETE is used for removing representations of a resource. HTTP POST is used for updating or creating the representations of a resource. HTTP PUT is used for creating representations of a resource. Most messages are in XML, confined by a schema written in a schema language such as XML Schema from W3C or RELAX NG. Simple messages can be encoded with URL encoding. Service and service providers must be resources while a consumer can be a resource. 19:38 /33

24 An SOA—not just Web services
Within a business environment, a pure architectural definition of an SOA might be an application architecture within which all functions are defined as independent services with well-defined invokable interfaces, which can be called in defined sequences to form business processes. two critical characteristics to be realized: the services are truly independent, they can be managed. 19:38 /33

25 Management includes Security Deployment Logging Dynamic rerouting
to authorize requests, encrypt and decrypt data as required, and validate information. Deployment to allow the service to be moved around the network to maximize performance or eliminate redundancy to provide optimum availability. Logging to provide auditing and metering capabilities. Dynamic rerouting to provide fail-over or load-balancing capabilities. Maintenance to manage new versions of the service. 19:38 /33

26 What is a service? a simple business capability
getStockQuote, getCustomerAddress or checkCreditRating a more complex business transaction commitInventory, sellCoveredOption or scheduleDelivery a system service logMessageIn, authenticateUser 19:38 /33

27 Why migrating to a service-oriented architecture?
Problems Complexity Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) tops the priority list of many CIOs redundant and nonreusable programming as a result of mergers and acquisitions multiple interfaces the n(n-1) integration problem 19:38 /33

28 What about the future? Java™ technology has provided platform-neutral programming. XML has provided self-describing, platform-neutral data. Web services have removed another barrier by allowing applications to interconnect in an object-model-neutral way. For example, using a simple XML-based messaging scheme, Java applications can invoke Microsoft® .NET applications or CORBA-compliant, or even COBOL, applications. 19:38 /33

29 Common Misconceptions about SOA
Web services are just like distributed objects Web services is RPC for the Internet Web Services need HTTP Web services need web servers Web services are reliable because they use TCP Web services debugging is impossible 19:38 /33

30 Distributed Computing Environment (DCE)
LGPL ? 19:38 /33

31 Enterprise Workframe Architecture
19:38 /33

32 Where to Open? Internet … … Company A: Service 1 : interfaces to open
J2EE .NET CORBA DCOM DCE Websphere Biztalk Front-end Back-end Company A: Service 1 : interfaces to open 19:38 /33

33 Enterprise Middleware Platform
Internet 關務 後勤 物流 金流 open open open middlewares Open 物流 Middleware Interface Open Interface Platform J2EE, CORBA, .NET, … 19:38 /33

34 Reference ”全球运筹中心计划” What is Architecture? What is Service-Oriented Architecture? Migrating to a service-oriented architecture Web Services are not Distributed Objects: Common Misconceptions about Service Oriented Architectures What is Distributed Computing and DCE? 19:38 /33

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