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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm

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1 禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

2 Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!
請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

3 來讚美稱謝耶和華 彈琴歌頌讚美至高者的名 每早晨來傳揚你慈愛 每夜傳揚你信實 來…
每夜傳揚你信實 來… It is good to praise the Lord And make music to Your name, O God Most High To proclaim Your love and faithfulness All the day and through the night Lai….

4 因為你使我心喜樂 我要因你大能作為來歡呼 主啊 你的工作何其大 伊羅欣 巴洛 哈閃 來…
伊羅欣 巴洛 哈閃 來… You make me glad by Your deeds, O Lord So I sing for joy at all Your hands have made How great are Your works, O Lord Elohim Baruch Hashem Lai…..

5 願一生住在你殿中 生長如同黎巴嫩的香柏樹 栽於亞多乃主的殿中 在神院內到永遠 來…
在神院內到永遠 來… May I dwell in Your courts O Lord Then to flourish like the trees of Lebanon Planted in the house of Adonai There to live forevermore. Lai……

6 耶和華賜下歡欣快樂 無限的喜樂充滿我 新的膏油已澆灌下來 哈利路亞高聲歡呼
We sing and dance in celebration Praising the Lord with songs of joy He’s pouring out the oil of gladness Hallelujah let us rejoice

7 我領受神的應許 賜給猶大的後裔 稱為禱告的子民 來敬拜歌頌讚美
This is the promise of God For the tribe of Judah For all the people who pray Who praise and worship His Name

8 這是期待收割的時刻 神的話語如今已成就 莊稼成熟各處在收割 已臨到全世界各地
Yes this is the time we’ve awaited That the Word of God shall be fulfilled All over the world we can see it The harvest is being revealed

9 讚 美 讚美!衝破黑暗權勢 讚美!開啟祝福之門 讚美!釋放屬天能力 讚美!聖潔神的寶座 神本為大 當受極大讚美 (X4)

10 從萬民中 我們被揀選 得以稱為 你的百姓 We've been chosen From all the people
從萬民中 我們被揀選 得以稱為 你的百姓 We've been chosen From all the people Yes, we've been chosen To be Your own

11 被你揀選 被分別為聖 惟將這榮耀 歸於你 主 O we've been chosen Set apart to be holy
被你揀選 被分別為聖 惟將這榮耀 歸於你 主 O we've been chosen Set apart to be holy To bring the glory To You alone

12 請受這榮耀 請受這尊榮 請受這敬拜 和讚美 Receive the glory Receive the honor
請受這榮耀 請受這尊榮 請受這敬拜 和讚美 Receive the glory Receive the honor Receive our worship And our praise

13 請受這榮耀 請受這尊榮 我們將榮耀 歸於你 Receive the glory Receive the honor
請受這榮耀 請受這尊榮 我們將榮耀 歸於你 Receive the glory Receive the honor We give You worship And our praise





18 父神 創造的主 顯明你創造心意 興起你所揀選的百姓 在這地同心前進
Father of creation Unfold Your sovereign plan Raise up a chosen generation That will march through the land

19 宇宙萬物都在嘆息 等候你能力顯明 求主釋放你的恩膏 哦 神就在這時刻
All of creation is longing For Your unveiling of Power Would You release Your anointing O God, let this be the hour

20 願你榮耀今降臨這裡 讓它從我們中間流到萬邦 願你香膏充滿在這裡 我們同心尋求你面
Let Your glory fall in this room Let it go from here to the nations Let Your fragrance rest in this place As we gather to seek Your face

21 The full release of Your promise
統管萬國的主 這世界仍要看見 你的應許完全彰顯 教會要全然得勝 Ruler of the nations The world has yet to see The full release of Your promise The church in victory

22 求你憐憫觸摸我們 使我們靠你剛強 勝過我們一切軟弱 使我們奮勇爭戰
Turn to us, Lord, and touch us Make us strong in Your might Overcome our weakness That we could stand up and fight

23 願你榮耀今降臨這裡 讓它從我們中間流到萬邦 願你香膏充滿在這裡 我們同心尋求你面
Let Your glory fall in this room Let it go from here to the nations Let Your fragrance rest in this place As we gather to seek Your face

24 在這 吹角招聚的日子 神的七靈 奉差遣出去 引領 祂子民奔往聖山 進入 萬民禱告的聖殿
Hear the trumpet sound for battle 神的七靈 奉差遣出去 Seven spirits of God are sent out 引領 祂子民奔往聖山 He leads His people to Holy Hill 進入 萬民禱告的聖殿 Enter the house of prayer for nations

25 這是 回轉復新的日子 領袖祭司! 當團結興起! 束上腰帶 站在望樓 晝夜呼籲 不歇息
Now’s the time to return, be restored 領袖祭司! 當團結興起! Priests and leaders shall rise up as one 束上腰帶 站在望樓 Gird up your waist, stand on watch tower 晝夜呼籲 不歇息 Cry out to Him day and night

26 在這 黑暗遮蓋的時刻 神哪! 我們同心仰望 求使你 應許顯為大 澆灌 施恩懇求的靈
As deep darkness covers the earth 神哪! 我們同心仰望 Lord! We look upon You as one 求使你 應許顯為大 Magnify Your great promises 澆灌 施恩懇求的靈 Pour out Spirit of grace and prayer

27 靈火 點燃你話語大能 鍛鍊潔淨 眾人心 哦 這禱告的爐火啊 燃起! 燃起! 燃起! 再燃起!
Spirit kindle the power of Your word 鍛鍊潔淨 眾人心 Cleanse the hearts of Your people 哦 這禱告的爐火啊 Oh! Fire of the Prayer Furnace! 燃起! 燃起! 燃起! 再燃起! Flare up! Flare up! Flare up! Burn anew!

28 靈火 點燃你話語大能 鍛鍊潔淨 眾人心 哦 這禱告的爐火啊 潔淨! 潔淨! 潔淨! 再潔淨!
Spirit kindle the power of Your Word 鍛鍊潔淨 眾人心 Purify Your people’s hearts 哦 這禱告的爐火啊 Oh! Fire of the Prayer Furnace! 潔淨! 潔淨! 潔淨! 再潔淨! Refine! Cleanse! Refine! Cleanse again!

29 潔淨! 潔淨! 潔淨! 再潔淨! 哦 這禱告的爐火啊 燃起! 燃起! 燃起! 再燃起!
Oh! Fire of the Prayer Furnace! 燃起! 燃起! 燃起! 再燃起! Flare up! Flare up! Flare up! Burn anew! Oh! Fire of the Prayer Furnace! 潔淨! 潔淨! 潔淨! 再潔淨! Refine! Cleanse! Refine! Cleanse again!

30 認識神的子民 War Song of Revelatory Prayer
慕創014 認識神的子民 War Song of Revelatory Prayer 我舉手向禱告的靈呼籲 Spirit of Prayer I lift my hands to You! 加增我持續呼求的能力 Empower me to cry out unto You 我箭袋要充滿神話語 Fill my quiver with your Word O LORD 使我禱告爭戰有能力 May my prayers war for You with power! 認識神的子民 War Song of Revelatory Prayer

31 主啊!興起更多禱告器皿 讓祭司恩膏運行在這裡 願我們禱告射出如閃電 粉碎 空中黑暗掌權
慕創014 主啊!興起更多禱告器皿 O Lord raise up Your prayer army now! 讓祭司恩膏運行在這裡 Let Your priestly anointing fill this place 願我們禱告射出如閃電 May all of our prayers strike like lightning LORD! 粉碎 空中黑暗掌權 Destroy the powers of darkness! 認識神的子民 War Song of Revelatory Prayer

32 Bridge 我見天開了 神火焰使者 上去下來 (X2) I see Heaven open
慕創014 Bridge 我見天開了 I see Heaven open 神火焰使者 上去下來 God’s fiery angels, Ascend, Descend! (X2) 認識神的子民 War Song of Revelatory Prayer

33 *(副) 看哪!耶和華榮耀知識 從天傾瀉下來 澆灌我 如同大雨瀑布 充滿我 如水充滿洋海
慕創014 *(副) 看哪!耶和華榮耀知識 Behold! The glorious knowledge of God 從天傾瀉下來 Pours out from heaven above! 澆灌我 如同大雨瀑布 Rushing waterfall pour over me! 充滿我 如水充滿洋海 Fill me as the waters fill the sea! 認識神的子民 War Song of Revelatory Prayer

34 *續 我信心的翅膀要打開 衝破一切死亡陰霾 雅各的天梯 領我上去 那地寬闊 不狹窄
慕創014 *續 我信心的翅膀要打開 My wings of faith will spread open wide 衝破一切死亡陰霾 Till death and darkness are destroyed! 雅各的天梯 領我上去 Jacob's ladder leads me up heavenward 那地寬闊 不狹窄 to a wide and spacious sky! 認識神的子民 War Song of Revelatory Prayer

35 Coda 聖靈提升我們 聖靈充滿我們 聖哉! Holy Spirit, Lift us. Holy Spirit, Fill us
慕創014 Coda 聖靈提升我們 聖靈充滿我們 Holy Spirit, Lift us. Holy Spirit, Fill us 聖哉! Holy! 認識神的子民 War Song of Revelatory Prayer

36 The spirit of the Lord is upon me To be strong and with strength
慕創014 耶和華的靈在我心裡 使我剛強有能力 The spirit of the Lord is upon me To be strong and with strength 認識神的子民 War Song of Revelatory Prayer

37 叫那貧窮得富足 叫那瞎眼得醫治 叫那捆綁 勞苦重擔 能得釋放
慕創014 叫那貧窮得富足 叫那瞎眼得醫治 叫那捆綁 勞苦重擔 能得釋放 Proclaim the poor to be rich And the blind will see, to proclaim Liberty to the captives 認識神的子民 War Song of Revelatory Prayer

38 現在就是耶和華的禧年(x2) 我要歌頌讚美主 歡慶敬拜祂 高聲宣揚 耶和華的禧年
慕創014 現在就是耶和華的禧年(x2) 我要歌頌讚美主 歡慶敬拜祂 高聲宣揚 耶和華的禧年 Now is the year of the Lord’s favor (2x) I will sing and praise the Lord Rejoy and worship To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor 認識神的子民 War Song of Revelatory Prayer

39 that Your kingdom be here We believe we believe it is now
慕創014 當我們求你的國度降臨 我深信是此刻是現在 Lord as we pray that Your kingdom be here We believe we believe it is now 認識神的子民 War Song of Revelatory Prayer

40 You are King, You are Lord
慕創014 當我們唱你是主我君王 高舉你在寶座為我王 Come be enthroned In our midst as we sing You are King, You are Lord You are crowned 認識神的子民 War Song of Revelatory Prayer

41 Marching into battleground
慕創014 就像那強大精兵 同心向前到戰場 Just like a mighty army Marching into battleground 認識神的子民 War Song of Revelatory Prayer

42 As we declare that Jesus
慕創014 我們高聲唱耶穌 祂是主 我王 As we declare that Jesus He is Lord…Aloud 認識神的子民 War Song of Revelatory Prayer

43 There’s nothing that will stop us When we come in His power
慕創014 靠你能力而來 我們決不受阻礙 There’s nothing that will stop us When we come in His power 認識神的子民 War Song of Revelatory Prayer

44 We want to see a breakthrough We believe we believe it is now
慕創014 我們要看到突破 我深信是此刻是現在 We want to see a breakthrough We believe we believe it is now 認識神的子民 War Song of Revelatory Prayer

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