Dr. Rational You IEK/ITRI 2002/03/01

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Rational You IEK/ITRI 2002/03/01"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Rational You IEK/ITRI 2002/03/01
奈米材料技術與發展趨勢 Dr. Rational You IEK/ITRI 2002/03/01 Source: (1999/09)

2 Outline-1 Source: (1999/09)

3 Outline-2 Source: (1999/09)

4 材料的尺度的分類 Source: (1999/09)

5 奈米材料不尋常的特性及其應用 Source: (1999/09)

6 奈米粉末之熔點變化 Source: (1999/09)

7 國際奈米材料和科技研究情形 Source: (1999/09)

8 國內奈米材料之主要研究近況 Source: (1999/09)

9 國際奈米技術及材料的商業應用時程預測 Source: (1999/09)

10 Reference 1.奈米材料展望研討會﹐國家科學委員自然處﹐1999. 5. 28~29 。
2.第一屆海峽兩岸物理與材料科學研究推動研討會﹐國家科學委員會自然處﹐ ~4 。 3.奈米材料技術﹐前瞻計畫策略規劃會議﹐工業技術研究院工業材料研究所﹐ 。 4. Mark A. Reed and Wiley P. Kirk (1989). Nanostructure Physics and Fabrication, Proceeding of the International Symposium, College Station, Texas, U.S.A., March 13-15, 1989. 5. The Nanometer Age: Challenge and Chance, Microelectronic Engineering, H. Rohrer (1995), Vol. 27, p. 3~15. 6. SPM Based Data Storage for Ultrahigh Density Recording, Nanotechnology, Vol. 8, A58~A62. 7. Semiconductor Nanoparticles for Quantum Devices, Nanotechnology, Vol. 9, p. 158~161. 8. Natotechnology Database, International Technology Research Institute, WTEC Division, Itri. Loyola. Edu/nanobase. Source: (1999/09)

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