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01/03 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives)

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1 01/03 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives)
I can speak and read the vocabulary in Lesson 18 Dialogue 1. I can use 好/难+ Verb to form adjectives that mean “easy/difficult to ” or mean “pleasant/unpleasant to” I can use Use 没 to indicate “Duration of Non-Action” I can do the grammar section on the Chinese Writing Assessment hanouts. Quiz Tomorrow: 请把电脑搬出去房间。 请把书拿进来房间。

2 前天昨天 今天 明天 后天 今天是几月几日星期几? What date is today? 一月
星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日 前天昨天 今天 明天 后天

3 Dì kè: yùn dòng 第十八课:运动 Lesson Eighteen: Sports

4 Duì huà yī Wǒ de dù zi yuè lái yuè dà le 对话一:我的肚子越来越大了My Gut Keeps Getting Bigger and Bigger!

5 Duì huà èr Kàn gǎnlǎn qiú 对话二:看橄榄球 Watching American Football

6 第十八课 学习目标 (Lesson 18 Learning objectives)
In this lesson, you will learn to use Chinese to Name some popular sports; Talk about your exercise habits; Discuss your feelings about various sports; Make a simple comparison between how soccer and American football are played.

7 第十八课 学习目标 (Lesson 18 Learning objectives)
Forms & Accuracy: Use 没 to indicate “Duration of Non-Action” Use 又 yòu to suggest augmentation or exacerbation of certain conditions or circumstances 好/难+ Verb 下去 Indicating Continuation Duration of Actions The Particle 着 被/叫/ 让 In Passive-voice Sentences

8 第十八课 对话一 Shēng cí 生词 vocabulary

9 当然 dāngrán of course adv

10 pàng Fat adj

11 to fear; to be afraid of v

12 简单 jiǎndān Simple adj

13 跑步 pǎo bù to jog vo

14 pǎo to run v

15 难受 nánshòu hard to bear; uncomfortable adj

16 网球 wǎngqiú Tennis n

17 pāi Racket n

18 篮球 lánqiú Basketball n

19 游泳 yóu yǒng to swim vo

20 危险 wēixiǎn Dangerous adj

21 愿意 yuànyì to be willing av

22 第十八课 对话一 Yǔ fǎ 语法 grammar

23 好+ V 难+ V = adjectives 难受 好受
ome verbs can be preceded by 好 or 难, and the resulting compounds become adjectives. In this case, 好 (hǎo) usually means “easy” while 难 (nán) means “difficult” 难受 nánshòu hard to bear 好受 hǎoshòu easy to bear

24 好+ V 难+ V = adjectives 好写 难写
In this case, 好 (hǎo) usually means “easy” while 难 (nán) means “difficult” 好写 hǎoxiě easy to write 难写 Nánxiě hard to write

25 好+ V 难+ V = adjectives 好走 难走
In this case, 好 (hǎo) usually means “easy” while 难 (nán) means “difficult” 好走 Hǎozǒu easy to walk on 难走 Nánzǒu hard to walk on

26 好+ V 难+ V = adjectives 好说 难说
In this case, 好 (hǎo) usually means “easy” while 难 (nán) means “difficult” 好说 Hǎoshuō easy to say 难说 Nánshuō difficult to say

27 好+ V 难+ V = adjectives 好懂 难懂
In this case, 好 (hǎo) usually means “easy” while 难 (nán) means “difficult” 好懂 Hǎodǒng easy to understand 难懂 Nándǒng hard to understand

28 好+ V 难+ V = adjectives 好唱 难唱
In this case, 好 (hǎo) usually means “easy” while 难 (nán) means “difficult” 好唱 Hǎochàng easy to sing 难唱 Nándǒng hard to understand

29 好+ V 难+ V = adjectives 好唱 难唱
In some other compounds, 好 (hǎo) suggests that the action represented by the verb is pleasant; while 难 (nán) means the opposite 好唱 Hǎochàng easy to sing 难唱 Nándǒng hard to understand

30 好+ V 难+ V = adjectives 好看 难看
In some other compounds, 好 (hǎo) suggests that the action represented by the verb is pleasant; while 难 (nán) means the opposite 好看 Hǎokàn pretty 难看 Nánkàn ugly

31 好+ V 难+ V = adjectives 好看 难看
In some other compounds, 好 (hǎo) suggests that the action represented by the verb is pleasant; while 难 (nán) means the opposite 好看 Hǎokàn pretty 难看 Nánkàn ugly

32 好+ V 难+ V = adjectives 好听 难听
In some other compounds, 好 (hǎo) suggests that the action represented by the verb is pleasant; while 难 (nán) means the opposite 好听 Hǎotīng pleasant to the ear 难听 Nántīng unpleasant to the ear

33 Time Expression + 没 + V + (了)
(Duration of Non-Action) This structure indicates that an action has not been or was not performed for a certain period of time. Q:他三天没上网了。 Tā sān tiān méi shàng wǎng le. He hasn’t gone online for three days.

34 Q:我两年没检查身体了。 Time Expression + 没 + V + (了) (Duration of Non-Action)
Wǒ liǎng nián méi jiǎnchá shēntǐ le. I haven’t had a check-up in two years.

35 Q:妹妹上个月特别忙,三个星期没回家。 Time Expression + 没 + V + (了)
(Duration of Non-Action) Q:妹妹上个月特别忙,三个星期没回家。 Mèimei shàng ge yuè tèbié máng, sān ge xīngqī méi huí jiā. My younger sister was especially busy last month, and she didn’t come home for three weeks.

36 Time Expression + 没 + V + (了)
(Duration of Non-Action) Q:去年寒假我去英国旅行,一个月没吃中国菜。 Qùnián hánjià wǒ qù Yīngguó lǚxíng, yí ge yuè méi chī Zhōngguó cài. I went on a trip to Britain during the winter break last year, and didn’t eat any Chinese food for a month.

37 A:我学了两年中文了。 B:是吗?我两年没学中文了。 Time Expression + 没 + V + (了)
Duration of Non-Action VS. Duration of Action in Affirmative Sentence. A:我学了两年中文了。 Wǒ xué le liǎng nián Zhōngwén le. I have been studying Chinese for two years. B:是吗?我两年没学中文了。 Shì ma? Wǒ liǎng nián méi xué Zhōngwén le. Really? I haven’t studied Chinese for two years.

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