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Case study: a manager’s dilemma 組別:3-7 組員:資財 黃姿瑋 資財 林宛璇

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1 Case study: a manager’s dilemma 組別:3-7 組員:資財 黃姿瑋 資財 林宛璇

2 (1) Identify and articulate business problems

3 What does the manager want to do ?
1.Nayar want to promote a system that employ can write a “trouble ticket ” if he or she had a problem. 2.Share the weaknesses from his 360 –degree feedback for all employees to see.

4 Why does he do that? 1.Enble employees to find their own destiny by gravitating to their strengths , which is in his corporate democracy. 2.He believe that leaders should be open to criticism , and it is a good way to increase his accountability as a leader to his employees.

5 What problems does the manager meet?
He has to let his employees do the trouble ticket and 360 –degree feedback freely and efficiently. However , which needs much trust between each other. How can Nayar continue to build that trust?

6 (2) Gather and analyze information applicable

7  Information applicable:
1.According to the Ohio State Studies. -leader behavior : consideration. High-high leader achieved high subordinate performance and satisfactions. 2.According to the SLT and Path-goal theory. ---leadership behavior : participative leader.

8 3.能與穩重型與幽默型主管一起工作,開心指數高達九成! 讓人最不爽的主管為狗腿型、 老狐狸型及龜毛型的主管!
3.能與穩重型與幽默型主管一起工作,開心指數高達九成! 讓人最不爽的主管為狗腿型、 老狐狸型及龜毛型的主管! 由圖3可知,你知道會讓上班族感到開心或是非常開心的主管,是哪一種類型呢?答案是「穩重型」及「幽默型」的主管,上班族的開心指數高達九成(89%);但是讓人感到超級不開心的主管類型,則依序為「狗腿型」(86%)、「表面工夫型」(82%)、「老狐狸型」(76%)與「龜毛型」(74%)的主管。

9 4.超過3成網友向主管求助,最討厭主管回應:我以前都…你這個不算什麼! 下屬不需要主管是萬能的,但卻希望在遇到困難時能得到協助及問題解決,然而有時難免會得到令人無助的回應,在此次調查中高達34%,最討厭主管回應:『我以前都…你這個不算什麼!』、『我來處理..事後都沒處理』達24%、『我來全力支援你..事後都沒有』達13%。

10 (3) Identify and apply an appropriate tool for  solving problems

11 Solving the problem, that is, the way of continuing building trust:
1.Practice openness. -制定決策的標準透明化、親自向員工解釋決策的理由、 對問題直言不諱以完全公開相關資訊. 2.Be fair -平常進行客觀公正的績效考核、獎賞分配制度. 3.Speak your feelings -多分享自己的感受,使員工認為自己是個通情達理的人, 增加尊重感. 4.Tell the truth. -員工往往可接受不好的消息,卻很難接受領導者欺騙他們的事實

12 5.Show consistency. -不信任往往來自不知該期待甚麼。領導者需花時間思考 自己的價值觀及信念,而後員工才可以他們當作依據。 6.Fulfill your promises. -說到做到,信守承諾 7.Maintain confidences. -一個審慎、可讓人倚賴的領導者是受員工信賴的 8.Demonstrate competence. -藉由專業及技術能力來增加員工對自己的欽佩與尊敬。需特別專注於發展和練習有效的溝通及協商等人際關係技巧。


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