9/20 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives)

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1 9/20 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives)
I can do 5-minute Chinese Social Time using the Quiz Question Review Booklet. I can speak, read and write the following Chinese characters: 号 hào (number) and 鞋子 xiézi (Shoes) I can ask and answer what size of clothes one wears in Chinese. I know there are two different verbs meaning “wear” in Chinese: 穿chuān & 戴 dài Quiz Today: Q:先生, 您要买什么衣服? Xiānshēng, nín yāo mǎi shénme yīfú (Mr. , what clothes would you like to buy?) A:我想要买一件衬衫。 Wǒ xiǎng yāo mǎi yī jiàn chènshān (I would like to buy a shirt.)

2 Q:您穿几号的鞋子? A: 我穿八 号的鞋子。 9/21 小考 xiǎo kǎo (Quiz)
Nín chuān jǐ hào de xiézi Q:您穿几号的鞋子? What size of shoes do you wear? Wǒ chuān bā hào de xiézi A: 我穿八 号的鞋子。 My shoes’s size is 8.

3 穿 戴 Dài 穿鞋子 戴帽子 戴眼镜 穿衣服 Chuān chuān xiézi dài màozi dài yǎnjìng
to dress; to wear (clothes, dress, shoes) Dài to put on; wear (glasses, gloves, hat, watch…) 穿鞋子  chuān xiézi 戴帽子 dài màozi 戴眼镜 dài yǎnjìng 穿衣服

4 戴 Dài (to put on; wear (glasses, gloves, hat, watch…)

5 多大 How old?/How big? 多少 How much/many? Q: 你今年多大? A: 我今年十九岁。 Q:这件衣服多少钱?
多 duō (Used in a question asking about degree or extent) 多大 How old?/How big? 多少 How much/many? Q: 你今年多大? A: 我今年十九岁。 Q:这件衣服多少钱? A:这件衣服一百块钱。

6 大 /中/小 号hào (size) Q1: 你穿多大的鞋子? jǐ hào Q2: 你穿几号的鞋子?
Nǐ chuān duōdà de xiézi Q1: 你穿多大的鞋子? jǐ hào Q2: 你穿几号的鞋子? Nín chuān dà hào d zhōng hào d háishì xiǎo hào de xiézi Q3: 您穿大号的,中号的,还是小号的鞋子? A:我穿_____号的。(大号的、中号的 、小号的)

7 My wardrobe

8 Q1: 这是谁的帽子? Whose hat is this? A1: 这是我的帽子。 This is my hat.
Talking about your wardrobe Q1: 这是谁的帽子? Whose hat is this? A1: 这是我的帽子。 This is my hat. Q2: 你穿多大的鞋子? What size of shoes do you wear? A2: 我穿六号的鞋子。 I wear size 6 of shoes. Q3: 你最喜欢穿/戴什么颜色的裤子/帽子? A3: 我最喜欢穿/戴黑色的裤子/帽子。

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