ACS电子期刊平台 使用指南 iGroup China 亚太资讯(中国)有限公司 2009.7.

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1 ACS电子期刊平台 使用指南 iGroup China 亚太资讯(中国)有限公司 2009.7

2 内容提纲 ACS及其出版物介绍 ACS电子期刊平台的使用

3 American Chemical Society 美国化学学会 成立于1876年,是世界上最大的科技学会之一,会员数近16万。

4 ACS出版物 High Quality High Impact! 作为享誉全球的科技出版机构,一直致力于提供高品质、高影响力的期刊及服务

5 期刊列表 Accounts of Chemical Research 化学研究报告
ACS Chemical Biology ACS化学生物学 ACS Nano ACS纳米 Analytical Chemistry 分析化学 Biochemistry 生物化学 Bioconjugate Chemistry 结合物化学 Biomacromolecules 生物高分子化学 Chemical Research in Toxicology 毒物化学研究 Chemical Reviews 化学评论 Chemistry of Materials 材料化学 Crystal Growth & Design 晶体生长与设计 Energy & Fuels 能源和燃料 Environmental Science & Technology 环境科学和技术

6 期刊列表 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 化工研究
Inorganic Chemistry 无机化学 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 农业化学和 食品化学 Journal of the American Chemical Society 美国化学学会会志 Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 化工数据 Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 化学信息建模 Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 化学理论与计算 Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry 组合化学 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 药物化学 Journal of Natural Products 天然产物 The Journal of Organic Chemistry 有机化学 The Journal of Physical Chemistry A&B&C 物理化学A、B、C Journal of Natural Products是ACS与The American Society of Pharmacognosy(美国生药学学会)合作出版的期刊 What is pharmacognosy? "Pharmacognosy" derives from two Greek words, "pharmakon" or drug, and "gnosis" or knowledge. Like many contemporary fields of science, Pharmacognosy has undergone significant change in recent years and today represents a highly interdisciplinary science which is one of five major areas of pharmaceutical education. Its scope includes the study of the physical, chemical, biochemical and biological properties of drugs, drug substances, or potential drugs or drug substances of natural origin as well as the search for new drugs from natural sources. Research problems in pharmacognosy include studies in the areas of phytochemistry, microbial chemistry, biosynthesis, biotransformation, chemotaxonomy, and other biological and chemical sciences. The American Society of Pharmacognosy was founded in 1959 as an outgrowth of the Plant Science Seminar which itself was established in The Society is international in scope and brings together men and women dedicated to the promotion, growth, and development not only of pharmacognosy but all aspects of those sciences related to and dealing in natural products. The Society currently has over 1,100 members, in the categories of active and associate membership. Appromimately 40 percent of the active members of the Society reside outside of the U.S. and Canada and represent more than 60 countries throughout the world.

7 期刊列表 Journal of Proteome Research 蛋白质组研究 Langmuir 朗缪尔
Macromolecules 高分子 Molecular Pharmaceutics 分子药剂学 Nano Letters 纳米快报 Organic Letters 有机物快报 Organic Process Research & Development 有机物进展研发 Organometallics 有机金属 Chemical & Enigeering News 化学化工新闻 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ACS应用材料与界面 New in 2010 ACS Chemical Neuroscience ACS化学神经科学 Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 物理化学快报

8 ACS期刊品质 影响因子排名第一的期刊: 化学多学科——Chemical Reviews
分析化学类——Analytical Chemistry 晶体学类——Crystal Growth & Design

9 ACS期刊品质 被引用量排名第一的期刊: 分析化学——Analytical Chemistry
材料学多学科——Chemistry of Materials 环境工程 / 环境科学 ——Environmental Science & Technology 无机化学——Inorganic Chemistry 农学多学科 / 应用化学 / 食品科学和工艺 ——Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 化学多学科——JACS 医学化学——Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 有机化学——The Journal of Organic Chemistry 物理化学——The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 聚合物科学——Macromolecules 纳米科学和纳米技术——Nano Letters

10 Journal of the American Chemical Society 美国化学学会会志
创刊于1879年,ACS旗舰刊物;每周出版,每年出版文章超过17,000页 出版文章几乎涵盖所有化学领域 CALIS集团使用量最好的科技期刊 从1996年到2006年,其期刊影响因子和被引用量持续上升

11 ACS电子期刊新平台 Better Browsing Better Searching Better Full-Text Articles
Better Personalization

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