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NEWSLETTER LAW OFFICE 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM 12 2012 2012年第12期.

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1 NEWSLETTER LAW OFFICE 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM 12 2012 2012年第12期

2 本刊特稿 Special Manuscript
目 录 CATALOGUE 本刊特稿 Special Manuscript 限制劳务派遣岗位 落实同工同酬 Limit Labor Dispatch Position, Execute Equal Pay for Equal Work 案例分析 Analysis of Case 劳动仲裁案例两则 Two Cases of Labor Arbitration 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM LAW OFFICE

3 新法速递 New Laws and Regulations Express
外国人持绿卡可享国民待遇 Aliens who hold green cards can enjoy national treatment 个人独资企业清算可以参照适用企业破产法规定的破产清算程序 The debt of individual proprietorship enterprises shall be liquidated according to the procedure as prescribed by Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of the PRC. 最高人民法院关于审理道路交通事故损害赔偿案件适用法律若干问题的解释 Interpretation by Supreme People's Court on several issues of applying the law while trying a case of road traffic damage compensation 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM LAW OFFICE

4 实务问答 Practice of Labor Laws
1.用人单位非因劳动者原因停工、停产、歇业的,工资如何支付? If the Employer discontinued or going out of business not caused by laborers, how does the employer pay wages? 2.企业能否单方面变更劳动合同?劳动合同的变更是否必须采用书面形式? Are enterprise able to change the employment contract unilaterally? Whether the labor contract must change in writing? 3.如何解除试用期不符合录用条件的员工? How to dismiss the staff who do not meet the conditions of employment in probationary period? 4.职工失业后,可以回户籍地领取失业待遇吗? Can unemployed laborers return to the domicile to get unemployment treatment? 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM LAW OFFICE

5 Limit Labor Dispatch Position, Execute Equal Pay for Equal Work
本刊特稿 Special Manuscript 限制劳务派遣岗位 落实同工同酬 Limit Labor Dispatch Position, Execute Equal Pay for Equal Work 十一届全国人大常委会第三十次会议表决通过了关于修改劳动合同法的决定。修改后的劳动合同法将于2013年7月1日起施行。自劳动合同法颁布实施后,劳务派遣单位数量大幅增加,劳务派遣用工规模迅速扩大。然而,由于劳动派遣单位经营不规范、许多用工单位长期大量使用被派遣劳动者等原因,被派遣劳动者的合法权益得不到有效保障。这次修改劳动合同法,目的是要从法律上严格规范劳务派遣用工,主要包括以下内容: The decision regarding amending the Labor Contract Law has been passed on the 30th session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People’s Congress. And the amended Labor Contract Law will come into force on July 1, After the Labor Contract Law promulgated and carried out, the number of labor dispatch units has significantly increased, and the scale of labor dispatch employment has expanded very quickly. 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM LAW OFFICE

6 THANK YOU ! 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM 本期NEWSLETTER详细内容,可致电或发邮件索取,我所免费提供!
As for the content of this Newsletter in detail, you can ask for by Telephone or and we will provide it for you free. Tel : THANK YOU ! 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM LAW OFFICE 江苏锦程律师事务所 Jiang Su King's Wisdom Law Office Tel. : +86   1599 Fax.: +86   1598 地址 Address:  无锡市中山路333号华光大厦2楼A1座 邮编214001 2A1, Wah kwong Building, 333 Zhongshan Rd, Wuxi, China 214001

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