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基本設計組 林家凱 成功大學系統及船舶機電工程學系

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1 基本設計組 林家凱 成功大學系統及船舶機電工程學系
中階實務課程 基本設計組 林家凱 成功大學系統及船舶機電工程學系

2 基本設計

3 船舶改裝基本設計技術建立 船舶改裝需求 線圖模擬 靜水性能比較 建艙 容積表比較 重量分佈 俯仰計算 完整穩度計算 縱向強度計算

4 線型模擬

5 線型模擬

6 靜水性能比較

7 建艙

8 容積表比較

9 完整穩度計算 靜穩度 扶正力臂(GZ)與角度圖中扶正力臂曲線從0。到30。的面積不可小於0.055 meter-radians, 0。到40。或是泛水角θf(若泛水角小於40。)的面積不可小於0.09 meter-radians,30。到40。或是泛水角θf的面積不可小於0.03 meter-radians。 正穩度曲線範圍內,角度大於30。時,扶正力臂須大於0.2m 扶正力臂角度最大值需超過25。 初定傾高GM0需大於0.15

10 動穩度 完整穩度計算 船遭受到穩定風壓垂直作用於船中,因而產生的Heeling level (lw1) lw1=
由於風浪的影響,船以平衡角度θ0(由於穩定風壓所造成的角度)為基點,橫搖角度為θ1 由於陣風的影響,船遭受到陣風風壓,因而產生Heeling level (lw2) lw2=1.5.lw1 θ2為泛水角或50。或θC取最小值 θ3為扶正力臂曲線與lw2第一次交點 θC為扶正力臂曲線與lw2第二次交點 基於上述的假設,面積b必須大於或等於面積a 計算強風橫搖穩度時,必須將自由液面效應考慮在內 0.0514.A.Z    △

11 破損穩度計算 自然破損狀況的假定:限定法式假定在船的縱向橫向及垂向有一定的破損範圍,而此破損範圍可能發生在任一縱向及橫向的位置。機率法的破損範圍是隨機選擇,有可能小至一個小孔大至全船,同時這個破損範圍可能發生在船的縱向、橫向或垂向的任何位置。 破損後可接受的標準:限定法的要求是在任何一可能破損的情況下,船的破損穩定皆必須符合法規裡最小穩度基準。機率法則是考慮所有的破損可能狀況下的存活率,得到一個隔艙指數"A"(Attainned Subdivision index),A必須大於法規由統計現行船所得到的最低隔艙指數基準"R"(Requiremed Subdivision Index)

12 破損穩度計算 法規名稱 SOLAS 92 II.B1 regs. 25-1 MSC. 216(82) ANNEX2 II-1.B 生效年限
Cargo ship over 100m in Ls Cargo ship over 80m in L 考慮狀況 滿載 部分裝載 輕載 ( Ls)1/3 Ls>100 128 1- ————— Ls+152 100>Ls>80   100*(1-Ro) 1- ——————   100-Ro(100-Ls)

13 破損穩度計算 P Where the compartment consider extent over the
entire ship length Ls: Pi = 1 Where the aft limit of the compartment considered coincides with the aft terminal: Pi= F+0.5ap+q Where the forward limit of the compartment considered coincides with the forward terminal: Pi = 1-F+0.5ap When both ends of the compartment considered are inside the aft and forward terminals of the ship length Ls: Pi = ap If the damage involves a single zone only: Pi =p(x1j,x2j).[r(x1j,x2j,bk)-r(x1j,x2j,bk-1) If the damage involve two adjacent zones: Pi=p(x1j,x2j+1).[r(x1j,x2j+1,bk)- r(x1j,x2j+1,bk-1) – p(x1j,x2j).[r(x1j,x2j,bk)- r(x1j,x2j,bk-1) – p(x1j+1,x2j+1). [r(x1j+1,x2j+1,bk)-r(x1j+1,x2j+1,bk-1) If the damage involves three or more adjacent zones: Pi=p(x1j,x2j+n-1). [r(x1j,x2j+n-1,bk)-r(x1j,x2j+n-1,bk-1) – p(x1j,x2j+n-2).[r(x1j,x2j+n-2,bk)- r(x1j,x2j+n-2,bk-1) – p(x1j+1,x2j+n-1). [r(x1j+1,x2j+n-1,bk)-r(x1j+1,x2j+n-1,bk-1) + p(x1j+1,x2j+n-2).[r(x1j+1,x2j+n-2,bk)- r(x1j+1,x2j+n-2,bk-1)  and where r(x1,x2,b0) = 0

14 破損穩度計算 S S =C.(0.5.GZmax.range)1/2 C =1 ifθe<25。 C =0 ifθe>30。
C =[(30-θe)/5]1/2 GZmax =maximum positive righting level(metres)within the range as given below but Not more than 0.1 m Range =range of positive righting levels beyond the angle of equilibrium(degrees) but Not more than 20。;however,the range shall be terminated at angle where openings not capable of being closed weathertight areimmersed θe=final equilibrium angle of heel(degrees) S=min{Sintermediate,i orSfinal,i.Smom,i}         GZmax.range Sintermediate,i=(———————)1/4          0.05 . 7 GZmax <0.05,range< 7。      GZmax.Range Sfinal,I =K(———————)1/4       0.12 . 16 GZmax <0.12,range< 16。 K =1 ifθe<25。,K =0 ifθe>30。 K =[(30-θe)/5]1/2     (GZmax-0.04) .Disp Smom,i=————————————        Mheel Smom,i<=1 or max{Mwind or Msurvivalcraft}

15 破損穩度計算 V Vi=(H-d) / (Hmax-d) for assume flooding up to the
horizpntal subdivision above the subdivision abovethe subdivision load line, where H is to be restricted to a height of Hmax, Vi=1 if the uppermost horizontal subdivision in way of the assumed damage region is below Hmax, Where H is the height of the horizontal subdivision above the base-line which is assumed to limit the vertical extent of damage, Hmax is the maximum possible vertical extent of damage above the baseline ,Or Hmax=d+0.056Ls[1-(Ls/500)] if Ls≦250m Hmax=d+7 if Ls>250, whichever is less.d=moulded draft at deepest subdivision load line or partial load line Vm=V(Hm-d)-V(Hm-1,d) V(H,d)=0.8(H-d) / 7.8 , if (Hm-d) is less than, or equal to,7.8m V(H,d)= [(H-d-7.8)/4.7] in all other cases, where (Hm,d) is to be taken as 1 , if Hm coincides with the uppermost watertight boundary of the ship within the range (x1(j)…x2(j+n-1)),and V(H0,d) is to be taken as 0 In no case is Vm to be taken as less than zero or more than 1

16 dAi=Pi [V1*Smin1+(V2-V1)* Smin2+…+(1-V m-1) Sminm]
破損穩度計算 Ai=Pi *Si A=0.5As+0.5Ap dAi=Pi [V1*Smin1+(V2-V1)* Smin2+…+(1-V m-1) Sminm] A=0.4As+0.4Ap+0.2Al As、Ap、Al are not less than 0.5R for cargo ship 參數設定 庫房 0.6 住艙 0.95 機艙 0.85 空艙 0.92 油水艙 0 or 0.95 乾貨艙 0.7 Full Partial Light 0.8

17 破損穩度計算 原始艙區劃分 新艙區劃分(舊法) 新艙區劃分(新法) A 0.3245 0.535 0.622 R 0.506 0.564


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