復活節的真諦 The True Meaning of Holy Resurrection Day

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1 復活節的真諦 The True Meaning of Holy Resurrection Day

2 可Mark 16:1-6 過了安息日,抹大拉的馬利亞和雅各的母親馬利亞並撒羅米,買了香膏要去膏耶穌的身體。 2 七日的第一日清早,出太陽的時候,他們來到墳墓那裡, 3 彼此說:「誰給我們把石頭從墓門輥開呢?」 、4 那石頭原來很大,他們抬頭一看卻見石頭已經輥開了。 5 他們進了墳墓,看見一個少年人坐在右邊,穿著白袍,就甚驚恐。6 那少年人對他們說:「不要驚恐!你們尋找那釘十字架的拿撒勒人耶穌,他已經復活了,不在這裡。請看安放他的地方。

3 前言Introduction: 基督復活與你我的關係: What the resurrection of Christ has to do with you and me: 改寫七日第一日的意義 It rewrote the meaning of the first day of the week 重新定義膏耶穌的身體 It redefined the meaning of anointing the body of Jesus 啟示石頭已輥開的目的 It revealed the purpose of the stone having been rolled away 3

4 1.七日的第一日 The first day of the week:
另一個安息日Another Sabbath 來Heb.4:9 這樣看來,必另有一安息日的安息為神的子民存留。 舊約:先工作後安息 Old Testament: Work first, then rest 新約:先安息後工作 New Testament: Rest first, then work 被稱為主日 It’s called the Lord's Day 羅Rom. 11:36 因為萬有都是本於他,倚靠他,歸於他。願榮耀歸給他,直到永遠。阿們! 4

5 2.膏耶穌的身體 Anoint the body of Christ
可Mark 16:1 過了安息日,抹大拉的馬利亞和雅各的母親馬利亞並撒羅米,買了香膏要去膏耶穌的身體 弗Eph. 1:23 教會是他的身體…… 林後 2 Cor. 2: 感謝神!常帥領我們在基督裡誇勝,並藉著我們在各處顯揚那因認識基督而有的香氣。 15 因為我們在神面前,無論在得救的人身上或滅亡的人身上,都有基督馨香之氣。 5

6 2.膏耶穌的身體 Anoint the body of Christ
路Luke 4:18 主的靈在我身上,因為他用膏膏我,叫我傳福音給貧窮的人;差遣我報告:被擄的得釋放…….. 可Mark 16:7 你們可以去告訴他的門徒和彼得……. 6

7 3.石頭已經輥開 The stone had been rolled away
可Mark 16:3-4 彼此說:「誰給我們把石頭從墓門輥開呢?」 、4 那石頭原來很大,他們抬頭一看,卻見石頭已經輥開了。 相信基督是主 Believe Christ is Lord 表達對基督的愛 Express the love for Christ 活出基督裡的盼望 Live out the hope in Christ 七日的第一日 The first day of the week 膏耶穌的身體 Anoint the body of Christ 石頭已經輥開 The stone had been rolled away 7

8 結語 Conclusion: 可Mark 16:3 彼此說:「誰給我們把石頭從墓門輥開呢?」 、4 那石頭原來很大,他們抬頭一看卻見石頭已經輥開了 石頭已經輥開:客觀的事實 The stone had been rolled away: an objective fact 看見石頭已經輥開:主觀的經歷 Saw that the stone had been rolled away: a subjective experience 8

9 結語 Conclusion: 可Mark 16:7 你們可以去告訴他的門徒和彼得,說:『他在你們以先往加利利去。在那裡你們要見他,正如他從前所告訴你們的。 But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you. 9

10 主活 He Lives (Hymn 115)   1. 我所事奉復活主,祂仍活於此世; I serve a risen Savior, He's in the world today; 我知祂仍然活著,無論人如何說。 I know that He is living, whatever men may say; 我見祂的施恩手,又聞祂安慰聲; I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer 每次當我需祂時,祂必來臨! And just the time I need Him, He's always near.

11 (副歌Chorus). 主活!主活!祂今仍然活著! He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today
(副歌Chorus) 主活!主活!祂今仍然活著! He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! 與我交談,與我同行, He walks with me and talks with me 生命窄路同過; along life's narrow way. 主活!主活!救恩臨到萬民, He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! 你問我怎知主活著? You ask me how I know He lives? 因祂活在我心。 He lives within my heart.

12 2. 紛亂世事圍繞中,我見祂的慈容; In all the world around me I see His loving care, 雖然我心感疲倦,但永不會失望。 And tho' my heart grows weary, I never will despair 一切狂怒風潮中,我知主正引領; I know that He is leading Thro' all the stormy blast, 直到那日祂顯現,至終降臨! The day of His appearing Will come at last.

13 (副歌Chorus). 主活!主活!祂今仍然活著! He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today
(副歌Chorus) 主活!主活!祂今仍然活著! He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! 與我交談,與我同行, He walks with me and talks with me 生命窄路同過; along life's narrow way. 主活!主活!救恩臨到萬民, He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! 你問我怎知主活著? You ask me how I know He lives? 因祂活在我心。 He lives within my heart.

14 3. 歡欣!歡欣!眾聖徒,揚起你聲歌唱! Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian, Lift up your voice and sing 哈利路亞聲響亮,永歸基督我王。 Eternal hallelujahs To Jesus Christ the King 祂是尋求者希望,是尋得者力量; The hope of all who seek Him, The Help of all who find, 再無人可愛像祂,如此善良! No other is so loving So good and kind.

15 (副歌Chorus). 主活!主活!祂今仍然活著! He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today
(副歌Chorus) 主活!主活!祂今仍然活著! He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! 與我交談,與我同行, He walks with me and talks with me 生命窄路同過; along life's narrow way. 主活!主活!救恩臨到萬民, He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! 你問我怎知主活著? You ask me how I know He lives? 因祂活在我心。 He lives within my heart.

16 Hallelujah

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