蒲公英學會新春聚會 謹祝大家身體健康!五福臨門!

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Presentation on theme: "蒲公英學會新春聚會 謹祝大家身體健康!五福臨門!"— Presentation transcript:

1 蒲公英學會新春聚會 謹祝大家身體健康!五福臨門! May you and your family enjoy peace and good health throughout the new year.

2 蒲公英學會恭祝大家 萬事如意 蛇年吉祥

3 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.
<三周年會慶> May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.

4 <講座> 環保酵素DIY Last but not least, may you be bestowed with good fortunes in the new year.

5 May the new year bring you fulfillment and success in life.
<講座> 平衡與太極養生 May the new year bring you fulfillment and success in life.

6 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.
<講座> 伸展運動 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.

7 外展活動仁愛堂<百家共聚迎中秋>
Last but not least, may you be bestowed with good fortunes in the new year.

8 外展活動仁愛堂<百家共聚迎中秋>
May you and your family enjoy peace and good health throughout the new year.

9 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.
<外展講課> May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.

10 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.
<外展講課> May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.

11 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.
<活動> 種植樂 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.

12 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.
<活動> 種植樂 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.

13 蒲公英學會恭祝大家 財源廣進 金銀滿屋

14 <講座> 食用酵素 Last but not least, may you be bestowed with good fortunes in the new year.

15 秋季郊遊樂 --- 螢火蟲之旅 Last but not least, may you be bestowed with good fortunes in the new year.

16 秋季郊遊樂 --- 螢火蟲之旅 May you and your family enjoy peace and good health throughout the new year.

17 秋季郊遊樂 --- 螢火蟲之旅 May you and your family enjoy peace and good health throughout the new year.

18 秋季郊遊樂 --- 螢火蟲之旅 May you and your family enjoy peace and good health throughout the new year.

19 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.
<課程> 毛巾操 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.

20 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.
<課程> 毛巾操 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.

21 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.
<講座> 顱脊自療 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.

22 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.
<顱脊自療學習班> May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.

23 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.
<課程> 吃出健康 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.

24 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.
<講座>高血壓的中醫防治 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.

25 外展活動仁愛堂<活力迎冬暖暖嘉年華>
May you and your family enjoy peace and good health throughout the new year.

26 外展活動仁愛堂<活力迎冬暖暖嘉年華>
May you and your family enjoy peace and good health throughout the new year.

27 蒲公英學會恭祝大家 心想事成 闔府平安

28 環保知多點 參觀廚餘中心 Last but not least, may you be bestowed with good fortunes in the new year.

29 環保知多點 參觀廚餘中心 Last but not least, may you be bestowed with good fortunes in the new year.

30 環保知多點 參觀廚餘中心 Last but not least, may you be bestowed with good fortunes in the new year.

31 環保知多點 參觀廚餘中心 Last but not least, may you be bestowed with good fortunes in the new year.

32 分享愛笑瑜伽 齊來拍手大笑 Last but not least, may you be bestowed with good fortunes in the new year.

33 May the new year bring you fulfillment and success in life.
<講座 > 輕鬆減壓笑笑笑 May the new year bring you fulfillment and success in life.

34 May the new year bring you fulfillment and success in life.
<講座 > 輕鬆減壓笑笑笑 May the new year bring you fulfillment and success in life.

35 May the new year bring you fulfillment and success in life.
<講座 > 輕鬆減壓笑笑笑 May the new year bring you fulfillment and success in life.

36 蒲公英學會恭祝大家 精神爽利 笑口常開

37 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.
<講座 > 優質睡眠 May the new year flood your home with joy, happiness, and laughter.

38 <講座 > 奇妙活腦的方法 Last but not least, may you be bestowed with good fortunes in the new year.

39 May the new year bring you fulfillment and success in life.
蒲公英學會團年晚宴 May the new year bring you fulfillment and success in life.

40 May the new year bring you fulfillment and success in life.
蒲公英學會團年晚宴 May the new year bring you fulfillment and success in life.

41 May the new year bring you fulfillment and success in life.
蒲公英學會團年晚宴 May the new year bring you fulfillment and success in life.

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