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1. 雅夫在飛機上顯得無精打采,因為牠必須待在那小小的獸籠裡

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Presentation on theme: "1. 雅夫在飛機上顯得無精打采,因為牠必須待在那小小的獸籠裡"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. 雅夫在飛機上顯得無精打采,因為牠必須待在那小小的獸籠裡
Masao was in low spirits on airplane because it should stay in a small cage.

2 2.在飛機降落且籠子被打開後,雅夫變得生龍活虎
After the airplane landed and the cage was opened, Masao was bursting with energy.



5 3. 工作小組與雅夫將要去公園錄製電視節目。這對影迷們來說真 是個千載難逢的機會
The staff and Masao were going to the park for recording the TV program. It was a chance to the fans once in a blue moon.

6 4.許多人都翹首以待 Lots of people awaited with great anxiety.

7 The park was filled with gayety.
5. 能親眼見到雅夫,許多人真是欣喜若狂 Many people were on cloud nine that they could see Masao with their own eyes. 6.公園裡充滿了歡樂氣氛 The park was filled with gayety.

8 7. 突然間,有隻狗衝向雅夫且咬了牠一口。這讓雅夫還有許多人大吃一驚。
Suddenly, a dog rushed to Masao and bit it. It made Masao and many people jump out of their skin. 8.這真是件令人掃興的事 It was really a skeleton at the feast.

9 9. 在那之後,雅夫變得坐立不安 After that, Masao was on tenterhooks.

10 10. 雖然這趟旅行中有些美中不足,但他們仍覺得高興且感謝影迷們的熱情。
Although there was a fly in the ointment in this trip, they still felt happy and thank for fans' enthusiasm.

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