971研究方法課程第六次上課必讀教材導讀 如何提出一個論文題目或研究問題

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1 971研究方法課程第六次上課必讀教材導讀 如何提出一個論文題目或研究問題
政治大學資訊管理系 李昌雄 教學網站

2 研究循環與鑽石模型

3 研究論文的論述架構 現象與問題﹝研究動機與問題﹞ 搜尋及批判文獻中已有的答案﹝研究背景或文獻探討﹞
大膽假設或延伸已有的答案﹝理論假說或研究架構﹞ 以演繹或歸納的實徵方法來小心推論、求證或修正已有的答案﹝資料蒐集及分析討論﹞ 問題回答了沒有?我相信你的答案嗎? ﹝結論﹞

4 如何掌握一篇論文的重點 從論文摘要辨識研究問題
Effective collaboration in computer-mediated settings among spatially distributed people is a precondition for success in many new learning and working contexts but it is hard to achieve. We have developed two instructional approaches to improve collaboration in such settings by promoting people’s capabilities to collaborate in a fruitful way and furthering their understanding of what characterizes good collaboration. The rationale is that strategies necessary for a good and effective computer-mediated collaboration may be conveyed to people by exposing them to an elaborated worked-out collaboration example (observational learning) or by giving them the opportunity to learn from scripted collaborative problem-solving. An experimental study was conducted that compared learning from observing a worked-out collaboration example with the learning effects of scripted collaborative problem-solving, the effects of unscripted collaborative problem-solving, and a control condition without a learning phase. The experimental design provided clearly separated phases for the instructional treatments (learning phase) and for applying and testing the acquired skills (application phase). Both observing a worked-out collaboration example and collaborating with a script during the learning phase showed positive effects on process and outcome of the second collaboration in the application phase. Source: Nikol Rummel and Hans Spada, “Learning to Collaborate: An Instructional Approach to Promoting Collaborative Problem Solving in Computer-Mediated Settings,” THE JOURNAL OF THE LEARNING SCIENCES, 2005, 14(2), 201–241.

5 導讀第六週教材 必讀教材 Van Dalen, D.B., Chapter 7 ‘Analysis of the problem,” in Understanding educational research: An introduction, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill Pub., 1979. 選讀教材 Kumar, 第三章 「文獻探討」及第四章 「形成研究問題」 任何一本研究方法的書,談及如何提出一個論文題目或研究問題

6 What do you mean by ‘the Analysis of the Problem?”
Isolating the variables that are involved and their relationships (ibid., p.168)

7 Approaches to ‘the Analysis of the Problem’
偵測到規律的且弔詭的現象(paradox) 如預期,但仍不甚滿意 完全不如預期 大膽臆測(conjectures)、小心求證(reasoning, and seeking for disconfirmation or supporting evidences) Induction or grounded theory approach Deduction or theory-laden approach Exploring alternative, plausible explanations Surfacing the assumptions underlying the explanation 由大問題逐漸縮小為明確可研究的問題

8 Problem Analysis Procedures

9 Schematic Analysis of a Problem

10 A Case Study: A Conceptual Framework for Teacher Effectiveness

11 Description and Statement of the Problem
Limiting the scope of the investigation Specifying the nature of the problem Defining the terms Examining the assumptions

12 A Schematic Representation of a Theory

13 Aides in Locating and Analyzing Problems
Steeping yourself in the literature Exposing yourself to the professional stimulation Examining everyday experience Keeping notes

14 Evaluation of a Problem
Personal considerations Social considerations Approval of problem

15 An Example in Appendix D
Background The purpose of the study Rationale and hypotheses Instruments deployed

16 Kumar第三章 文獻探討 文獻探討的理由 文獻探討的過程 尋找現有的文獻 閱讀所選擇的文獻 發展理論架構 發展概念架構 撰寫文獻探討

17 Kumar第四章 形成研究問題 釐清研究問題的重要性 研究問題的形成步驟 研究目標的形成 建立操作性定義

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