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Five Famous Symbols of American Culture

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1 Five Famous Symbols of American Culture

2 Uncle Sam The Original The Image Symbols

3 The Original Fourteen year old Sam Wilson ran way from home to join his father and older brothers in the fight to liberate the American colonies from the British during the American Revolution. At age 23,he started a meat –packing business and earned a reputation for being honest and hard-working. 美国独立战争时期,14岁的山姆*威尔逊离家出走加入了父亲和哥哥们的行列,为美国殖民地独立于英国而战。23岁时,他开始从事肉类加工业,并且因为诚实能干而在当地很有威信。 战后,他专门为美国军队检验肉食并且在军队的肉桶上都印有EA-US的标识,EA代表公司名称,US代表原产品。据说纽约州长带领一些官员参观工厂,问到这几个字母的含义,一位想象丰富的雇员告诉他,US是“山姆大叔”<Uncle Sam> 威尔逊的缩写。不久,士兵们都说所有的军需都来自“山姆大叔”。

4 ~~~ dc漫画中的山姆大叔 ~~~ The most enduring portrait of Uncle Sam was
created by artist James Montgomery Flagg .That version——a tall man with white hair and a small white beard on his chin,a dark blue coat and a tall hat with stars on it –was a self-portrait of Flagg. 一位长着白头发、蓄着山羊胡子、头戴星条高帽 身穿红、白、蓝三色燕尾服和条长裤的瘦弱高个子 老人,且被描绘成一个据有超级力量与超速度的 老头,成为美国漫画中一位超级英雄!

5 作为美国的绰号······ 山姆大叔被用来代指“US”或“the US government ”,主要在美国、英国,尤其是在新闻界中使用较多。    “Uncle Sam”是美国的绰号,它同自由女神一样,为世人所熟知 。

6 Thank you ! NO.5 徐贝贝 彭响 曹松松 张鹏飞 张婷杰 王沛

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