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Geography Club x Reading Club 4E Helen Puk

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1 Geography Club x Reading Club 4E Helen Puk
Mystic Earth Geography Club x Reading Club 4E Helen Puk

2 書名: Tsunamis 作者: George Capaccio KLA: Pure Science Call no. : 551
書名: Tsunamis 作者: George Capaccio KLA: Pure Science Call no.: CAP

3 Causes of Tsunamis Volcanic explosions under the sea
1883: The eruption of Krakatoa in South Pacific Landslides rocks fall into the sea and cause a huge splash Meteorites (損石) No examples in history

4 If a Tsunami comes.. A sudden drop in sea level
A loud roar like the sound of a jet engine Go to a higher ground as soon as possible Do not stay in houses or buildings Learn more about tsunamis

5 書名: 馬屎洲 出版社: 郊野公園之友會

6 Rift Valley Usually nearby plate boundaries
Tectonic plates collide or diverge Block sinks and form a rift valley

7 火災與洪水 3C Karen Cheng

8 書名:火災與洪水 作者:尼古拉‧巴伯 出版社:三聯書店有限公司

9 探視了引起叢林火災和洪水泛濫的氣象條件 教導了讀者如何對付一埸野火 探訪了過去的災難地區 寫了關於存幸者的故事 處於受威脅的地區的情況 預防災難科學

10 風雨人間 4C Cherry Lam

11 Title: Weathering the Storms 風雨人間
Publisher : Hong Kong Observatory Authors : the people worked in HKO Call no. :

12 Wind and Weather 4C Anna Siu

13 Introduction 像:十萬個為什麼 e.g ~What is Air? ~Why is the sky blue?
~Where does the wind come? 不同:有很多精美的圖案 圖像往往解釋了文字的含意 有3D的體驗

14 Tornadoes Violent, Rotating Storms
Very strong winds circulating around an eye in which the atmosphere pressure is very low. Tornadoes

15 Clouds Cirrocumulus

16 Geography Club: Coming activities
18/01/2011 Mai Po Visit (Senior students) 31/01/2011 Mai Po Visit (Junior students) 08/02/2011 Field trip to Ma Shi Chau 10/02/2011 Talk on HK Corals If you are interested, please contact 4E Helen Puk.

17 Thank you, Ms Lo Y.Y.!


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