英语口译 3 Culture and Language.

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Presentation on theme: "英语口译 3 Culture and Language."— Presentation transcript:

1 英语口译 3 Culture and Language

2 vocabulary

3 Retelling: 贮存与笔记 Listening, note-taking, and retelling/interpreting:
1. Does Denmark Live up to its Title as the Happiest Nation? 2. Why college should be a journey of listening

4 Bilingual news report

5 。y D。 () O (So) ∧ (∧o) ﹥﹤ × :

6 Interpreting:听解-贮存与笔记-脱离词语外壳-译语表达
巨人国的经济形势最近有所好转。机械的引进使得农业获得了丰收, 而银行业的发展使得巨人们余下的财产有了去处。富裕起来的巨人们 开始发展科学和艺术,科学家人数已达30名,而艺术家的作品在国际 市场上最高能卖出50万玉米币。

7 Patchwork America 3文化P3

8 E-C 1 (D/Video) Thank you for Cradle Long been my dream
Give…an opportunity to… Delighted and privileged to Grateful for

9 C-E 1 Chinese Class, program Spoken by the largest number of people
对外汉语 学习班 使用人数最多 热潮 早该出现了 有……的历史 随着…… ……对……产生的影响 Chinese Class, program Spoken by the largest number of people Upsurge, fervor Should have emerged even earlier Has a history of …/dates back to… With…/when… Influence/impact/effect on

10 P-5 How do you flatter people?
Till this day Remark The late… …alone People of diligence Essential part It is clear to me that prospects Advance… In itself

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