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What Happened On The First Sunday

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1 What Happened On The First Sunday
After Easter Sunday?

2 20:19那 日 , ( 就 是 七 日 的 头 一 日 ) 晚 上 , 门 徒 所 在 的 地 方 , 因 怕 犹 太 人 , 门 都 关 了 。 耶 稣 来 站 在 当 中 , 对 他 们 说 , 愿 你 们 平 安 。20:20说 了 这 话 , 就 把 手 和 肋 旁 , 指 给 他 们 看 。 门 徒 看 见 主 , 就 喜 乐 了 。20:21耶 稣 又 对 他 们 说 , 愿 你 们 平 安 。 父 怎 样 差 遣 了 我 , 我 也 照 样 差 遣 你 们 。20:22说 了 这 话 , 就 向 他 们 吹 一 口 气 , 说 , 你 们 受 圣 灵 。20:23你 们 赦 免 谁 的 罪 , 谁 的 罪 就 赦 免 了 。 你 们 留 下 谁 的 罪 , 谁 的 罪 就 留 下 了 。 19 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” 20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.  21 Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” 22 And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”

3 20:24那 十 二 个 门 徒 中 , 有 称 为 抵 土 马 的 多 马 。 耶 稣 来 的 时 候 , 他 没 有 和 他 们 同 在 。
24 Now Thomas (also known as Didymus), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came.

4 20:25那 些 门 徒 对 他 说 , 我 们 已 经 看 见 主 了 。 多 马 却 说 , 我 非 看 见 他 手 上 的 钉 痕 , 用 指 头 探 入 那 钉 痕 , 又 用 手 探 入 他 的 肋 旁 , 我 总 不 信 。 25 So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!”    But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.

5 20:26过 了 八 日 , 门 徒 又 在 屋 里 , 多 马 也 和 他 们 同 在 , 门 都 关 了 。 耶 稣 来 站 在 当 中 说 , 愿 你 们 平 安 。
 26 A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”

6 至少四次,也许更多,耶稣对他的门徒谈到即将到来的死亡和复活
On at least 4 occasions, probably more, Jesus spoke to his disciples about his forthcoming death and resurrection: (1) Matt. 16:21(马太福音) (2) Matt. 17:22-23(马太福音) (3) Matt. 20:18-19 (马太福音) (4) John 14:19(约翰福音)

7 他们听从和理解他了吗? 证据表明他们并没有
Did they hear and understand him? The evidence suggests they did not: (1) Luke 24:1 (路加福音) (2) Matt. 28:17 (马太福音) (3) Luke 24:9-11 (路加福音) (4) Luke 24:41 (路加福音) (5) John 20:10-13 (约翰福音) (6) Luke 24:37 (路加福音) (7) John 20:26-29 (Thomas) (约翰福音)

8 For all the negative things about Thomas—and Jesus did rebuke him—there are four good, positive things we can say about this doubter 对于所有的关于多马负面的事情和耶稣对他的责备中,我们能发现对于这位怀疑者来说,至少有四件好的和正面的事情

9 That is what happened on that first Sunday after Easter Sunday
That is what happened on that first Sunday after Easter Sunday. And if God could change and use someone so full of doubts like Thomas, can He still do that with the person who will fall at the feet of Jesus, and say, “My Lord and my God.” The answer is “YES.”

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