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RI Presidents through the Ages

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1 RI Presidents through the Ages
歷屆國際扶輪社長 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL RI Presidents through the Ages

2 每一年度七月一日 Every year on 1 July, 國際扶輪 一位新社長上任 並提出 一個新年度主題
GLENN E. ESTESS SR Every year on 1 July, a new president takes office at Rotary International and presents a new theme for the year.

3 自從1910以來 Since 1910, 從保羅‧哈里斯開始經歷了九十四位社長,而他是唯一擔任兩年的國際扶輪社長。
保羅‧哈里斯PAUL P. HARRIS Since 1910, there have been 94 world presidents starting with founder Paul Harris, the only RI president to serve for two years.

4 該組織的第一個百週年 In the organization’s first century, 其社長們是來自世界各地的22個國家
presidents have hailed from 22 countries in every part of the world.

5 第一位非美裔的社長 The first non-U.S. president
E. LESLIE PIDGEON was Canadian Leslie Pidgeon in

6 於1931年 In 1931, 英國倫敦的Sydney Pascall 榮任第一位非北美的社長。 他是四大服務途徑原創作者。
SYDNEY W. PASCALL In 1931, Sydney Pascall of London, England, became the first president who was not from North America. He was also one of the original creators of the four Avenues of Service.

7 其他促成扶輪豐富的慣例與傳統的國際扶輪社長
Other RI presidents who have contributed to Rotary’s rich traditions and heritage include… ROTARY INTERNATIONAL

8 扶輪基金之父 創造四大考驗 成為扶輪社員 與非社員的 道德標竿 開始簡單的 年度主題
JOAQUIN SERRATOSA CIBILS (烏拉圭) ARCH C. KLUMPH (美國) HERBERT J. TAYLOR (美國) 扶輪基金之父 Is known as the father of The Rotary Foundation. 創造四大考驗 成為扶輪社員 與非社員的 道德標竿 Created The Four-Way Test, which became an ethical guidepost for Rotarians and non-Rotarians alike. 開始簡單的 年度主題 指引扶輪社員Launched the tradition of a simple annual theme to guide Rotarians.

9 自此,國際扶輪社長以 年度主題來激勵全世界扶輪社員做更大的服務
ROTARY INTERNATIONAL Since then, RI presidents have used annual themes to inspire Rotarians worldwide to greater service.

10 KIYOSHI TOGASAKI 1968-69(日本)
NITISH C. LAHARRY (印度) KIYOSHI TOGASAKI (日本) ROLF J. KLÄRICH (芬蘭) Kindle the Spark Within Participate! Take Time to Serve 燃起內心的火花 Discover yourself Develop your Power Demonstrate your Purpose 身體力行, 實踐扶輪。 及時服務

ROYCE ABBEY (澳洲) CLIFFORD L. DOCHTERMAN (美國) Put Life into Rotary — Your Life Real Happiness Is Helping Others 把你的生命活力獻給扶輪 助人真快樂

12 RI presidents have also inspired RI and Rotary Foundation programs.
國際扶輪社長也激勵著 國際扶輪與 扶輪基金會計劃 RI presidents have also inspired RI and Rotary Foundation programs. ROTARY INTERNATIONAL

13 Clem Renouf 提出第一個根除小兒麻痺等疾病之保健、防飢及人道(3-H)計劃 Reach Out 推己及人
introduced the 3-H program, which launched the first polio immunization project under James Bomar. CLEM RENOUF (澳洲) Reach Out 推己及人 提出第一個根除小兒麻痺等疾病之保健、防飢及人道(3-H)計劃 JAMES L. BOMAR JR (美國) Let Service Light the Way 光揚扶輪

14 Carlos Canseco 根除小兒麻痺等疾病之父 於其1984~85年度任內向全世界展開小兒痲痺免疫工作。
is sometimes called the Father of PolioPlus, because polio immunization was expanded to cover all the children of the world during his term in CARLOS CANSECO (墨西哥) 根除小兒麻痺等疾病之父 於其1984~85年度任內向全世界展開小兒痲痺免疫工作。 Discover a New World of Service 發現新的服務世界

15 M.A.T. Caparas 藉由扶輪社區服務團來倡導自助的觀念 Rotary Brings Hope 扶輪帶來希望
promoted the concept of self-help through the Rotary Village Corps.

16 Paulo Costa 保護行星地球計劃 發展 來推廣環保活動 Honor Rotary with Faith and Enthusiasm
PAULO V.C. COSTA (巴西) 發展 保護行星地球計劃 來推廣環保活動 Honor Rotary with Faith and Enthusiasm 以信心與熱誠 宏揚扶輪 developed the Preserve Planet Earth program to promote environmental action.

17 近年來, 國際扶輪社長支持了一些 重要的目標 In recent years, Rotary International presidents have championed a number of important causes. ROTARY INTERNATIONAL

18 建造廉價避難所 Building low-cost shelters Show Rotary Cares 表現 扶輪的關懷
GLEN W. KINROSS (澳大利) Show Rotary Cares 表現 扶輪的關懷 建造廉價避難所 Building low-cost shelters

19 幫助瀕臨危險的兒童 Helping at-risk children Follow Your Rotary Dream 追求你的 扶輪夢想
JAMES L. LACY (美國) Follow Your Rotary Dream 追求你的 扶輪夢想 幫助瀕臨危險的兒童 Helping at-risk children

20 舒緩貧窮 Alleviating poverty Look Beyond Yourself 超越自己 向前看
RAJENDRA K. SABOO (印度) Look Beyond Yourself 超越自己 向前看 舒緩貧窮 Alleviating poverty

21 增加社員來擴展服務 Expanding Rotary service by increasing membership
HERBERT G. BROWN (美國) Act with Integrity Serve with Love Work for Peace 以真誠來行動、 以愛心來服務、 為和平而奮鬥 增加社員來擴展服務 Expanding Rotary service by increasing membership

22 自從1985年以來 Since 1985, 所有國際扶輪社長從政府領導人尋求支持根除小兒麻痺等疾病
all RI presidents have sought support for polio eradication from government leaders,

23 捲起他們的袖子 協助 兒童免疫 while rolling up their sleeves to help immunize children.

24 以扶輪最高發言人身分 他們傳遞他們的希望與服務的訊息給世界的政治與宗教領袖們 As Rotary’s chief spokesmen,
they have carried their message of hope and service to the world’s political and religious leaders

25 以及傳遞給世界每一角落的扶輪社員,激勵他們永遠去做最高度的服務。
and to Rotarians in every part of the world, inspiring them always to greater heights of service.

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