NEWSLETTER LAW OFFICE 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM 06 2012 2012年第06期.

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1 NEWSLETTER LAW OFFICE 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM 06 2012 2012年第06期

2 目 录 CATALOGUE 本刊特稿 Special Manuscript 无锡市2012年度工伤和生育保险有关待遇自7月1日起调整
The relevant regulations of work-related injury and maternity insurance of Wuxi City in 2012 will be adjusted since July 1st,2012. 案例分析 Analysis of Case 女职工“三期”权益争议案例三则 Three Cases Regarding the Rights of Female Employee during Pregnancy, Child Birth and Baby Nursing Period. 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM LAW OFFICE

3 新法速递 New Laws and Regulations Express
关于审理买卖合同纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释 The Interpretation of the law applicable on the trial of cases of contract dispute. 无锡市将实施新的工伤保险浮动费率管理办法 The new Measures on work injury insurance for floating premium rate will be soon implemented in Wuxi. 关于调整无锡市最低工资标准的通知:无锡月最低工资标准或将调至1320元 Notice on Adjusting the Minimum Wage Standards of Wuxi: the minimum wage per month of Wuxi is raised to 1320. 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM LAW OFFICE

4 实务问答 Practice of Labor Laws
1. 在高温天气中,所有企业都需要支付高温津贴吗? Is it necessary for company to pay subsidies for high temperature in hot weather? 2. 工资集体协商一般主要内容有哪些? What are the main parts of the collective negotiation for wage? 3. 劳动合同约定工程款结清后再支付劳动报酬,是否有效? Is it valid if the labor contract stipulates labor payment shall be paid after the payment of construction debt? 4. 无锡是否是台湾居民口岸签注点?如何办理落地签? Does Wuxi belong to ports of visa on arrival for Taiwan residents? What is the procedure for applying the visa on arrival? 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM LAW OFFICE

5 实务问答 Practice of Labor Laws
5. 在对外劳务合作中,劳务人员在国外实际享有的权益与合同约定不符时,对外劳务合作企业承担什么责任? In foreign labor service cooperation, if the interests enjoyed by contract worker in foreign country don’t match the contract, what kind of liability shall the enterprise of foreign labor service cooperation assume? 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM LAW OFFICE

6 无锡市2012年度工伤和生育保险有关待遇自7月1日起调整
本刊特稿 Special Manuscript 无锡市2012年度工伤和生育保险有关待遇自7月1日起调整 The relevant regulations of work-related injury and maternity insurance of Wuxi City in 2012 will be adjusted since July 1st,2012. 根据《工伤保险条例》和《江苏省实施〈工伤保险条例〉办法》、《江苏省城镇企业职工生育保险规定》规定,从2012年7月1日起,对工伤和生育保险有关待遇进行调整,现将待遇调整有关事项通知如下: According to the" Regulations on Work-related Injury Insurance ", " Measures of Jiangsu Province for the Implementation of the Regulations on Work-related Injury Insurance" and “Regulations of Jiangsu Province on Maternity Insurance of urban employees”, treatment of work-related injury and maternity insurance will be adjusted since July 1, Now adjusted provisions are as follows: …… 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM LAW OFFICE

7 THANK YOU ! 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM 本期NEWSLETTER详细内容,可致电或发邮件索取,我所免费提供!
As for the content of this Newsletter in detail, you can ask for by Telephone or and we will provide it for you free. Tel : THANK YOU ! 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM LAW OFFICE 江苏锦程律师事务所 Jiang Su King's Wisdom Law Office Tel. : +86   1599 Fax.: +86   1598 地址 Address:  无锡市中山路333号华光大厦2楼A1座 邮编214001 2A1, Wah kwong Building, 333 Zhongshan Rd, Wuxi, China 214001

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