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曾在世界 漂流过 Drifter once upon a time.

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Presentation on theme: "曾在世界 漂流过 Drifter once upon a time."— Presentation transcript:

1 曾在世界 漂流过 Drifter once upon a time

2 曾在世界漂流过 曾在世界追求过 曾在世界奋斗过 人生依然是困惑
Once I drifted through the world Once I chased through the world Once I struggled through the world But I am still lost Drifter once upon a time - 1/6

3 什么是人生真谛 何处有真正福乐 生命在乎信靠主 福乐来自为主活
What is the true meaning of life where is there true bliss life depends on the Lord and happiness comes only from Him Drifter once upon a time - 2/6

4 美梦编织已很多 时间荒废已很多 精力消耗已很多 却仍在暗中摸索
The dream has been weaving a lot There has been a lot of time wasted With many sacrifices unaccounted for But still darkness at the end of tunnel Drifter once upon a time - 3/6

5 过去的时间已消逝 未来的永恒应把握 生命在乎信靠主 前途只因为主活
Let bygones be bygones Now seize the eternal opportunity Life depends on trusting the Lord Let Him dictate my future Drifter once upon a time - 4/6

6 耶稣救恩临到我 解开心中诸捆锁 脱离黑暗见光明 出死入生新人活
Jesus’ salvation came to me resolved all the oppression on my heart Out of darkness, into the light from death’s end to a new beginning Drifter once upon a time - 5/6

7 基督是问题答案 基督是我的一切 生命在乎信靠主 光明人生有把握
Christ is the answer to all questions Christ is everything to me Life is nothing but trusting Him And the blessed assurance of life Drifter once upon a time - 6/6

8 基督是问题答案 基督是我的一切 生命在乎信靠主 光明人生有把握
Christ is the answer to all questions Christ is everything to me Life is nothing but trusting Him And the blessed assurance of life Drifter once upon a time - 6/6

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