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Chapter 5 Civil Persons (民事主体)

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1 Chapter 5 Civil Persons (民事主体)
Section 1 Nationality, Domicile and Residence(国籍、住所与居所) Section 2 Law Applicable to Legal Capacity of Natural Persons (自然人权利能力的法律适用) Section 3 Law Applicable to Capacity to Act for Natural Persons (自然人行为能力的法律适用) Section 4 Law Applicable to Legal Capacity and Capacity to Act for Juridical Persons (法人权利能力和行为能力的法律适用) Section 5 Law Applicable to Personality(人格权的法律适用) 2019/4/30

2 第十五条 人格权的内容,适用权利人经常居所地法律。
《涉外民事关系法律适用法》 第十一条 自然人的民事权利能力,适用经常居所地法律。 第十二条 自然人的民事行为能力,适用经常居所地法律。 自然人从事民事活动,依照经常居所地法律为无民事行为能力,依照行为地法律为有民事行为能力的,适用行为地法律,但涉及婚姻家庭、继承的除外。 第十三条 宣告失踪或者宣告死亡,适用自然人经常居所地法律。 第十四条 法人及其分支机构的民事权利能力、民事行为能力、组织机构、股东权利义务等事项,适用登记地法律。 法人的主营业地与登记地不一致的,可以适用主营业地法律。法人的经常居所地,为其主营业地。 第十五条 人格权的内容,适用权利人经常居所地法律。 范围:…… 连结点:经常居所地Habitual Residence 行为地 Place of Conduct 登记地 Place of Registration 2019/4/30

3 第十九条 依照本法适用国籍国法律,自然人具有两个以上国籍的,适用有经常居所的国籍国法律;在所有国籍国均无经常居所的,适用与其有最密切联系的国籍国法律。自然人无国籍或者国籍不明的,适用其经常居所地法律。 第二十条 依照本法适用经常居所地法律,自然人经常居所地不明的,适用其现在居所地法律。 2019/4/30

4 Section 1 Nationality, Domicile and Residence
国际私法的主体,指能够参与国际民商事关系、在国际民商事关系中享有权利和承担义务的法律人格者,包括自然人、法人、国家和国际组织。 涉外民商事关系主体涉外性的确定:国籍、住所、经常居所 当事人属人法的确定:国籍、住所、居所、经常居所/惯常居所 2019/4/30

5 最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国涉外民事关系法律适用法》若干问题的解释(一)
第一条 民事关系具有下列情形之一的,人民法院可以认定为涉外民事关系: (一)当事人一方或双方是外国公民、外国法人或者其他组织、无国籍人; (二)当事人一方或双方的经常居所地在中华人民共和国领域外; (三)标的物在中华人民共和国领域外; (四)产生、变更或者消灭民事关系的法律事实发生在中华人民共和国领域外; (五)可以认定为涉外民事关系的其他情形。 2019/4/30

6 1. Nationality of Nature Person (1)国籍的概念:身份关系、权利义务关系
(2)作为连结点的国籍的确定(Determination of Nationality as a connecting factor) (3)国籍的冲突及其解决 ①国籍冲突 :国籍的确定取决于各有关国家的《国籍法》,各国《国籍法》的规定不同(国籍的取得、丧失与恢复等),导致多重国籍和无国籍情况。 [中华人民共和国国籍法] 2019/4/30

7 ②国籍冲突的解决 国籍冲突关系到法律的适用问题。国籍涉及对当事人民事法律地位的确定,更主要的是涉及当事人本国法的确定,即在当事人具有双重或多重国籍时,究竟应依哪一个国籍确定其本国法?在当事人无国籍时,应如何确定其本国法? 2019/4/30

8 多重国籍时本国法或国籍国法的确定: 【最高人民法院《关于贯彻执行<民法通则>若干问题的意见(试行)》第182条规定:“有双重或多重国籍的外国人,以其有住所或者与其有最密切联系的国家的法律为其本国法。”】 《涉外民事关系法律适用法》第19条:依照本法适用国籍国法律,自然人具有两个以上国籍的,适用有经常居所的国籍国法律;在所有国籍国均无经常居所的,适用与其有最密切联系的国籍国法律。  2019/4/30

9 《涉外民事关系法律适用法》第19条:自然人无国籍或者国籍不明的,适用其经常居所地法律。
无国籍时如何选择法律? 【 我国最高人民法院《关于贯彻执行《民法通则》若干问题的意见(试行)》第181条规定:“无国籍人的民事行为能力,一般适用其定居国法律;如未定居,适用其住所地国法。”】 《涉外民事关系法律适用法》第19条:自然人无国籍或者国籍不明的,适用其经常居所地法律。 2019/4/30

10 Citizenship in Swiss PIL
Art. 22 III. Citizenship The citizenship of a natural person shall be determined by the law of the State of the citizenship in question. Art. 23 IV. Multiple Citizenship 1. If a person is a citizen of one or more States to Switzerland, Swiss citizenship shall be determinative for purposes of jurisdiction based on citizenship. 2. If a person is a citizen of several States, the citizenship of the State with which the person is most closely connected shall be determinative for purposes of the applicable law unless this Code provides otherwise. 3. If the recognition of a foreign decision in Switzerland depends upon the citizenship of a person, it is sufficient to consider one of his citizenships. 2019/4/30

11 V. Stateless persons and refugees
Art. 24 V. Stateless persons and refugees 1. A person shall be regarded as stateless if he is recognized as such under the New York Convention of September 28, 1954 on the legal Status of Stateless Persons or if his relationship with the State of his citizenship has become so attenuated as to be equivalent to statelessness. 2. A person shall be regarded as a refugee if he is recognized as such under the Statute of Asylum of October 5, 1979. 3. If this Code is applied to stateless persons or refugees, domicile shall replace citizenship. 2019/4/30

12 2. Determination of domicile, habitual residence
【《民法通则》第15条:“公民以他的户籍所在地的居住地为住所,经常居住地与住所不一致的,经常居住地视为住所。” The domicile of a citizen shall be the place where his residence is registered; if his habitual residence is not the same as his domicile, his habitual residence shall be regarded as his domicile. 最高人民法院《关于贯彻执行《民法通则》若干问题的意见(试行)》:“9.公民离开住所地最后连续居住一年以上的地方,为经常居住地。但住医院治病的除外。公民由其户籍所在地迁出后至迁入另一地之前,无经常居住地的,仍以其原户籍所在地为住所。”】 2019/4/30

13 最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国涉外民事关系法律适用法》若干问题的解释(一)
第十五条 自然人在涉外民事关系产生或者变更、终止时已经连续居住一年以上且作为其生活中心的地方,人民法院可以认定为涉外民事关系法律适用法规定的自然人的经常居所地,但就医、劳务派遣、公务等情形除外。 2019/4/30

14 《涉外民事关系法律适用法》第20条:依照本法适用经常居所地法律,自然人经常居所地不明的,适用其现在居所地法律。
【最高人民法院《关于贯彻执行《民法通则》若干问题的意见(试行)》 :“183.当事人的住所不明或者不能确定的,以其经常居住地为住所。当事人有几个住所的,以与产生纠纷的民事关系有最密切联系的住所为住所。”】 《涉外民事关系法律适用法》第20条:依照本法适用经常居所地法律,自然人经常居所地不明的,适用其现在居所地法律。 2019/4/30

15 Domicile in UK A person’s domicile must be ascertained by applying English law. No person can be without a domicile. No one can have more than one domicile for any one purpose at the same time. 1.Meaning of domicile 2.Different kinds of domicile: (1) domicile of origin (2) domicile of choice (3) domicile of dependence 2019/4/30

16 A person’s residence is where he lives. It is a question of fact.
3. Ordinary residence A person’s residence is where he lives. It is a question of fact. 4.Habitual residence Habitual residence must be understood in the natural and ordinary meaning of those words and is a question of fact to be decided in the light of the circumstances of the case. 2019/4/30

17 1. For the purposes of this Code, a natural person:
Swiss PIL Art. 20 I. Domicile, habitual residence, and place of business of a natural person 1. For the purposes of this Code, a natural person: a. Has his domicile in the State in which he resides with the intention to remain permanently; b. Has his place of habitual residence in the State in which he lives for an extended period of time, even if this time period is limited from the outset; c. Has his place of business in the State in which his professional of business activities are centered. 2. No person can have more than one domicile at the same time. If a person has no domicile, the place of his habitual residence shall be determinative. The provisions of the Civil Code regarding domicile and residence shall not be applicable. 2019/4/30

18 (1)Determination of the nationality of juridical person
【《民法通则》第41条第2款规定:“在中华人民共和国领域内设立的中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业和外资企业,具备法人条件的依法经工商行政管理机关核准登记,取得中国法人资格。” A Chinese-foreign equity joint venture, Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture or foreign-capital enterprise established within the People's Republic of China shall be qualified as a legal person in China if it has the qualifications of a legal person and has been approved and registered by the administrative agency for industry and commerce in according with the law. 最高人民法院《关于贯彻执行《民法通则》若干问题的意见(试行)》第184条规定:“外国法人以其注册登记地国家的法律为其本国法,……。”】 2019/4/30

19 “鹿园公司诉北京中美金车银港汽车科技服务有限公司股东知情权纠纷案”北京市第一中级人民法院(2008)一中民初字第6222号民事判决书
本院认为,鹿园公司系在美国依法注册成立的法人企业,依据美国有关法律,其具有民事行为能力,亦具备我国民事诉讼法规定的诉讼主体的资格。中美金车公司系在中国依法注册成立的具备法人资格的中外合作经营企业,其具有民事行为能力,符合我国民事诉讼法规定的诉讼主体资格。     关于本案实体处理准据法的适用问题。本院认为,本案系涉外股东知情权纠纷,根据国际私法惯例,本案应适用“最密切联系原则”确定本案实体处理的准据法。因本案被告中美金车公司位于中华人民共和国境内,本案应适用被告住所地即中华人民共和国的民事法律。故本案在实体法上适用《中华人民共和国公司法》。   2019/4/30

20 《涉外民事关系法律适用法》第14条:法人及其分支机构的民事权利能力、民事行为能力、组织机构、股东权利义务等事项,适用登记地法律。……
最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国涉外民事关系法律适用法》若干问题的解释(一)第十六条: “人民法院应当将法人的设立登记地认定为涉外民事关系法律适用法规定的法人的登记地。” 2019/4/30

21 4.Domicile and Habitual Residence of Juridical Person
【《民法通则》/ General Principles of the Civil Law of the People‘s Republic of China Article 39: A legal person’s domicile shall be the place where its main administrative office is located. 法人以它的主要办事机构所在地为住所】 《涉外民事关系法律适用法》第14条:法人及其分支机构的民事权利能力、民事行为能力、组织机构、股东权利义务等事项,适用登记地法律。法人的主营业地与登记地不一致的,可以适用主营业地法律。法人的经常居所地,为其主营业地。[法人登记地 v 法人经常居所地] 2019/4/30

22 Companies’ domicile and residence in UK
The personal law of a company is that of its domicile, which means the law of the place of its incorporation. The residence of a company, which is chiefly important for tax purposes, is determined not by the place of its incorporation, but by where its “central management and control” is exercised. 2019/4/30

23 II. Corporate domicile and place of business
Swiss PIL Art. 21 II. Corporate domicile and place of business 1. In the case of companies, the registered office shall be deemed to be the domicile. 2. The registered office of a company is the place specified in the certificate of incorporation or the deed of partnership. In the absence of such designation, the registered office of the company shall be the place where it is administered in fact. 3. The place of business of a company shall be in the State in which it has its registered office or a branch. 2019/4/30

24 Section 2 Law Applicable to Legal Capacity of Natural Persons
1.自然人权利能力的法律冲突? 自然人权利能力:享有民事权利和承担民事义务的能力或资格。(出生——死亡) (1)权利能力的开始?:自然人的“出生” 问题 (2)权利能力的终止?: 生理死亡 宣告失踪和宣告死亡 2019/4/30

25 《涉外民事关系法律适用法》第11条:自然人的民事权利能力,适用经常居所地法律。
2.自然人权利能力的法律适用 《涉外民事关系法律适用法》第11条:自然人的民事权利能力,适用经常居所地法律。 2019/4/30

26 Swiss PIL Art. 34 II. Legal capacity
1. Legal capacity shall be governed by Swiss law. 2. The beginning and termination of legal personality shall be governed by the law applicable to the legal relationship which presupposes legal capacity. 2019/4/30

27 《涉外民事关系法律适用法》第13条:宣告失踪或者宣告死亡,适用自然人经常居所地法律。
3.涉外失踪和死亡宣告的法律适用 《涉外民事关系法律适用法》第13条:宣告失踪或者宣告死亡,适用自然人经常居所地法律。 2019/4/30

28 Swiss PIL Art. 41 V. Declaration of disappearance
1. Jurisdiction and applicable law (1) The Swiss courts at the last known domicile of a missing person shall have jurisdiction to enter a declaration of disappearance. (2) The Swiss courts shall also have jurisdiction to enter a declaration of disappearance if a legitimate interest justifies it. (3)The conditions and effects of the declaration of disappearance shall be governed by Swiss law. 2019/4/30

29 Section 3 Law Applicable to Capacity to Act for Natural Persons
1.自然人行为能力的法律冲突? 自然人行为能力:法律确认公民通过自己的行为从事民事活动,参加民事法律关系,取得民事权利和承担民事义务的能力。 (不是每一个具有权利能力的人都具有行为能力。取得行为能力的条件有两个:一是自然人必须达到法定年龄;二是自然人必须心智健全,能够承担自己行为的法律后果。) 2019/4/30

30 自然人行为能力的法律冲突: (1) 法定的成年年龄规定不同;
(2) 禁治产制度的规定不同。【禁治产制度是各国为了保护虽达到成年年龄,但由于先天或后天原因而造成其能力低下的人的利益而禁止其经营自己的财产的制度。】 2019/4/30

31 2.自然人行为能力的法律适用 李查蒂案 一个叫李查蒂的墨西哥人,22岁,在法国签署了8万法郎的期票,向巴黎一位商人购买珠宝。等到要求他付款时,他拒绝了。理由是,他订立合同时,依其属人法即墨西哥法他没有成年(依墨西哥法,25岁为成年,而依法国法(21岁成年)已属成年)。该契约是否有效?? 2019/4/30

32 我国法律对自然人民事行为能力的法律适用的规定?

33 (1)定居国外的我国公民的民事行为能力,如其行为是在我国境内所为,适用我国法律;在定居国所为,可以适用定居国法律;
【《民法通则》 第143条:“中华人民共和国公民定居国外的,他的民事行为能力可以适用定居国法律。”If a citizen of the People's Republic of China settles in a foreign country, the law of that country may be applicable as regards his capacity to act. 最高院司法解释第 条: (1)定居国外的我国公民的民事行为能力,如其行为是在我国境内所为,适用我国法律;在定居国所为,可以适用定居国法律; (2)外国人在我国领域内进行民事活动,如依其本国法为无民事行为能力,而依我国法律为有民事行为能力,应当认定有民事行为能力; (3)无国籍人的民事行为能力,一般适用其定居国法律,如未定居,适用其住所地国法律。】 2019/4/30

34 [本国法、定居国法、行为地法、住所地法]
《票据法》第96条: “票据债务人的民事行为能力,适用其本国法律。票据债务人的民事行为能力,依照其本国法律为无民事行为能力或者为限制民事行为能力而依照行为地法律为完全民事行为能力的,适用行为地法律。” [本国法、定居国法、行为地法、住所地法] 2019/4/30

35 Negotiable Instruments Law of the People's Republic of China
Article 96 The capacity of a debtor of negotiable instruments to act shall be governed by the law of his nationality. If under the law of his nationality, the debtor lacks capacity or has restricted capacity, but under the law of the place of act he has capacity, the law of the place of act shall governed. 2019/4/30

36 《涉外民事关系法律适用法》第12条:自然人的民事行为能力,适用经常居所地法律。
自然人从事民事活动,依照经常居所地法律为无民事行为能力,依照行为地法律为有民事行为能力的,适用行为地法律,但涉及婚姻家庭、继承的除外。 2019/4/30

37 案例分析 中国江苏省某进出口公司在南京与一位19周岁的意大利籍商人马克签订了一份某商品进口合同,由该意大利商人供货。合同签订后至交货期间,该商品价格因故在国际市场上暴涨。该意大利商人如果履行合同按原订价格供货,将给他造成巨大损失。为了不履行合同,也不承担违约责任,该商人向某进出口公司表示,按照意大利法律,他是未成年人,不具有完全民事行为能力,不能成为合同关系的主体,因而他们之间的商品买卖合同无效。某进出口公司随即向当地法院提起诉讼,要求意大利商人承担违约责任,赔偿该公司的损失。 2019/4/30

38 法院受理后,经审查认定,本案合同的履行地在中国,应适用中国法。根据我国法律规定,满18周岁时就具有完全民事行为能力,因此,双方签订的买卖合同有效,该意大利商人不履行合同是违约行为。判令其赔偿因违约给某进出口公司造成的损失。 问题:1)请谈谈你对本案法律适用的看法。 2019/4/30

39 Swiss PIL Art. 35 III. Capacity to act 1. General rule
The capacity to act shall be governed by the law of the domicile. A change of domicile shall not affect the capacity to act once that capacity has been acquired. Art. 36 2. Estoppel A party to a legal transaction who lacks capacity under the law of the State of his domicile may not invoke that incapacity if he had capacity under the law of the State in which the transaction was accomplished unless the other party knew or should have known of that incapacity. This rule is inapplicable to legal transactions concerning family law, the law of inheritance, or real property rights. 2019/4/30

40 3.禁治产宣告的法律适用 三种主张: (1)依被宣告人的本国法; (2)依法院地法; (3)依被宣告人本国法及法院地法。 我国该如何规定?

41 Status (16-IV-2009)(Number of states to this Convention): 4
Convention of 13 January 2000 on the International Protection of Adults Status (16-IV-2009)(Number of states to this Convention): 4 France, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. CHAPTER III - APPLICABLE LAW Article 13 1. In exercising their jurisdiction under the provisions of Chapter II, the authorities of the Contracting States shall apply their own law. 2. However, in so far as the protection of the person or the property of the adult requires, they may exceptionally apply or take into consideration the law of another State with which the situation has a substantial connection. 2019/4/30

42 2. The States whose laws may be designated are -
Article 14 Where a measure taken in one Contracting State is implemented in another Contracting State, the conditions of its implementation are governed by the law of that other State. Article 15 1. The existence, extent, modification and extinction of powers of representation granted by an adult, either under an agreement or by a unilateral act, to be exercised when such adult is not in a position to protect his or her interests, are governed by the law of the State of the adult's habitual residence at the time of the agreement or act, unless one of the laws mentioned in paragraph 2 has been designated expressly in writing. 2. The States whose laws may be designated are - a) a State of which the adult is a national; b) the State of a former habitual residence of the adult; c) a State in which property of the adult is located, with respect to that property. 3. The manner of exercise of such powers of representation is governed by the law of the State in which they are exercised. 2019/4/30

43 Article 16 Where powers of representation referred to in Article 15 are not exercised in a manner sufficient to guarantee the protection of the person or property of the adult, they may be withdrawn or modified by measures taken by an authority having jurisdiction under the Convention. Where such powers of representation are withdrawn or modified, the law referred to in Article 15 should be taken into consideration to the extent possible. Article 17 1. The validity of a transaction entered into between a third party and another person who would be entitled to act as the adult's representative under the law of the State where the transaction was concluded cannot be contested, and the third party cannot be held liable, on the sole ground that the other person was not entitled to act as the adult's representative under the law designated by the provisions of this Chapter, unless the third party knew or should have known that such capacity was governed by the latter law. 2. The preceding paragraph applies only if the transaction was entered into between persons present on the territory of the same State. 2019/4/30

44 法人的权利能力:法人作为民事权利主体,享受民事权利和承担民事义务的资格。
Section 4 Law Applicable to Legal Capacity and Capacity to Act for Juridical Persons 法人的权利能力:法人作为民事权利主体,享受民事权利和承担民事义务的资格。 法人的行为能力:法人通过自身的行为取得民事权利和承担民事义务的资格。 2019/4/30

45 【最高人民法院《关于贯彻执行《民法通则》若干问题的意见(试行)》第184条规定:“外国法人以其注册登记地国家的法律为其本国法,法人的民事行为能力依其本国法确定。外国法人在我国领域内进行的民事活动,必须符合我国的法律规定。 ”】 2019/4/30

46 法人及其分支机构的民事权利能力、民事行为能力、组织机构、股东权利义务等事项,适用登记地法律。
《涉外民事关系法律适用法》第14条: 法人及其分支机构的民事权利能力、民事行为能力、组织机构、股东权利义务等事项,适用登记地法律。 法人的主营业地与登记地不一致的,可以适用主营业地法律。法人的经常居所地,为其主营业地。 2019/4/30

47 Swiss PIL Art. 154 III. Applicable law 1. General rule
(1) Companies shall be governed by the law of the State under which they are organized if they satisfy the publication or registration requirements of that law or, if there are no such requirements, if they are organized according to the law of that State. (2) A company which fails to meet these conditions shall be governed by the law of the State in which it is administered in fact. 2019/4/30

48 a. The legal nature of the company; b. The formation and dissolution;
Art. 155 2. Scope Except as set forth in Articles 156 to 161, the law applicable to the company shall govern in particular: a. The legal nature of the company; b. The formation and dissolution; c. The legal capacity and the capacity to act; d. The name or the style; e. The organization; f. The internal relationships, in particular the relationship between the company and its members; g. The liability arising from the violation of company law; h. The liability for the debts of the company; i. The power to represent the company by the persons acting for it pursuant to its organization. 2019/4/30

49 Section 5 Law Applicable to Personality
《涉外民事关系法律适用法》第15条:人格权的内容,适用权利人经常居所地法律。 2019/4/30

50 authorities of the canton of his citizenship.
Swiss PIL Art. 38 2. Change of name 1 The Swiss authorities at the domicile of the applicant shall have jurisdiction over a petition to change his name. 2 A Swiss citizen without a Swiss domicile may file a petition for a change of name with the authorities of the canton of his citizenship. 3 The conditions and effects of a change of name shall be governed by Swiss law. Art. 39 3. Change of name entered abroad A change of name entered abroad shall be recognized in Switzerland if it is valid in the State of domicile or in the State of citizenship of the applicant. Art. 40 4. Entry in the register of births, deaths, and marriages The name shall be entered in the register of births, deaths, and marriages in accordance with Swiss registration principles. 2019/4/30

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