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There is a Savior who died at Calvary, crucified in pain and disgrace.

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Presentation on theme: "There is a Savior who died at Calvary, crucified in pain and disgrace."— Presentation transcript:

1 There is a Savior who died at Calvary, crucified in pain and disgrace.
There is a Savior who paid the price for me. In agony He took my place. 在加略山, 有一位救主痛苦又羞辱地 被釘死在十字架上, 祂為我付上贖價,替我受死 He Is Jesus 祂是耶穌 (1)

2 He is holy, holy, wonderful Redeemer, mighty Prince of Peace.
He is Alpha and Omega, He is Jesus. 祂本為聖, 是奇妙的救贖主, 全能的和平之君, 祂是首先的,也是末後的 祂是耶穌 He Is Jesus 祂是耶穌 (2)

3 The tomb could not contain Him, He lives in heaven today.
There is a Savior who broke the chains of death, bursting forth from the grave. The tomb could not contain Him, He won the victory. He lives in heaven today. 有一位救主, 斷開死亡的鎖鍊, 從死裏復活墳墓不能拘禁祂, 祂已戰勝死亡 今在天上活著 He Is Jesus 祂是耶穌 (3)

4 He is holy, holy, wonderful Redeemer, mighty Prince of Peace.
He is Alpha and Omega, He is Jesus. 祂本為聖, 是奇妙的救贖主, 全能的和平之君, 祂是首先的,也是末後的 祂是耶穌 He Is Jesus 祂是耶穌 (4)

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