興起! 發光!Arise, shine, Isaiah以賽亞書60:1-2.

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1 興起! 發光!Arise, shine, Isaiah以賽亞書60:1-2

2 韓德爾(George F. Handel 1741) 彌賽亞 Messiah

3 一、韓德爾(George F. Handel 1741) 神劇:彌賽亞Messiah
1742/4/13 in Dublin在愛爾蘭都柏林首演,18人詩班、33件樂器由韓德爾親自指揮,並將該場收入捐助因生活困頓無力償債而入獄的囚犯與醫院。 1743,London倫敦上演時英王喬治二世親臨 1789,Mozart莫札特重編樂譜,參與人數大增 1859,韓氏100年紀念會,合唱團 2765人 1869,Boston美國波士頓, 一萬人大合Alleluia 2012,台灣YMCA,連續65年固定12月演出不止

4 Isaiah賽60:1-2 興起,發光!因為你的光已經來到!耶和華的榮耀發現照耀你。看哪,黑暗遮蓋大地,幽暗遮蓋萬民,耶和華卻要顯現照耀你;他的榮耀要現在你身上。 “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.”

5 二、光與聖經 Light in Bible 上帝命令:「要有光。」光就出現。And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. (Gen.創1:3) 我到世上來,乃是光,叫凡信我的,不住在黑暗裡。I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness. (John約翰12:46) 你們是世界的光。You are the light of the world. (Matthew馬太5:14)

6 三、光的意義Meaning of Light
1.光照to Light 2.保護to Protect 3.醫治to Heal 4.同在to Be with 5.能力to Power

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